What are Io and Kairi's matches at Wrestlemania?

What are Io and Kairi's matches at Wrestlemania?

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Shes so goddamn ugly, holy fuck

She looks like that little troll guy from Lord of the Rings.

>Shes so goddamn cute, holy fuck

she could easily pass as a model or celebrity

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She looks like a goblin, WTF!

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Waifucels WILL seethe at this

this honestly

>Mayu is ug--

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i don't even like asian woman but i think Mayu is cute. Much better then Io who looks like the female Hiroshi Tanahashi and Kairi's looks like a straight up dog

lier than sin

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Mayu is not ugly.
If you ask the average man if Mayu is cute, they will tell you 'Mayu-chan is very cute!'.

God sure did beat her with the ugly stick

>Has to face Kelly again
Kind of feel bad for her. She's legit good, but it won't be a good match.

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The average man doesnt say 'chan' like a beta weeb faggot

If Mayu were cute, why hasn't Vince offered her a contract already?


absolutely correct, mayu is not a child. the average man would say "Mayu-san is very kawaii desu!"

Who says he hasn't? Last time someone asked her about wrestling overseas, she said she has had offers, but doesn't want to move and do it full time or anything. She's happy in Japan and too loyal to Stardom. Doing the odd RoH show or Stardom US show seems like a better fit for her than leaving her friends, family and country behind to take a paycut and wrestle in a developmental league with shit matches. Unlike Io and Kairi, she's not a WWE mark at all. She didn't even know who the Rock was.

Mayu has a weird face and weird haircut that at the right angle and in the right lighting is super cute

I know most of her face is covered but still

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>Io who looks like the female Hiroshi Tanahashi
Wtf I love Io now

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