It'll only take a single Spear

It'll only take a single Spear.

Attached: drew.jpg (1200x1200, 179K)

How are they not pushing this guy to the very top with a body like that?

Look: 9/10
Mic: 8/10
In-Ring: 9/10

You can't argue against this.

Cause the company is run by retards

Someone please, for love of god, explain to me why anti-smarks have such a boner for this dimeless simp?

>Mic: 8/10

>Mic: 8/10
>In-Ring: 9/10
Lmao ok kiddo

Its smarks that do

More like it'll only take a single Claymore

Look: 7.5 or 8/10 looks good but honestly too generic
Mic: 6/10 passable but nothing special. Everyones standards are just low nowadays
In Ring: 6.5 or 7/10. Again, passable.

post yfw shitty 50/50 booking feud

He's better than Roman in every way, prove me wrong.

>le monotonous grouchy man

What a boring shitter. Maybe Based Big Dog can spear some charisma into this simp

Is he the only guy that does legs?

the crowd actually makes noises when romans out there

wait, is Drew gonna use the spear as his finisher?
That would be very based, a banter to Roman a finally someone with the strength to make it look devastating

>implying edrones know what's good or not

Good. Make finishers strong again.

He has no charisma

He's equal to Roman in every way. The only thing separating them is indie cred, which lets smarks feel like they're sticking it to the man by praising Drew.

>he's better than roman!
>audiences care about roman at least
>th-they don't count!
Worked into a seethe

hopefully not

Agreed, I hope he gets pinned from one Superman Punch instead


He's no better than Brian Adams or Bryan Clark. Generic long-haired greaser.