....guys? :(
....guys? :(
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What is Kana doing in the Jacksonville Jaguars Zone?
Wish she was
Did Finnlet hack her account?
It's just her way to say her title reign is over since she can't form long sentence.
Hope this shitter finally fucks off. Hope she takes the cringe pirates with her
This isn't a kofi thread bro
>Becky beats Charlotte clean
>Asuka beats Becky and Charlotte clean
>Asuka beats Becky clean
>Charlotte beats Asuka clean
fucking power levels how do they work
LOL she's gonna commit sudoku now
Sex. Have it
Have you never played Pokemon?
Rock Paper Scissors?
Bex beats Charlie
Charlie Beats Asuka
Asuka Beats Bex
It would be actually interesting if WWE realized they were doing this thing where Charlotte beats Asuka but cant beat Becky - Becky beats Charlotte but can't beat Asuka - Asuka beats Becky but can't beat Charlotte but I doubt they even really realized they did this, the reality is that they just makes shit up on the fly and it's just coincidence
Don’t forget promos>Ronnie
Ya still BOILING weebs?
Just like how Frazier beat Ali, Foreman beat Frazier, Ali beat Foreman and then Ali beat Frazier to become one of the greatest of all time.
I was for 20 minutes then I reminded myself that it's fake and processed with admiring Asuka's pits
Most kids from my time and place were sore losers. We would play rock-paper-scissors and they would make their hand in the shape of a gun and say they win because gun beats anything.
You had the wrestling stuff down. All you had to do was learn the english, pay attention in "promo class" in NXT, have a friend to practice your scripted lines and how to properly deliver them but nope.
Yes, that's what she is. Did you hear the crowd cheering for her
It's strange how NJPW has no problem booking gaijins in the main event and even have them cut promos in english in front of a japanese audience. It's almost like they know promos aren't everything in wrestling.
What the fuck, stop spoiling results of past matches.
I heard them cheering when Charlotte beat her, yeah
Fun fact: Asuka is STILL trending while Charlotte is long gone
Ya still a VIRGIN incel?
Can someone tell me why this makes people seethe
>Asuka vs Yuka
Holy fucking cummies
Come home kick girl.
>No Lashley Vs Lesnar
>No Champ Askua Vs Champ Ronda
Why is WWE purposely retarded bro's?
She added more emotion to her match tonight with her facial expressions alone than Charlotte with her whole moveset. Complaining about this is bullshit.
This shit happens in real sports too. Low ranked teams upset top teams. It's less interesting if we can predict every match anyway.
Mella beat Charles and Asuka twice.
Japs are size queens. They support gajins because of all the BEEF, They dont care about promos because promos are for kids
Most Japs understand basic English. Most Americans don't know a lick of Japanese.
Survivor Series is 12 months away. Cant do champ v champ.
Lashley Vs Lesnar is unexcusable.
Bobo beat Roman on some random PPV and then Roman just won a #1 contenders match on some random raw
shouldn't have skipped all those english classes for years now
Learn how to use Carlos, you fucking simp
Vince doesn't like Japs because of the Andre shoot fight in NJPW way back
Of course this was going to happen
meme police over here! yikes dude
Fake Carlos bitch.
Shoo shoo reddit
Did they?
Funny, but there's no pun here. Carlosposting is all about lame puns, ya B+ ding-dong diddly geek
Yes. He took Asuka and Shida at the same time
What the fuck do you mean "based".
>epic it's funny cos it's trash lmao XD
It's truly amazing how little they know of what their own stories are telling.
Yes, she has ridiculous power level.
>forgetting Bex actually puts over Asuka on Twitter after Charles stole the title