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BASED Forward Rollplex
Joe blocked his leg and Kurt couldn't lift it up
He's not retiring - they're doing an injury angle
WWE was a mistake
plz dont die, kurt
I don't think Kurt is able to jump anymore
Kurt literally can't jump to take a suplex?
It's time to fucking retire!
You should have seen his missile dropkick a minute later
>It's a "Joe gets pinned because he's to stupid to release the sleeper hold" finish
Is Joe supposed to be work retarded?
You can see it now.
Kurt seems like he's in literal pain every waking minute
This is sad to watch bros. Kurt is going to be in a wheelchair in ten years
I'm crying bros. Kurt's gonna die soon.
holy fuckoli
That JUST look when he locks up his shoulders.
>and people want Angle to actually try to put on an epic match with Cena which he will fail horribly and be remembered for shitting the bed much like with taker instead of squashing Corbin
Fucking marks are dumb as bricks
Corbin is beating Angle by the way
Jesus Christ!
I knew Kurt was broken down, but had no clue just how bad he was. Yeah it's time to retire before he kills himself in the ring.
Corbin beats Angle and turns face
>10 years
You are being generous.
I give him 3 years.
>beating down a broken down man
>turns face
he'll escort him through the ramp and show sings of respect or some shit
Kurt is insanely tough and would do that if he didn't have a family to think of. I'm hoping he can take some time off after he retires and get a job as a road agent or trainer at the PC after this
This is legit depressing.
Lmao at Joe teasing a muscle buster on angle
>your highlight of WM35
I mean, he looks like he's about to die. I don't expect him to put up a classic, but let him retire with someone that gave him his best memories or whatnot. Whether that be John, Taker, Benjamin, etc.
God Joe was trying to go so easy for him but the match looked like utter shit because of it
this is a fucking work right?
He teased it on AJ too
No one will deny Kurt is a tough SOB, I mean he won a gold medal with a broken figgin neck! But someone needs to protect him from himself. His wife or kids...hell someone. The guy just can't go in the ring anymore.
I can see why Angle is facing Corbin at Wrestlemania. An easy, boring match he can get through without dying. A couple suplexes, an Angle Slam, Angle Lock, Corbin taps. Done in 3 minutes.
Kurt before doing his last Shooting Star Press
This was the guy that shoot overwrestled Brock Lesnar and Triple H backed off when Vince said if he didn't think Kurt was believable beating larger men he should go fight him.
>kurts last match turns into a cage match
>somehow gets the upper hand on corbin and begins to climb the cage
>gets on top and sees the entire crowd
>only needs climb down now to peacefully retire
>crowd starts giving a massve pop
>a slow formed smile sets on kurts face while tears starts rolling down
>kurt yells out one last passionate "wooo"
>moonsaults off from the cage on to corbin
>misses the moonsault
>kurt explodes upon making impact
>as ring begins to clears only a glass of milk and gold medals appear on where kurt landed
>Renee Young: OH
Fuck me it's Randy the Ram
He probably should've been in a wheelchair for the last 5.
>mfw watching one of my all-time favs die before me
That is legitimately pain and anguish
This is one of the saddest wrestling-related moments I've ever seen
Kurt will do a moonsault but under rotate, land right on top of his head a spinal disc on his neck will jut out visibly from under his skin, he will writhe around in agony in the canvas, and in an act of mercy Corbin will produce a gun and put him out of his misery to a giant babyface pop. Thank you Corbin *clap clap clapclapclap*
It is an understatement to say he's at Johnny Cash - Hurt levels of JUST. He wants to go so bad but holy fuck Kurt at least stop trying missile dropkicks and shit you're very near death
You guys do realize Kurt would have been wrestling like this fifteen years ago if he hadn't been doped-up on pain pills 24/7, right?
Based Kurt destroying his body and mind to bring us kino matches.
Kurt's gonna die in the ring, isn't he?
