You arent really gonna spend 8 hours of your life watching something you know is gonna be shit, right...

You arent really gonna spend 8 hours of your life watching something you know is gonna be shit, right? You cant be this indoctrinated, right?

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I have nothing else to do on that night.

History is always made at The Showcase of the Immortals.

Much better than getting up at 3 AM to watch anime fake fighting.

>he doesn't throw a mania watch party with the boys
Fucking geek.

>Implying any of us have better things to do

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Why not watch something you'd actually like or do literally anything you'd actually like to do.

Why schedule 8 hours of frustration and mediocrity into your calendar?

Try me, ya indie loving homo!

I'll skip the preshow.

It's the only wrestling show I watch all year. It's not 8 hours either. I don't watch that pre-show shit.

>you know is gonna be shit
Everyone was saying this same shit about WM 31 and it end up being a pretty decent show.

Why not just stop watching wrestling full out in this case?
You know it's gonna be shit, you fully expect it to be shit. Why sit in on any of it when you can do something you'd actually enjoy?


I'll be working that night and if I could watch it, I won't. WWE is dead to me. I watch MMA and Boxing now.

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I enjoy watching it once a year. I'm not a hardcore fan so I don't get upset that it didn't have enough 5 star matches or that the new indy guy didn't win the belt.

And people also said it about 32, 33, and 34 and those shows were awful as they expected.

Also wrestlemanias that end in 5 have a solid track record of being considered WOAT contenders with this looking to be no exception.

I'm a raging alcoholic and took time off of work for it.
Of fucking course I'm going to spend 8 hours getting drunk and jacking off to Ronda breaking the arms of dickless beck and cannonballs flair

I enjoyed WrestleManias 5 and 15.

You don't have to be a hardcore wrestling fan to know you're watching an awful show.

>I just watch it just because
Based NPC

> good friend does it every year for the past two years
> everyone invited (including he and I) gets bored after ~4 hours
> has to literally find other stuffs to do to keep ourselves entertained for the rest of the show
> by the end of it we can barely remember what happened 30 minutes prior
> last matches are met with indifference and relief that's it's over

> this year they announced it's gonna be over 8 hours
> host announces coincidentally that he can't do it this year

15 was ABSOLUTLY shit but I'll give you a pass here as an ADDtude era retard.

5 was unforgivable. How in any scenario does one actually consider that good without attempting to be as contrarian as humanly possible?

I thought 4 was the really dreadful Atlantic City show? I remember 5 being much better.

i call it wrestleshittya

That's the biggest problem. They need to cut it down. 1 hour pre-show, 4 hour show is more than enough time.

IV was awful.
V was the notoriously shit mega powers mania.


I'll be doing what I usually do with wrestling. Playing video games with WM on, only paying attention to certain segments and matches.

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>video games and wrestling
Grow up

33 was aight

what mania number is this?

It was atrocious