How's he wrong here? Charlotte has plenty of losses in the last few months
Of course Dave is gonna protect Charlotte from criticism, she's the daughter of (arguably) his most significant source.
Roman has plenty of losses on PPVs, but still got opportunity after opportunity. Same thing with Charles. And there's still no storyline explanation of why she got a title match last, just like there's no real explanation of why Vince hates Kofi. All of this shit is just lazy
Like why not spend a minute last night and have Charles cut a promo where she says "Everyone keeps saying I don't deserve to be in the main event. Well I'll show you. I am going to beat the best Smackdown has to offer. Asuka come out here now!"
At least it's something. There was no explanation or reason for her to have a title shot last night and there's no explanation or reason for that title to be present in the Raw women's title match
Here's the best thing about Dave when it comes to WWE: there's roughly a 99% chance that what he says is the exact opposite of what's happening.
>November 2017
R-ronda i-sn't signing and she's um she's not in talks
>she signed the contract in October Dave
>RR 2018
>she's uh she's ok yeah she's gonna enter number 1 and w-win it
>she does no such thing
>WM season
>n-no she's um, no it's not kurt they're just using him as a placeholder to get Dwayne in. I-I mean R-rock yeah, Rock.
Basically if he mentions women, he's lying
The site implied it was the McMahons doing her a favour as she's their pick but they did absolutely nothing to convey that on TV.
Yea, that's my point. Vince was fucking there last night. Take one fucking minute of the show and at least have Charles go to Vince and ask for the match. Do something. This just felt random, thrown together and made absolutely no sense
They said it on commentary, after being extremely surprised about the title shot she got.
I think Corey said "she has pull on McMahon" or something like that.
>Everyone keeps saying I don't deserve to be in the main event. Well I'll show you.
She said that, she just didn't continue with the rest of the sentence.
This is stupid as fuck
anyone who cant see that Charlotte isn't taking a back seat to Becky is blind.
That's like saying Bryan at fastlane was being pushed harder than Roman
sorry double negative.
Charlotte has clearly took a backseat to Becky.
which is pretty short sighted, since Charlotte has 2x the talent, but WWE want to strike while the iron is hot on Becks
>last few months
Key phrase. The Roman push, much like the Chuck push, was years long.
When was the last time the most talented wrestler was pushed as the top star in the company? Charles is more talented in the ring than Becky, but fans really don't give a shit about her.
I like Dave but he’s always been really soft on Charlotte.
Ehhhhh this one is different though people, gotta look a bit deeper.
Talent AND Charisma AND ability to carry championship feuds.
Charlotte is almost at the level of dominance that Bryan is at - Better than most any woman in the ring, better than most any woman on the mic, more interesting angles and feuds than most any woman can pull off.
Becky is like a mix between Braun and AJ without the in ring skills.
a little hype with the chase, but nothing to show for it once the hype starts to die.
And I think her hype will die very very quickly.. I like her a lot but it feels like Kofis current heat - being cheered cause others are cheering
She's trash in the ring and her mic skills consist of ripping off her dad's catchphrases and bragging about holding the most fake fighting championships because she was booked to win them. Get her tranny cock out of your mouth.
Answer me this you smartass. Charlotte's push is NOT Roman's push.
Those are two different things you wanker.
easy does it lil jimmy, I don't care for charlotte at all.
shes probably the top performer in the ring in the company in a 10+ minute match
And she has more comfort on the Mic and a better promo than any other woman.
Becky is middle of the pack on the mic, and above average in the ring.
this isn't my opinion, its just obvious
>Lynch is the reigns
>Charlotte still wins everything
top female performer* obviously
She just won a title on an episode of SmackDown because she's not winning Mania. Nobody else gets compensation like that
She used to be face until recently, faggit. Remember that initially it was the child aborter that was supposed to be a cheating sore loser but the crowd kept cheering her and booing the tranny.