Kurt said in interview his penis cant get hard anymore. I guess all the pills, CTE, operations caused his ding-dong diddly to turn into baby dick.
The only place I get hurt is out there.
This has all the makings of a suicide after career.
Gentlemen, he cannot wrestle anymore, but he can't retire either.
>you'll live long enough to see all your favorites break down and die
Why don't they just use slaps and chops or something on his final matches?
Corbin's gonna drop him on his head, isn't he?
As long as he doesn't pull a Benoit.
Actually not a botch. This made me hurt sadly, and so does Kurt.
>What have I become my sweetest friend
>Everyone I know goes away in the end
He has wife and children. Hopefully they pull him through.
Shame on WWE for putting these people through the ringer. Yeah yeah he's getting paid, but there comes a point where the management should know better. If he dies then his blood is on their hands.
Pictured: The last known photo of Kurt Angle, taken while visiting his doctor's office.
That's the reason why they fired him in the first place. Even in 2006 they didn't want an Olympic hero dying in their ring
Hopefully the police pull Kurt off the kids before he strangles em
WWE doctors must be fucking corrupt to the core. McMahon is probably paying for a clean bill of health just to squeeze a retirement match out of Kurt...
No medical professional would clear him after seeing him literally stop in the ring and take a few seconds to push back the insane amount of chronic pain he’s fighting.
Fuck man...this is depressing
This is your body on 10 years in TNA
and he's wrestling again tonight
Give him the casket Vince hes ready
somehow this is worse than all those god awful 60+ year old lucha legends matches on AAA.
Jesus christ he just falls down like a sack of potatoes.
Isn't Joe the smackdown champion? Why'd Joe come to raw to face him when they have wrestled a million times before?
Angle is asking for those matches so WWE is giving them to him
it wasn't Vince, it was Patterson or Brisco.
It's a good thing they're scrubbing the tapes of the chair shots. Angle's a walking CTE case for sure.
Going forward, do you think a WWE can be subpoenaed for the unedited footage?
Lol will they say "it's been erased"?
Is Vince trying to kill him?
In kayfabe Kurt is picking out who he wants to fight one last time before retiring at Mania, it's his farewell tour. Tonight he faces AJ, next week probably Bryan.
Surely someone in the back watched this and thought "Man we need to give him a break". Maybe they can have AJ do a little promo about how much of an honor it is to have a match with Angle, and then Randy attacks Angle sometime before the match to get under AJ's skin some more to help that feud. Or Joe could just do it as an act of revenge I guess.
If Kurt asks Vince to let him do the job clean for Bryan on RAW next week, will he let him?
>will they say it’s been erased
But the court is going to see right through that and someone will probably leak archived footage. Also, I guarentee Kurt’s brain is going to unironically a medical phenomenon for how fucked a person can be and still function
They can give him time off from now until Mania and it won't make a lick of difference on his deteriorated condition. Might as well squeeze every penny they can out of his rubbery ass while they can.
I'm absolutely stunned the people that file cases against WWE haven't just downloaded the tens of thousands of horrific chair shots to the head and dangerous bumps wrestlers have taken and use that as evidence. There are also many times where the announcers make concussion jokes or point out how terrible concussions are. WWE did not give a fuck.
What is even going on here? I love Kurt but why are they making him do this??
we're hitting post wm 24 TNA flair levels of JUST now
How the fuck can wwe even pretend like they care for the well being of their wrestlers when they allow this tragedy with angle to continue to mania? Why bother forcing Bryan into retirement for all these years?
Actually this is the accumulation of all those bumps he took 15+ years ago putting on 5 star classics on free TV against Shane and RVD
It's been said a lot but it's true. Different era/world back than
Those wrestlers signed a contract saying they're okay with getting hit in the head with a steel chair for the entertainment of little kids
LMAO he really does suck now.
