based kofi keeping kayfabe alive, wymyn should take notes
Based kofi keeping kayfabe alive, wymyn should take notes
WTF I like Kofi now!! BASED botch save
Christ, how can he successfully use Twitter to build a "worked shoot" storyline that still fully obeys kayfabe, and those fucking harridans who'll be headlining Mania can't?
Cringe. Single-handedly made me stop watching WWE with his cringe-inducing feud and his retarded storyline.
Based Kofi
actually based
he's a man, he knows what he's doing
What did he mean by this?
Nigger showing a """woman""" how to kayfabe in the social media era kek
>Keeping kayfabe till the end instead of a OMG SO HISTORIC SO HAPPY masturbatory post
Unironically based. Best story going right now cause the people involved actually know how the fuck wrestling works.
The New Day
Because men actually know how to work.
Cannot fucking wait for this era of virtue signalling, patting on the back, and ingeniune bullshit to be finally over
Despite him being a C+ player, it-s pretty clear Kofi loves this business and doesn-t want it to die. Marks and legit retards can bark fake all they want but the reality is that Kayfabe is the only thing that makes Wrestling interesting. Without it, it's us watching two individuals doing gay shit in a pretend fight that involve stupid gymnastic jumps that don't even look good for a gymnastic competition.
Do you not have an apostrophe key, you little retard?
>men are competent
>women are dumb and emotional
11 years isnt a meme he has been around for a long time and at this point is a veteran
11 years a house nigger
i can kind of understand ronda not being able to keep "kayfabe" because she is green as hell and just playing herself, but what is the point of these wrestlers having twitter handles with their wrestling name (i.e. BeckyLynchWWE) if they are not going to stay in "character."
This was actually a pretty cool save by Kofi.
Goddamn he should be the one in the main event. Just imagine what Becky's or even worse, RR's cringy ass "tough guy" reply would've been had she been put in a similar scenario.
t.SOS'd white boi
Kofi is now /ourguy/
God damn he better come out to SOS
Kofi should win the championship just for this save alone.
>closing the show is a bad thing
>I was """prentending""" to be retarded
Because he knows what he's doing.