Hirooki Goto BTFO's Puro Twitter

Hirooki Goto BTFO's Puro Twitter

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But I am being told that he would be main eventer in Shinkiba 1RING running promotions!

Why is she being mean to Goto like that? What a cunt

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Please leave the biggest company in the country while it's experiencing great growth and go work in some other company that has been struggling to survive for the past two decades.

Holy fucking cringe puro twitter is so fucked


People who make puro twitter threads on Yea Forums are infinity more cringe than puro twitter

Based fucking GOATo

They will tell you that it is Stockholm syndrom people enjoy NJPW suffers from Gedo.

I just clicked on a profile that liked this tweet and they actually thought the most recent NJcup was the worst tournament in wrestling history. These retards need to take a shower. Also everyone seems to be a manic depressive in that circle. Wonder why they seem so bitter about everything that isnt Jap yardtarders.

>saw the users who liked the tranny's tweet
>it's the usual suspects

of course

Someone reply to (((((she/her)))) to chop off her dick

YIKES. Not even Japanese people would say that, to a midcarder like Goto too. Puro gatekeepers are the epitome of autism and cringe.

Let me present someone to you:
This person is 19 years old. Judge for yourself, if its (I don't know the pronouns to use!!!!) opinions are something to be taken seriously.

tranny gaijin really need to GTFO

Based nice Goto being respectful to Puro Twitter idiots.

Can’t stand people constantly complaining on Twitter about their depression and anxiety. Fuckin kys and make the world a better place.

> me laughing at this chick getting respectfully btfod
> look at her twitter
> it's a fucken tranny

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The thing is she-he-them-whatever continued, even after being to get out.
Do you understand people like this?

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I really don't understand it also I laughed at this

>It's like if you have a mate with some crippling addiction....

bro, what is self awareness? You're a fucken dude who thinks you have a vagina!!

I bet you this person started watching Japanese wrestling last year and now acting like a puroresu veteran by dropping the names of less-known and obscure Japanese promotions.

>as long as you make your thoughts known

ding-dong diddly cringe. Just basically confirms what these woke SJWs dipshits are seeking: GIVE ME ATTENTION! VALIDATE MY OPINIONS!!


I'm sorry, Jews, for all the bad that has been done to your tribe over the centuries. Please stop converting people into such insufferable fags.

Holy newfag

Doses it think it's thoughts are actually of any consequence to Goto?

this. mental illness is mental illness in whatever form it takes

Both of those companies have seen growth, you misinformed retard. Her wish is probably for Goto to be a top guy and she knows it would never happen in NJPW. It won't in AJPW or especially NOAH either though.

>Hey NJPW homegrown guy, how about leaving NJPW and it's comfy steady paycheck and taking paycuts going to these plateaued companies who have shown no growth just because it pleases me and my 30 other edgy friends who validates my opinions with contrarian liking for selfish purposes

maybe... just maybe... just an idea, imagine, maybe I am not saying it is correct, but there is this thing...
What if. What if Goto likes his position? What if he wants nothing more? What if he doesn't want to be the main draw in the company, because he doesn't want that pressure to deliver every single time.
What if he is perfectly fine to be the guy under the top guy, having good to great matches?
And being paid better than anywhere else in the world, unless he worked the hellish schedule of WWE?

What if I don't want to see Goto leave NJPW either and I'm just helping your sperg ass understand what another person was thinking?
And he's definitely not the guy under the top guy, he's barely even a midcarder in a good day.

This person also thinks they're a female, they're clearly delusional

>puro twitter laughs at self marks
>wants them to be self marks and go to other places because "he isn't being used right"

Oh hai, Eva. Do you still have a penis?
Also, maybe try talking to your father.

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I'd disown that thing too, if I were it's father

I would ignore his existence if I was his father too.

Can't you just make a twitter account and say this to the tranny instead of playing pretend with me?

What is the story behind this? Is Goto in the JASDF or something?