Before the lil jimmy jumps on you.
I somewhat agree, but I have another opinion, why she has the best matches out of the lot.
By the way my second best match of 2018 from WWE's main roster was Charlotte vs. Ronda, Survivor Series, I like Charlotte's matches a lot.
My opinion why she is the best is because they are giving her the most care of all their female performers besides Ronda. And that is good, because I agree with them, but also makes me wonder, what if they have put as much stock into others as they put in Charlotte.
easy does it lil jimmy, I don't care for becky at all.
charlotte is just pure shit both on the mic and especially in the ring.
how goofy are you guys?
Charlottes win wasn't for charlotte
it was to not take attention away from Beckys win, and to add importance to it.
Weve seen shit like this a hundred times
>here ya go Cannonball tits, a new record just for you!
>I-I mean it's um, i-it's just so you can l-lose to Becky
How dense are you? She got the fucking record so she won't be upstaged again like on ESPN when she's only known as Ric's daughter
And when she was a face she did not held any titles, until she beat Carmella at SummerSlam and went into program against Becky, where Becky was cheered and they had to turn her to her natural position of heel.
And she is NEVER portrayed as an underdog. She is always dominant and even if heels manage to get upper hand on her it is because there is more of them or they cheat.
She is never underdog, like they tried to sell Roman to us.
Her push is not Roman push. Her push is Ace push, but you do not recognize shit like that, because you only know one kind of push you dislike.
Charlotte is not destroying storytelling and making a mess out of logic inside the story. Her chracters fits. You may dislike her, BUT THAT IS THE POINT OF HER CHARACTER, you moron.
i hear your point, but i don't think that's really fair at all.
Some performers know how to pace a 15 minute match, many don't.
We have enough evidence that Charlotte has probably been in 10 out of the top 20 matches in recent years, at least.
I don't even know if becky can put on a decent 15 minute match without someone carrying her.
Ronda, despite her problems, has been an absolute success in the ring but still needs someone to help pace for her.
I don't like charlotte in particular, but on the womens scale shes a 8/10 in the ring and a 9/10 on the mic.
I happen to personally like Becky but she is a 6/10 in the ring and a 5.5/10 on the mic.
is what im saying really controversial to anyone? bizarre conversation
what don't you get, her and ronda are about to be buried on the biggest stage.
The Big Bitch was an underdog against Bork though, the champ. Charlotte is just an over pushed shitter.
She was a heel before she moved to smack. Desu she is a natural heel since she is like 4 inches taller than most of the girls
Neither of those bitches can work a match to save their lives.
>Charles is a 9/10 on the mic
Holy fucking YIKES
Nope. Cannonball tits and dickless Becky are going to do the embrace, followed by Ronda blind-siding them in the hope that she'll finally be booed (she won't, she can't ever be heel, the fans love her too much) and then bay-bay and sashetty pop out to help out, queue the three mma whores and we got us a Summerslam match for the titles, cannonball tits and dickless wonder to merge the womens titles and at survivor series rondetty makes her "heel" turn (again, which will fail kek) and 4 actual athletes vs sasha/bay/beck/charlie with the latter standing tall as sole survivor
None of this is about Beck and never fucking was. She was a freak accident. This is solely about Charles and getting her cheered
She is a natural heel because she barely gets cheered in her home town. And being a heel is far easier in the wwe than being a face.
WWE writers cant create faces.
haha jesus Christ you guys really did get emotionally invested in this match.
Charlotte is the best female on the mic by a mile.
Shes better than 60% of the men on the mic.
This isn't controversial. At all.
The dude you are answering to chooses not to remember that every time Charlotte is in title contendership she is the heel, but turns face when she is on the down slope and cools down.
The biggest pushes she has when she is a heel. Because she is not a good babyface and everyone knows that.
Bt this little user wants to tell us she is Roman, who is the babyface and was underdog agaisnt Sheamus, Trips, Brock, Braun, Wyatts, EVEN FUCKING AJ STYLES.
