Wow. It's so fucking obvious that Becky is winning now that Charshit has a title. Is this company legitimately retarded? Also, sexy Asuka deserves better
Wow. It's so fucking obvious that Becky is winning now that Charshit has a title. Is this company legitimately retarded...
How fragile is Charles that they had to give her a belt now because she isn't winning at mania?
>implying it wasnt obvious already
>sexy asuka
She is sexy, cringelord.
>How fragile is Charles that they had to give her a belt now because she isn't winning at mania?
During his entire career her father was renowned for being a huge crybaby and belt mark who would literally throw weeping tantrums if he didn't get booked to go over or win the belt.
You see the amount of times Charlotte comes out on camera with red eyes and looking like she was crying, well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
They are going to make Charlotte double champ
dubs confirm
>Wow. It's so fucking obvious that Becky is winning now that Charshit has a title.
It was obvious before you stupid mark. Learn how to read into storytelling.
Charles: I'm not handed anything
>randomly wins the SD title less than 2 weeks before she's in the main event of WM for the Raw title when they had a #1 contender match set for SD still set as of 3 hours before the show started
bet she whined to Paul or Stephanie about something..
nepotism personified
its been obvious since december you fucking morons
holy shit i wish you reddit retards would stay over there jesus christ you're all fucking braindead
>when she mouthed along to “smackdown women’s champion”
Worked my Brahma bull into a hot sticky shoot
Just a way to unify the belts. Womeme arent drawing enough to justify two belts
No you fucking mark, the Main Event will now be a unified title or some shit like that and have the the divisions transcend both TV shows until Fox picks up this crap in October. Who knows, ratings might hit the bottom and nullify the contract by October.
And Breathe with the SwitchBlade!
The match was Charlottes for like 6 months before they staretd changing it to Natty then Becky.
You know fuck all dipshit.
They're unifying the titles
MY dubs will prove that Becky wins the RAW belt so that all four Horsewomen can cry about being champions to close out Mania.
That just kills the division and makes it about 4 people.
It's obvious Vince doesn't want Bex to win but won't risk suffering horrendous backlash, putting the SD title placates his autism.
>he doesn't know Charlotte is unifying both titles