If u think benoit had cte from this safe ass headbutt ur an ignoramus. and he never took flush chairshots to the head...

if u think benoit had cte from this safe ass headbutt ur an ignoramus. and he never took flush chairshots to the head. maybe he was just naturally retarded and his brain was already fucked up. can we get head shots back pls?

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Watch the Chris Benoit Files.

let me ask you this. how many times did you use the headbutt? how many times off a ladder? how many times did he fully impact with his head and not use his hands to protect himself?

please answer these questions then get back to me

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nigga you are unironically fucking retarded

you know, in hindsight, MSG is really fucking small.

cte is a crutch. he killed his family because his wife was a fucking bitch and his son was a mercy killing

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He took chair shots to the back of the skull. The only guy to ever do that I think

This. He married a cunt, ended the marriage. Didn’t want his kid to face the world with a dead mom and a dad in jail for killing her. Offed kid, offed himself.

Is the headbutt actually unsafe? I still see guys occasionally use it or is it sparingly allowed?

Based retard

The diving headbutt fucks up your neck, not your cranium.

WWE still can't sell it out anymore lmaooooooooo

Diving headbutt I mean

Nancy was cheating on him, they probably got in a fight, she admitted it to him and told him his son wasnt his even though he clearly is his son and he snapped. CTE had nothing to do with it

Not true. I have seen niggas in CZW and IWA-MS and whatbot take vicious shots to the back of the head. Fuck I think Tony Klein threw a VCR at Necrobutcher one time and hit him when he wasnt even looking.

If you’d ever had sex you’d know that there are countless moments where it feels like the only rational decision is to kill the woman.

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He's right. Masato Tanaka has taken infinitely worse head/chair shots and he hasn't murdered anyone. Lots of shit in the Benoit narrative doesn't add up.

>his head doesnt even hit at all
>his shoulder takes the bump
>doesnt even keep his arm extended to take the arm bump that way

safe worker. def not a ctw guy.

I always wondered why they used that arena, especially for a royal rumble

How many guys took chair shots to the head and didn't kill their family? Face it, Benoit had mongoloid genes. Just look at his face. Dude was literally missing a chromosome.

>Lots of shit in the Benoit narrative doesn't add up.
CTE is a major scam cooked up by a team of lawyers and doctors to extort money out of major sports leagues. The NFL got hit even worse than WWE.

He's still weak minded as fuck

Masato Tanaka is not human