Get that tranny dick out of your mouth if you want to talk to us.
>she can't ever be heel, the fans love her too much
You aren't watching, are you?
dude, why are you being such a pussy?
were you molested by a 6 foot woman when you were young, or beat up by Breanne of Tarth in middle school?
im not a fan of charlotte.
But im not fucking blind and stupiud enough to pretend she isn't the top talent in the womans division.
Who the fuck else is there?
really. who?
Sasha and baily? no.
becky? obviously not.
The only woman as good as her on the mic is Alexa, and Nia when shes feeling good.
user, her heel turn is about as effective as Austin turning "heel" when he won the first title - he's just not into being the authority's bitch.
She tries so, so much to cut a heel promo and she can't - it just comes of as "fuck ya'll, I'm doing what I want" aka: she's Austin. Beck is hhh/dx with the whole "lol imma troll u, u mad!" bullshit he'd pull and Charlie is just the third wheel
IT was literally supposed to be Charlie/Rondetty and Charlie wins. That's the only fucking reason Ronda was ever brought in. It was why they had the story ending for SS - title vs title but Charlie, thankfully, got injured
>im not a fan of charlotte
Sure you aren't, tranny lover.
If he cant honestly see why charles being handed a title opportunity for literally no reason and that being glossed over for the fuck of it is go away heat then idk anymore bros. Legit this angle is suppose to empower women, but has taken a huge match opportunity from the division. How does that make sense? And it is 100% charles fault if you want to blame anything. She had no reason to be in this match other than her last name. The second title wouldnt even be a thought to be included without her third wheel ass. I get their using this bs as advantage for the story. But you have legit fans of asuka, carmella, mandy, naomi, etc who have nothing for the show. The division was big enough for 2 belts and a tag title. Maybe they can make an IC like belt. Because if not what happens to all the lost solo acts like Naomi and Asuka.
It's beyond stupid and when people look back at this WM they will see this isn't a womens expansion. They have an inability to build multiple stars.
People booed Ronda (a supposed face) against Charlotte (a supposed heel) at Survivor Series, because Charles was chosen by Becky. And when Charlotte snapped and pulled out a kendo stick and beat the living shit out of Ronda, they still cheered Charlotte.
Ronda is not likeable. People would start booing her one way or another and WWE lucked into (thanks to Nia) a situation where in this program they have very much cheered face, very much booed heel and someone who needed a place in it.
So they turned Ronda and people are booing her now, especially when she is in the ring with Becky.
shes not going to hurt you man, we're all here for you.
i want you to tell me who is better than charlotte on the mic.
and who is better in the ring.
They had months, MONTHS to build a credible challenger for Asuka and did nothing. Instead, 2 weeks before mania, they give the belt to someone who has been pushed for 4 years and who won't even defend the belt at mania. Its fucking absurd
You are beign too emotional and you bought into the storyline.
Me and we did not. We are trying to explain here, how this thing works. And someone is trying to call him tranny lover because he thinks with his brain and offers logic instead of buzzwords and emotional bullshit.
user, they wanted Becky. Nia injured her.
They no longer wanted the fucking match so of course they booed.
Ronda cannot turn - she's too loved by the fans. One instance of the smarks bitching because "muh ginger girl" not being there =/= heel
Unless we're assuming Rey being booed at the rumble a while back is him being a heel because they didn't get Danial?
Ronda was booed later as well, when she was supposed to be the face. And then they turned her and she is booed now.
You are not watching.
Do you guys actually think Charlotte is happy, knowing they threw her the belt after ripping it off of Aska for the sole purpose of putting becky over more and not confusing the fans on whether or not the blue belt is as important as the red belt?
have you not been watching WWE for 20 years and still not figured out Vinces obvious mind
Ronda was booed when she won because the match lacked Becky.