Oh yeah I'm sure it won't do anything for him, but they probably want him to make it to Wrestlemania instead of dying on RAW or Smackdown. Every match on this tour has been worse than the last and I think they have 2 more planned for next week, who knows if he'll even be able to walk down the mania ramp after these 3 matches.
When did they start scrubbing the archives of chair shots? I have the Network and have not noticed any chair shot edits.
It's called getting old. In his prime, he was the best wrestler in the world.
That's why I said now.
In Kurt's prime Chris Benoit was the best wrestler in the world.
>Chris Benoit was the best wrestler in the world.
No he wasn't, he wasn't even better than Eddie. Kurt was in his prime between 2000-2004 and he was the real wrestling star of that period.
Oh fuck that's pathetic and depressing. Vince is the scum of the earth for allowing this.
It's rumorville fodder that WWE is scrubbing chair shots from the newly uploaded stuff to the network
www. ringsidenews . com/2019/03/25/wwe-editing-footage-to-remove-chair-shots/
I bet they saw Kurt in the ring and were like pic related
At this point, I'd rather have John Cena vs Corbin, and I hope that's where this is going
he's facing Mysterio next on Raw
It depends on the narrative, Kurt's always claimed WWE didn't let him take a lighter schedule or any time off to rehab (he was the top draw of ECW at the time) so he left, while WWE's always claimed they offered him rehab/time off and pushed him out the door when he refused. I believe Kurt personally, Vince has never given a fuck about working someone ragged.
Is there really much left that isn't archived on the Network? As long as they don't start going back and editing the shit they've already uploaded I probably won't notice.
You mean someone like WWE?
I don't care if its Corbin or Alexa Bliss who retires him just keep him out the ring.
So he'd be in a wheelchair today if he wasn't popping pills this very moment?
Yes, because Kurt isn't nearly 60 years old.
Considering Kurt immediately signed with TNA after getting released and all the crazy shit he was doing, kind of hard to take him seriously when he says he wanted a lighter workload. I do believe WWE was going to give him time off for rehab and Kurt didn't want to go.
Oh no no no
I thought he was taking around 50 pain pills daily at one point
he bad mouthed HHH 13 years ago
>As long as they don't start going back and editing the shit they've already uploaded I probably won't notice.
What would stop them from doing that?
nobody cares idiot. the funny thing is he teased it on fucking kurt of all people.
lads, i'm ding-dong diddly cry.
I dont think its an angle, user. Kurt neck is nonexistent these days. Its shoot difficult to watch him shuffle around the ring. He needs to stop right now before he paralyzes himself.
This is kurt's last match before going back to wwe
As you can see he could still go... did wwe cursed him or something?
Having to travel all over the place every week does wear you down even if you aren't doing a match every week. If I remember correctly Angle even looked somewhat decent a couple months ago when he returned as The Conquistador after he was on a break for awhile.
Kurt can't even move his head because of his neck.
*An herosaults in your path
it was only 6 months ago, he does a little bit of showboating too to show that he was fine.
Is Vince punishing Kurt for going to TNA? He's already down Vince, stop kicking him!
this man was the greatest pro wrestler in the world not too long ago
please make it end
Theirs difference of temporally and permanently.
>not too long ago
>a decade
TNA WAS a lighter workload though, he only had to work a few times a month. He could also pop all the somas he wanted, WWE very publically said his release was wellness-related so we all knew that was part of it too. Ultimately the issue is that Angle always wanted to go 200% in the ring and fucked himself up even on that lighter schedule. Nothing short of him retiring would have made a difference.
well if you're 14 like you user i bet it seems a lifetime ago :^)
Why are you guys surprised a 50 year old man whose broken his neck 4 times doesn't want to take a clean bump?
unless you're an immortal vampire a decade is a lot of time. nice attempt at deflection though you fucking retard.
LMAO they really are trying to kill him
>50 years old and already dying
>meanwhile CHADberg at 50 became Universal Champion and could wrestle with Bork himself
Based Samoan Sawdust Machine claiming another victim
no broken necks
wrestled 1 (ONE) match
I would have unironically given him the WWE title match at WM.
