Does he stand a fucking chance?

Does he stand a fucking chance?

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Maybe. The one thing he has over the rest of them is that he lived in canada for 7 years and is fluent in English.

Watch WWE have him wear black spandex wrestling pants shorted at the ankle with some neon green dragon design and knee pads. Totally giving him some generic gimmick.

No Time Splinter No Care

I honestly don't know what he was thinking signing with WWE to be on 205 Live. Its actually a step down from being one of New Japan's top juniors.
He has no hope of ever being on the main roster, what was he thinking?

>I honestly don't know what he was thinking signing with WWE, the company he has eagerly wanted to sign with
Holy fucking seething NuJapan mark.

What's with the life preserver?

Maybe? He doesn't have as far to fall as a lot of the japanese talent so it's possible he does just as well in WWE.

The Time Splitter has traveled to NXT, will he come back to New Japan in the future?!

He had done everything he could in the Junior division. I hope he does well in WWE but I know WWE will fuck him up somehow.

Not him. But he didn't want to leave. They just wouldn't let him go heavyweight Not everyone want's to play a role on a kids show. I don't want to be on the Wiggles

>But he didn't want to leave
lmao nice tinfoil hat theory you fucking mark. KUSHIDA has literally never conveyed this feeling before.

KUSHIDA himself shot down those rumors on his podcast.

And WWE's junior division is better? Liger's been in the junior division for 30 years, taht's such a dumb excuse.

he was given advice by people he admired and was told to give WWE a shot before he retired. He was always going to New York, lets just hope they don't ruin him


Look, I'm not happy about it at all. Unfortunately he went over to WWE because he wanted to try new things. Lets hope for the best.

>getting worked by carny podcasts

>What's with the life preserver?

Yeah, is he going fishing or something?

>And WWE's junior division is better
I don't believe it is, but that's so far away. KUSHIDA is obviously going to NXT first and it's been said that Haitch has really liked KUSHIDA's work. He could become big.

It doesn't matter how much Paul likes anyone in WWE. As long as Vince is running things nobody gets over unless he wants them to. Yeah he might have a decent run in NXT but when gets to the main roster he'll be relegated to 205live or end up jobbing to Roman Reigns.

He'd better hope & Pray that Vince is long gone by the time he Graduates from NXT.

NXT is just as much of a downgrade as 205 Live compared to being the top junior in New Japan. Only this time he has no hope of getting a main roster pay raise.

Your thinking is really outdated. But maybe not, we'll see if Mcintrye goes over Reigns. I believe it'll tell what the future will hold with NXT stars.
At this point, KUSHIDA will be making a debut on the main roster around 2020, the time where Vince could be preoccupied on XFL. Who knows, but until then KUSHIDA could be real big.
NXT is FAR popular than 205. I'm not trying to degrade the performance, but it's definitely bigger and far better in quality than 205.

If you think Vince is ever going to give up creative control of WWE you are an idiot. We are stuck with him until he dies.

>implying Vince can't die by the year 2020
You have a very skewed vision of how mortal the human body is, especially when you reach past the age of 60.

>NXT is FAR popular than 205
So what? You're still making 60k either way with no hope of main roster money.

>below 6 ft

Gee I dunno user, I just can’t put my finger on what could go wrong

Not really desu senpai

Akira Tozawa is doing fine.

>what was he thinking?
He was thinking it was time for his two year foreign excursion to help him round out as a wrestler, you simp and seething nujapanlet

>implying Vince won't outlive us all

Get ready to be worked by him forever

>tfw only 20
V-Vince is outliving me?

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No, but he just wants to travel anyway.

> "fluent"
Wew lad you sure havent listened to any KUSHIDA interviews in the last couple years have you?

You make main roster money on 205, bud.

No you don't its why Neville left he could earn more on the indies

If he starts shooting on people yes
