What are some nasty chairshots?
What are some nasty chairshots?
Rocky was vicious back in the day. He is so fucking based.
Go suck his fucking dick then faggot
no you bitch lmao
*Gets edited out of the network in your path
This one's better with sound mmmmm
was this the one Mick invited his children to see from the front row?
absolutely based
Holy fuck this is attempted murder. Kennedy must not have shown up to Wrestlers Court
>You havent't paid yer dues, kid. Here's the deal. When I swing the chair at ya, you keep yer hands at yer side? Got it?
Andersons depression isn't the only thing thats crippling him. (OH YEAH thats a Jimmy Ocean Wrestling School reference mufuckas)
Man fuck Undertaker. He’d pull this shit regularly.
Based Undercarder working the obese smarks
based Mark being an unsafe piece of shit
The worst I think I've ever seen was Jeff smashing brock in the face.
Or at least it was the loudest I've ever heard. Brock still took it like a champ though.
That's the one
Jesus that was pretty extreme even for Jeff
That wasn’t that bad.
Jesus Christ Jeff must have hated Brock.
>gets absolutely smashed in the face with the backing part of the chair
>has to pretend like he's hurt
Brock is not of this world
Knowing what we know now some of these are actually really uncomfortable to watch. I do miss them though. Surely they could invent gimmick chairs?
Unironically WORKED holy shit!
The one Carder gave to Chris Kanyon was pretty bad , especially when you find out why he made it so stiff
According to Kanyon's book it was because he was gay
Based if true.
>an open homosexual makes carder uncomfortable
that explains a whole lot
he does seem like the deep in the closet type
Interesting now that Big Show said Carder sent him a dick pic once
it was probably more cause kanyon was an unstable retard
One of my faves just cause of the story behind it
the rabbit hole, much like the genitalia penetrating Kevin Nash's anus on a balmy summer night back in '92, just goes deeper and deeper
This ones pretty brutal. Watch at your own discretion
How come Mick Foley never killed his family?
too broken down
he has probably tried multiple times, but they just kick him in the knee or karate chop him in the neck and he crumbles into a lump for a few days
Too fat, and I think the urge of wanting to fuck his own daughter prevents him.
CTE is a scam
Rocky hit him in the part of the brain that houses empathy so that’s why he’s a faggot feminist lefty cuck now.
cte is just an excuse retards use to defend benoit
the guy was a psycopathic murderer and is burning in hell
Watch these while you still can before WWE deletes any evidence
>implying Vince isn’t just going to have Trump to delete evidence on concussions instead
He should get Shillary. She's an expert at deleting incriminating evidence
Hmm, looking at how it 'bent', doesn't seem like it would have hurt that much. Like it clipped the bit of the chair that normally flips-out, and it did so.
>The fucking boos
Legit hilarious, Lance completely lost the crowd after doing like three of these in a row
Shamrock was known for trying to be a tough guy and would refuse to sell if they didn't hit him "hard enough". There's a reason he's not allowed in the WWE or talked about
Rock was at fault here and admitted this but Rock is an unsafe piece of shit who only got by on his name like Nia but for some reason Nia being fat means we ignore Rock purposely trying to injure people
Kennedy was being "disrespectful" so Vince told Undertaker to legitimately beat the shit out of him
Fair next, don't fucking shoot on someone during a fake fight, John and next week Stevie "Push Ups" won't try to concuss you
Brock told them to go as hard as they could or else he wouldn't sell - Jeff actually said he went easier on him in the ring than they practiced before hand
>knowing what we know now some of these are actually uncomfortable to watch
Sit down basedboy
Lmao based carder
Thats crazy
>Kennedy was being "disrespectful" so Vince told Undertaker to legitimately beat the shit out of him
a chair is already a gimmick chair, numbnuts. it's just a big slapstick
badd ass and based
based jpegmafia posters
>Knowing what we know now
lol people have known not to smash your head against things for the entirety of human history pro wrestlers just aren't pussies
5:10, I thought Cunter was trying to make Goldberg retarded with that nasty shot
this thread is missing the entirety of the mike awesome masato tanaka feud