Basically instead of booing Nia, they booed Ronda.
Then the next night was cheers again
She is still face. Her "turning" and telling the authority heels she won't be their bitch, isn't a heel move, it's a face move. At worst, she's just anti-hero, like STONE COLD
>And when she was a face she did not held any titles, until she beat Carmella at SummerSlam
She was a face when she beat Natalya for the title
And to have two strong women at the heads of their respective divisions while they come to USA with only RAW and come to FOX with SDL.
Especially if Ronda is leaving and won't be coming back for a while.
You need both main foci of a divisions in your main event. So both of them can talk about it and their opponents can be jealous in storyline about them being the first in main event of WM.
It makes too much sense for it to be Triple Threat and to to have both belts present, while it being only for one belt.
>just like there's no real explanation of why Vince hates Kofi.
oh you definitely know why
You can use logic all you fucking want. None of the past booking for ANY of the womens shit besides the tag titles has made a lick of sense.
Charles being forced has ruined any coherency. But I mean it makes sense that she would be in the match given she was intended to face Ronda the whole time. I get 100% Becky was thrown in, but at least she was thrown into the you because it was what the fans wanted. It was natural. This retard Meltzer calling Becky Roman is fucking asinine. I legitimately think he is retarded like mentally challenged as in needs help functioning through normal daily tasks.
This is what they did: they had a clear triple threat story to tell with becky being the underdog. Charles being thrown in but a huge threat. Ronda being the biggest threat. Charles and Beckys friendship. Rondas sense to prove herself. But because they cant fathom brand splits an entire separate part of the division gets held in the cross fire who had a match set for them in asuka. They had a historical mania for women set up and have used every female to push only 5 chicks. All horsewomen except Ronda because she's the key to any of this happening. If these chicks dont fucking kill it the entire womens division should be pissed because all of their careers got put on hold for this shit.
>She was a face when she beat Natalya for the title
In 2017? Year and a half ago? Was she even really pushed? I don't remember this reign at all.
olive branch man, Becky isn't Roman yet, but she is roman in the way that WWE is clearly choosing her to beat everyone and go to the top of the mountain.
Becky and Kofi have a lot of similarities push wise, but Becky is more Roman than she is Kofi, Becky has been pushed as the top women's star for almost what 6 months or so?
the point is they built Charlotte more just to lose to becky.
Asuka is better in the ring, and every single women who wrestled her backs it up, including Charlotte herself.
That's a fair statement that i wouldn't push back too hard on, though Charlotte has had 10x more 15+ minute matches than Asuka.
But is that all?
And what about on the mic?
As I have said, you are too emotional.
The story makes sense. We are not saying it is right thing to do or wrong thing to do.
We are just saying that Charlotte is literally the best female performer they have.
And she is.
She looks like a star, has a presence, if she is a heel, she talks like a star (when she is face, she is very bad promo, she should just stay heel forever), she has good matches, she has GREAT plunder matches and there are performers she has tremendous chemistry with (Asuka is one of them).
The only thign that didn't made sense was Becky shitting on the crowd right after the turn, because it was illogical. The rest of it? Yes, they took too many twists and turns and made it too complicated, but that is because they do not know how to do simple story if they have too much time with it.
Hopefully. It's hard to trust the right booking choice when they struggled hyping this match up. But still context matters. Becky was never the plan since the get go unlike Roman.
The real annoying thing is that Asuka is ding-dong diddly retire soon and they push off any huge moment she can have at mania.
I just have to laugh at Charles as a heel working a great heel style to get heat like the Moonsault, Spanish Fly, the shiw if strength by lifting Asuka into a powerbomb durung a submission and other classic heel moves. It is not like the fans are conditioned to see feats of strength and heart in a match as face moves by the top faces like Cena and Roman, and not like high flying moves are traditionally face moves to wow the crowfd and gain support. As well as the ending with the heel Charles winning clean and making the face champ tap on tv in a last minute match, with the crowd of drones, I mean great diverse fans cheering as they are conditioned to after any result in a epic big movez match...
