When did you realise you were never a fan of wrestling - just a fan of Vince Russo produced content all these years?

When did you realise you were never a fan of wrestling - just a fan of Vince Russo produced content all these years?

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Never.I have sex and love NJPW.
By the looks of Vince Russo the cunt hasn't showered in years
and wouldn't know how to lift a weight
No wonder you smelly faggot's like him so much.

Quite a while ago desu. There just hasnt been the level of entertaining TV since Attitude Era. I just cant argue otherwise. We might once in a blue moon some good angle but we got that WEEKLY for years.

>Never.I have sex and love NJPW.
Based user keeping kayfabe alive

When I tried to watch wrestling for the first time since the Attitude Era. I realized it was total shit during the first 5 minutes I saw, and it dawned on me that I hate wrestling and that's why the Attitude Era was good.

Everyone go watch WCW slamboree 2000 shit was entertaining af.

Quite a while ago desu. There just hasnt been the level of entertaining TV since Attitude Era. I just cant argue otherwise. We might once in a blue moon some good angle but we got that WEEKLY for years.


Wrestling without Russo is literally just for fat marks and virgins who I don't want to be near, let alone associate with.

he wished me a merry christmas so hes based

I'm literally not a fan of wrestling matches and never understood them even as a kid. Only liked promos, characters, storylines and banter

I was watching a decade before Russo even had a job.
He had some great moments and was the ONLY guy that ever made midcarders worth a damn from a character standpoint (probably what I remember him most for).
However, far too many people are giving him unnecessary praise for "kino" shit. Crazy shit is better than boring shit, but it's still shit.

I loved the Attitude Era, WCW 2000 and TNA 06-09 so you might be on to something

But I also loved the nWo era of WCW 96-99

I'm a fan of Russo but his booking doesn't come close to touching the nWo vs. WCW booking of 1996-late 1997.

link to the castrating the marks and mastershoot and disco shows, i wont pay

I liked the gimmicks and random midcarders given shit to do.

It's uploaded to dailymotion now but I can't find it

a couple years ago desu

I don't even watch wrestling anymore, I just listen Russo podcasts

based and russopilled

WWF from WrestleMania 13 to WrestleMania 15 was booked much better and that, my bro, is a stone cold fact

>longest match is just over 15 minutes

>Short, intense matches
>Lots of drama
>Believable, un PC promos
>Every thing is done to further story
>Matches are just part of that story, not the focus
>Worked shoots
>Women in their place
>Good/evil lines blurred
I fucking love this man

>Matches are just part of that story, not the focus

Cringe redneck

sorry that Russo never wrote about the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat and shaking hands before a clean fight

Attached: iyh_stvalsmassacre_vincemcmahon.jpg (697x510, 78K)

Cringe redneck. Are your parents siblings or cousins?

I also like early-mid 90s WCW so no

>The Rock was successful because of The Rock
>Austin vs Vince was down to them
>but Russo wrote choppy chop your pee pee fucking epic bros

Never, since i prefer 80’s rasslin. Russo booked AE is cool too but it’s not really wrestling. It’s more a show about a wrestling show

Remember Russo booking without Vince McMahon?

I remember a lot of worked shoots and tournaments.

post the fucking shows

there's a reason you never see 14-25 year olds at shows. it's always younger or older. too young to care about the quality and too old to care anymore about life

yes kino compared to current wwe

That's what mainstream wrestling should be. Casuals do not give a shit about fake fights themselves as seen by the loss of millions of viewers

if you post on Yea Forums you're not a casual.

>hurr let's interrupt matches every week and cut the same taking over promo over and over and over

NWO fans are such simps

Never because there's good wrestling that Russo hasn't produced. And all content Russo has produced since 1999 has been total shit.

AIDS is kino compared to current WWE

I'm sure The Ringmaster and Rocky Maivia were going to be huge under the guide of Cornette and Prichard. the kai en tai fued with Val Venis is more memorable than whatever mid card fueds are going on in the WWE today

Attached: val_venis__mrs-_yamaguchi.png (640x480, 256K)

truly based

Wrestling without Russo is literally just for fat smarks and virgins who I don't want to be near, let alone associate with.

The thing is, Russo produced entertainment is targeted toward pathetic idiot subhumans with iq below 70. So when it comes to wrestling, you have to pick between virgin incel or autistic retard

Fuck Russo desu. It was Heyman who made wrestling good.

I never watched WCW. Wrestlig peaked at WWECW. Fuck off Vince.


low iq brown people are literally the most inbred people in the world, which furthers the cycle of low iq.

You might not comprehend the previous sentence. Oh well.


t. Russofag
How does it feel to like a show for people with short attention span, therefore confirming your IQ is lower than 80?

bryan alvarez and dave meltzer practically begging aew to not hire russo. like he cant even have any type of job. not even adviser.. thats weird right. they could hire russo to not be head of creative.. no they bryan specifically said russo by name and that aew shouldnt hire him. meltzer wouldnt go that far, but bryan is just his attack dog anyway. theres a reason garrett gonzales is like an autistic clone of bryan. thats how dave likes his help.

>I like to watch geeks having 30 minute matches for no reason every week

>not watching wrestling to see good matches
This confirms your IQ is lower than 80

it's time to take the russopill bros

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Lmao. Matches should be the culmination of storyline, not the main point. Otherwise whats the point? Go watch circus or ballette or real fights.

Never. In fact I've realized wrestling has always been a terrible form of entertainment for retards. Now I just shitpost about it here.

I like good matches but if there's no intriguing story involved, then there's no point


This tbqh. Wrestling/sports entertainment is for fags



>I watch wrestling because I like glorified acrobatic shows.
>Being a hipster makes me smart.

This has never, at any point in history, been a successful strategy for professional wrestling. Culturally relevant wrestling has always been a dynamic battle between good and evil first and foremost. It's the mandrama.

t. redneck with short attention span
Did you at least finish high school?


I have a cousin who used to call himself a Russo mark 20 years ago.

He ended having a kid with some slut who already had three kids. She ended up being caught with another dude in their own bed.

based, nWo vs WCW Nitro is the most comfy wrestling in existence

Yes, those glorified acrobatics displays really showcase your amazing attention to detail. Catcher in the Rye, Das Kapital, manlet flippy shit. The holy trinity of true intellectuals.

>good matches
Like the brilliant matches they have on 205 Live week after week? I'd rather watch gymnastic competitions. You get the same thing except it's a legitimate competition and female gymnasts are all hot.

>""""I have a cousin""""
Kys cuck

the red pill

Nipponetty ETHERED

CAWdy doesn't like Russo or Disco anyway so they wouldn't get hired, but Russo's writing mentality is the polar opposite to what that carny and the Young Cucks want to do in the ring anyway.