No, because I use my twitter account to see stuff and not to talk to people. Also I specifically don't use social media to talk to mentally ill people, because if they kill themselves, I do not want that on my concience.
But that's just me, my policy is not to bring Yea Forums out of Yea Forums. Here I can send you to hell and wish bodily harm on you. But in the end, you knew what you were signing into. This is Yea Forums. A flaming thrash heap and it always was.
I do not bring that outside of here and I hate when chanspeak makes it outside. And I hated it for 10 years.

This but unironically. Yea Forums used to be the rebels of the internet, now look at us... every board is full of caps from other dime drawing feds like twitter, tumblr or facebook... the so called rebels of Yea Forums nowadays do6nt even have the guts to create a free account and tell these people off, instead they pretend like they're talking to their arch rivals right here on Yea Forums(nel). I'm so sick and tired of seeing posts from literal who retards that you people stalk, and you do stalk them because they're nobodies with 20 likes/post.

I know you are calling me out.
and I don't care, my dude. Yea Forums never was rebels, at least not the boards I choose as my home during my nerdom. Yea Forums is just the best discussion platform avaiable. That's all.

It's a social campaign he did for his hometown. Celebs in Japan do these campaigns for their hometowns.

it's a thing in Japan called "1 Day Police Chief" and usually idols and female newscasters get to do this for publicity and for law enforcement awareness

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>I know you are calling me out.
No, just Yea Forums in general. Lots of boards do the screencap shit. You can't be the only one stalking these losers
>and I don't care, my dude. Yea Forums never was rebels, at least not the boards I choose as my home during my nerdom.
Oh, it was. You just have been coming here for a long time
>Yea Forums is just the best discussion platform avaiable
Fuck no it isn't.

>You can't be the only one stalking these losers
I went and looked at the dumbass in the OP. And found her humorous. And... kinda sad. Especially the dad tweets. I don't know about you, but I have big loving family and I kinda can't understand someone who decides not to talk to their parents for 10 years. Like wtf happened? Did they killed someone? Did they pissed in someone's cake? Or wtf could have happened that it would be so bad for them not to talk to their parents?
>Oh, it was. You just have been coming here for a long time
Possible, I am just used to it. I never found Yea Forums to be some kind of secret hideout for rebels. For me it was just the easiest place to hang out and discuss my hobbies. And you can leave that anytime you want, because there is not really any kind of legacy you leave behind.
For example, when I was scanlating US comics to my native language, it was hard to stop coming to boards I was using to spread them, because people wanted more. But life got into the way. But I could have disappeared from Yea Forums at any moment and nobody would have noticed.
>Fuck no it isn't.
For wrestling it fucking is.

Autism you two

>Like wtf happened?
It's clearly because the dad didn't want his son chopping off his dick. Most trans dont talk to their parents, especially dads.
>Possible, I am just used to it.
You're used to nu Yea Forums(nel), clearly you HAVEN'T been coming here long is what I meant to say.
>For wrestling it fucking is
I don't want to imply there's a better alternative, but there's no actual discussion here.

Is that Rina? Based!


>You're used to nu Yea Forums(nel), clearly you HAVEN'T been coming here long is what I meant to say.
? See pic. big boss salute post is me.

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What annoys me is that they would chalk this up to shitposts g. But it clearly isn't, shitposting has some kind of absurd element to it. In this reply they come off as self-righteous and that they know better. But Goto is a made man! He's in the upper-to-midcard, protected except against the main guys (upset wins every so often), in the top company in the country, and is a Dojo boy. Dude is set barring scandal.

my dad doesnt even have a facebook, what a retard.

Proving my point. There was a cultural shift in Yea Forums in about 2008. Every newfag since then has been a different generation, an eternal newfag.