Great booking and did wonders for the talent, I am sure viewers and ticket sales are better than ever.
Ok, but are you blaming charlotte for Asuka losing?
Charlottes initial response was most likely "Hell no"
>She looks like a star
I'll say this. Charles is needed for thismatch to be any good at all that's correct. Becky turning on the crowd was fucking retarded lmao. Either way taking the 2 belts better mean something long term which spoiler it won't matter and will be a waste.
OK. Once again. As someone who doesn't find her attractive At all, she is comparable to Roman Reigns in "perfect look" as well.
What the hell is with this mindless bias against charlotte as if she has been pushed like Reigns himself?
are we all arguing with one person?
I'm blaming her existence so I'm blaming her father and the old white men in the back.
user, the guy you are answering probably haven't seen Charlotte crying after WM match last year backstage, where she in tears revealed that Asuka is a mother that left her child in Japan, with her husband and moved to US to put her over as much as she was todl to do and even on the mic said in her broken English "You are ready for Asuka" while looking bewildered at running John Cena.
And if you take a look at that match, Asuka does everything she has to to make Charles look like a fuckign worldbeater.
Same thing she tried to do a month later for Carmella, selling her superkicks like being shot from a canon.
I don't fap to her. I think she towers over the women I want to cheer. I want to see her beat up, I think she is blonde amazon that is trying to get sculpted by plastic surgeons as some classic beauty, but she needs her face kicked in.
She has the perfect look for the role she is playing.
>This just felt random, thrown together and made absolutely no sense
It was. They previously announced a fatal 4 way for #1 contender to face Asuka at Mania.
>thinking this bullshit has ever been about talent
They are both the "female Reigns." Neither are the best women in the ring currently in WWE (especially Becky) and neither have an actual character. ("The Man" is not a character, just a moniker.) Becky has just not been pushed for as long as Charlotte. And everyone can see WM is going to end with Charlotte "turning face" and standing with a title alongside the other horsewomen.
Charles is the Reigns and Becky is the Daniel. Sure becky is being pushed now. but thats NOW, you guys forget all the daniel bryan treatment she got until they finally pushed her? Like daniel.
Are you saying Charlotte doesn't have the power to go to Vince's office and tell him he's being a complete retard? If she's the top women of the division why doesn't she do that? She certainly has the power to do it, I mean it's well known Cena did it all the time and Vince listened.
I'm aware of it but this user is right. If all 3 of those chicks thought it was fucked up why not say anything. They're the fucjing mainevent they have the power to sway opinion on what goes on to build their match. Charles should be a lockeroom leader at this point too she should give a fuck about the other females.
Zelina Vega
Peyton Royce and Billie Kay are lightyears ahead on the mic then even most of the men's roster.
>though Charlotte has had 10x more 15+ minute matches than Asuka.
Are you fucking serious right now? No wonder you defend Charlotte, you are unironically an edrone.
Why do so many people get upset about who wins these fake, meaningless belts?
there is a much easier and better way to do that spot if Charles wasn't such a pussy when it came to landing
>Charles goes for the moonsault
>Asuka rolls away
>Charles hits the canvas
>Asuka is there in a proper position to apply the hold
People actually think Charles isn't a shitter.
Don’t forget about how she tends to struggle with being forced to sell for someone else, or put somebody over. It’s as if she struggles with the acting portion of wrestling.
You do realize she was going to be dropped down to NXT before her daddy ran in and demanded he be used to get her over right?
user, she has fuck all power in the company. As does Becky. The ONLY woman who amtters is Ronda and as she said, she's outta there the moment she wants babies so she doesn't care
>R-ronda i-sn't signing and she's um she's not in talks
>>she's uh she's ok yeah she's gonna enter number 1 and w-win it
>>n-no she's um, no it's not kurt they're just using him as a placeholder to get Dwayne in. I-I mean R-rock yeah, Rock.
