Book their inevitable break up

Book their inevitable break up

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kofi retires and xavier quits to become a full time vidya streamer while Big E goes on to have a glass ceiling of Andre the Giant Battle Royal winner.

I don't know why they don't have Vince give Kofi one final chance: Win and he's in, but if he loses, then the New Day has to break up. Obviously, it makes no logical sense since the New Day sells tons of merch, but WWE.

>Kofi wins the strap
>starts getting a big ego, ordering X and E around
>E calls him out
>Kofi goes heel (bonus points for saying something like "for 11 years I entertained you mouthbreathers, now it's all about me")

Xavier gets jealous of Kofi being champ and turns on him amd starts working a bitch nigga gimmick eventually being Kofis first and only successful title defense. Heartbroken from the betrayal Big E turns to the lord Jesus Christ who helps him realize his true calling as Reverend E-Von.

the logical conclusion is one goes heel because of jealousy and inevitably kills the group

>Big E turns on Kofi
>only gives vague explanations about 'being held back'
>all of them are lower card 3 months later

the New Day should all just share the Title

Are New Day the biggest black money makers of all time? They've been selling merch non-stop for 5 years


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Probably, they really do draw dimes somehow

Bryan calls Kofi the N word and they all have different responses to it and then all break out fighting each other over it

>the rock
>african american
this meme again

They sell merch but they don't draw dimes. I bet for every box of cereal they've sold that two people have quit watching wwe in disgust at their cringe minstrel act

Kofi loses at mania (which is the only good choice to make regardless). E and Xavier get in the ring to do the group hug shit. The start to leave the ring and E fucking kills Kofi. Kofi is off the show for a few months. E and Xavier feud. E wins feud and kofi returns and they feud into summerslam. Kofi wins at summerslam but E wins the feud. Ends with number one contender match and E wins.

THIS meme again

Yikes on all accounts

>black can only mean african american
hello retard!

Why? It makes E into a single star which is where he belongs. Xavier can fill the Titus role. And it gives SD a good singles guy in Kofi to be behind which it sorely needs.

Kofi slowly turns arrogant heel after winning the title while Big E gets a big face push culminating him winning the title and having a live sex celebration with Becky Lynch next Smackdown


Based and Bexpilled