Will DDP yoga save him?
Wtf was that? Did he try to kill himself?
What's the original image
Randy "The Ram" Robinson from the movie The Wrestler
The saddest thing is that I can sort of see why they're giving him Corbin as the last match now. Yeah, Corbin is boring as hell, but he's safe and he won't kill Kurt at Mania, so that's something at least
>Renee Young: OH
And there goes my sides
These are work botches for the Mania angle. Corbin with work botch him in the ring and Kurt will end his career stretchered out, all for heat.
>2 minute match
Calm down buddy.
Kurt can do 2 moves in a 40 second squash match.
>One day Kurt will die too young
>WWE will use the chance to invoke him to try and get over some geek they want to be the face of the company
>they will make some bullshit documentary about how he struggled with pain and helped him
>this match will be scrubbed from the network
Please stop kurt
>AJ and Kurt wrestle for 2 minutes and it's mostly just AJ using the calf crusher on Kurt
>Orton comes out and RKOs AJ and the match is throw out
Hope that satisfied you
Jesus Christ, he doesn't go one night without looking like his body is giving up on him
Wooo: the post
Territories footage. Even a 45 or 50k crowd in Texas in 1984, the David von Erich memorial show.
It looks like he purposely landed sideways to not hit his neck.
heaven needed a champiooon ...
He won't ever give up, so his body has to.
Look at his neck
>>Renee Young: OH
What went so wrong, bros? He used to be so full of life.
WWE schedule.
It will break you down. Kurt already had a bunch of issues but was able to deliver since he had plenty of time to rest and recover. WWE now is making him wrestle non stop to squeeze ever last dime before they retire him on "the grandest stage". It's absolutely disgusting.
its kinda Kurt's fault too, nigga unironically thinks he can still go.
Angle vs Taker at Mania in a Brittle Bones Match.
To be fair, his missle dropkick was always shit.
That's not shit
He should have retired a decade ago.
He will want to keep chasing the thrill. He will kill himself in some bingo hall show streaming on twitch
Sad but probably true.
Vince needs to give him a job as a trainer, just so he can still get in the ring, but not actually wrestle. Someone has to save Kurt from himself.
why won't Kurt's wife and kids convince him that enough is enough?
Hell of a bump by Brock
Its like how guys in the trades get banged up after 20 years. You can do crazy travel and long hours when you are 20 but at 40 you get fucked
The brand split will be dead when smack moves to Fox
He did the return match. KO match and the Rumble.
Did he even wrestle once on TV?
Go back to wooo, chadberg was always based, only WWE zoomers dont like him, he was hype as fuck in WCW.
If he stayed standing he could have transitioned it into a spinebuster with a wrist clutch
His body collapsed doing a move he's done thousands of times, so sad
Goddamn, I can feel the sting from taking that bump. Why is he still going?
He was. Kurt had to go to rehab for it. There's a reason why he went to TNA for so long too.
not even carder is this sad
>yfw Kurt comes out next week in SD and request a match with Brock
>Brock doesn't want to do it
>Kurt starts shooting
>Brock tries to walk away but Kurt won't let him
>Brock kills Angle in the middle of the ring
>Angle can be heard thanking Brock before dying with a smile on his face
I got a good chuckle mate
>Joe has to walk 5 feet in front of Kurt so he can actually do it
fucking hell...
That's a Miz-tier drop kick lol.
Kurt was always my favorite before he went to TNA. Then I stopped watching him. Was so excited for him to come back and seeing him like this actually makes me sad. I don't give a fuck about wrestling anymore but it makes me wanna cry. I wish him the best for real.
He still bumps on the side of his ass like he does in the recent one. The only difference is he actually get his feet off the ground and jump in the old one.
sounds legit; he once said he has to run 5 miles a day to stop his knees for constantly hurting because of arthritis