Things that didn't happen
Check out his radio show in November of 2017, user and the RR to EC chamber ones too of 2018
Show me quotes
He did. Check them.
Just for info there were pictures out there of Ronda in Santino Bros gym. In summer, when MYC1 were airing.
Um, Dave reported Rousey was in way to WWE in October
Why are you lying?
Yup he changed his mind
Originally someone asked him if it meant anything and he said "no, she's supporting her friends" which then changed to "OH SHIT NAH SHES JOINING WWE PLANS CHANGED!
I get you want to feel like you get value for your 10 bucks but user, y'don't. You get a guy who makes shit up and then corrects it with "the original plan was as I said, the fact that other people reported differently and are right means plans changed and I will now say what they said but I WAS RIGHT but plans changed, give me money"
>deflects with nonsensical ramblings
Yep, you're butthurt.
Similar to him guessing "4horsies vs. 4horsies" SS match.
When the story on the screen was clearly for title vs. title and there was no indication that 3 MMA horsies in NXT were ready to come up.
He was speculating, ya brainlet.
Show me quotes
Nope - user you provided a source. A source which not only proved he was wrong again but also that he changed his mind about "plans"
So please, stop trolling me
That one always made no sense to me. None of them were ready. Ronda most certainly wasn't ready and he kept insisting the thing with the Rock was just a one off appearance in the WWE till she appeared at the PC.
I get he has to make things up to stay relevant but his sense of logic seems to go out the window with the women
>A source which not only proved he was wrong
He was speculating, ya brainlet. You said he never said Ronda was signing, you were BTFO
>Ronda isn't signing - Nov 2017
>Here's a source with Dave confirming she signed - Oct 2017
Why you so butthurt
"show me a quote of a voice from a radio show"
No, look I'm not playing the game of "go through several hours of stuttering shithead dave to get a quote" - you can do that yourself
Or you can look t the link your friend posted here:
I said back in October he said she wasn't signing and he didn't.
Now he did "speculate" (the fuck is this? You pay him for guessing now?) that there'd be a 4vs4 women's match that NEV_ER HAP_PEND
Why? Because his "speculation" (though he was a reporter?) is always wrong about the women.
user, face it - he's wrong and always is wrong in regards to the women.
Like this triple threat at WM? Mandy, Asuka and Sonya? Gee, plans changed
Um... he said she would be at SS there, not that she signed
In fact I'd like this "source" you seem to have that isn't in the article you posted
>That one always made no sense to me. None of them were ready. Ronda most certainly wasn't ready and he kept insisting the thing with the Rock was just a one off appearance in the WWE till she appeared at the PC.
>I get he has to make things up to stay relevant but his sense of logic seems to go out the window with the women
Yup. There is a reason why I do not trust him on it.
Also he hasn't been able to cultivate new sources in NXT, because he was too lazy or just didn't get that people down there just weren't reading observer and would not use him for leverage. Or rather, all of those that are currently on main roster were people who wanted to be in WWE and it had been their dream. They weren't there only for money, like previous generations and there weren't anyone else to sign them, so they didn't understand purpose of the Observer.
Nice damage control boi
>That one always made no sense to me. None of them were ready.
Um he literally said as such, brainlet.
>show me a quote of a voice from a radio show"
Nearly everything of note Meltzer says makes an article. Can you back up your claim or not?
Dave says:
>they're wrestling at SS but now that's changed for WM
You say:
>what he meant is that it's not happening
We're done - you're trolling now and it's not working
So there are no women revolution then? Why isn't anyone complaining about this?
Uou say
>Dave said she wasn't signed
Dave says
>she's at the performance centre
You say
>buh uh uh he also said something about SS so I'm right!
I'm through arguing with ya, brainlet. Like mah boy big Sexy says, Get a clue.