Charlotte Flair

She’s winning at mania, brothers. Dual championship

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No, Becky taps out Ronda so all the Horsewomen close Mania with the belts and share a collective cry about it to close the show.

I thought Becky was winning before tonight. Now I know Becky is winning 100%

I want to blow my load all over her chest balloons



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This. After that stunt, she will be booed out of the building. As a matter of fact, I believed they kinda Kofied Asuka tonight. I'm 60% sure that if she enters the women Battle Royal, she'll get one of the loudest pops of the night.

This. Pessimistic bexfags will say otherwise, cause they always fear the worst, but Charlotte was only given a championship to save her fragile ego.

So Charlotte willl be in the mood to share an emotional moment with Becky after getting beat in the biggest match of her life?
I know this is WWE, but... that's way out there.

>a loud pop

What a consolation prize!

They already gave Asuka a Rumble win, so she ain't winning the Battle Royal. And of she die, what's the point? They've already removed her indefinitely from the title picture. My guess is that the Air Force Mommy or whoever she is, is gonna win the Battle Royal (Becky's first feud).

It won't make any sense, but it will still happen. In fact, it'll probably be how Becky and Charlotte repair their broken friendship. Charlotte will finally earn a shred of respect for Becky and they'll part ways amicably. Is it forced as hell? You better believe it, just like this whole damn story, so it's a perfect conclusion.

Based Big Pits Charlotte

i would literally die for those pits

This can't happen. Becky needs to be MADE that night. Charles puts up her belt, and it goes to credits with Becky hoisting both belts.

A reconciliation over the dead bodies of the women division. It would instantly turn Becky from the girl who is fighting against the injustices of the system, to the sell out who is fine with sharing the top with her friends.

Tapping out the undefeated Ronda in the main event of WrestleMania suddenly isn't gonna do it anymore?

And WWE will be okay with that so long as they get their big show-closing moment of triumph.

that's an interesting spin on things that you will surely try to force while nobody will actually see it that way, user.

I see some people saying Charlotte won the SD title just so when she loses at Mania she'll still walk out a champion
I really hope that's not the fucking case....that would be some early 2000s Triple H-level shit

Cringe for putting anything on a pedestal, but based for being a pitfiend

it's because she's lost every PPV match she's had since Summerslam. This was a big win to distract from that slightly

Ego might play a part in it but she's gladly jobbed to Becky so much lately I doubt she's hesitant about doing it again. Becky is like the one woman she's obviously willing to go all out to put over

So what´s the point of winning the SD women´s title?

Vince probably promised her and Ric a win in the Wrestlemania main event last year when it was planned and he had to give her this title as a consulation prize for letting becky go over


May as well just have Bliss enter herself into the match or help Charlotte to win both titles.

So Charlotte isn't left out. Becky holds RAW, Charlotte holds SD, Bayley and Sasha hold the Tags. All four have a belt.