Goto is based

Yea Forums has always been about laughing at others


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>Fuck no it isn't.
Maybe you've found a really nice forum that's got perfect discussion that you refuse to share because you don't want the masses to come in and ruin a good thing. Fair enough. But as a general rule, Yea Forums disccusion does come out on top compared to almost all other sites despite its serious drawbacks. We can sit and complain about how our mods never do anything and the janitors all 5 brain cells, but at the end of the day their ineptitude is so much better an alternative to the mods playing God who need their ego stroked and need to power trip at every moment. Disccusion here is better than places where you get ignored if your post count is too low, or the guy with the massive post count can disregard your entire point because he's got more posts than you (despite horribly inflating his numbers in the off-topic section for this entire purpose). There's next to no censorship her, and that means more than just the ability to say bulbasaur and get away with it. Most importantly, you can give your opinion regardless of how controversial or stupid it is and you can still get some conversation out of it here (or at least a thread).

Laughing at them in group, not pretending like you're talking directly to them.

>There's next to no censorship her
Bitch please. Among the bazillion filter words you still get hundreads of posts deleted daily, and that's not counting the porn spam that deservedly gets deleted.

why is he so precious?


I feel bad for not buying from his Merch table when I had the chance now

Puro Twitter just keeps losing!

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Based fake tough guy.

*GTRs criminal scum*

Imagine thinking Josh CHADnett isn't /ourguy/.

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Goto is the Justin Credible of japan

Goto has an elevator in his own house, can you say the same?

Goto *the wrestler is the Justin Credible of japan

I had seen her in another thread, did she get banned from SHIMMER for accusing fans of sexual harrassment?

Yes she/xhe loudly called all the fans rapists and made a big scene during a show and got banned from Shimmer of all places the most feminist shit around

I I i
I I -

Please tell me there is video of this


These dweebs care more about fake wins and losses than the wrestlers do.

Rich famiry, prease understandu.

What fucking growth? They're barely keeping the doors open, you geek. You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to give up a solid midcard gig at New Japan to go main event 3k people shows.



He's barely a mid carder, you money mark, he's there to put the mid carders over. You're just a poorfag that thinks making 100k instead of 80k will change your life, it won't.
>but but h-he gets to wrestle in front of fifty t-thousand people at the D-Dome
Nobody gives a shit about the NEVER(important) 6 man tag team gauntlet opener match, it's a fucking pissbreak.
It's better to be a big fish in a small pond than being the shit on the bottom of the ocean.
Congratulations on looking long and hard to find one if the very few Goto marks in the world but as it is, despite the fact that New Japan has such a monopoly on the industry in Japan, in popularity polls across the country Goto is still surpassed by the pachinko hall wrestlers that barely work a show or two per year with 5-6k attendance.
The equivalent to what you're saying is "why wrestle in the US if you aren't wrestling for wwe.
>what growth
Are you denying reality, you scum bucket? They've grown in attendance, merch sales and All Japan just opened an online streaming subscription system last year.
Then again, you're probably not intentionally arguing against facts, you probably just dont know anything about Japanese pro wrestling outside of NJPW because your god le meltz doesnt report on anything except nj.

This user has hit exactly what I like about discussing wrestling here on Yea Forums.
I tried reddit for like 3 weeks, when I decided I want to talk to someone else after I started watching wrestling in 2014.
And it was a horrid experience. It is a hellhole with absolutely unusable interface, it is a fucking echo chamber and if I have to cut myself each time I've seen
>this may be an unpopular opinion
during those 3 weeks, my arms would have been one long scar tissue. Luckily I decided to go back to Yea Forums to find where the fuck people talk about wrestling here. And here I am now, enjoying this much more than anywhere else.

of course they do
Even here, some people do for some reason.
I care about wins and losses, but only as it matters to the story of a character or a promotion. Who the fuck cares that guy who plays Goto, a wrestler in fictional series about combat sport, wins a lot?

The people that like Goto? There might not be a large group but still.
Do you think just because a guy is popular everyone cares about him?

There is this disconnect between "I like him" and "Goto should get out of NJPW, because he doesn't win enough".
He is portrayed as an important part of the promotion, of the story of it. He has been challenger for the big belt so many times, never really getting it, proving he is not the top guy.
But is that really a problem? Would him being on top of smaller promotion fixed the problem?

If pro wrestling was a fightan game id main goto

I'd probably main Hirota. Just to fuck with people.

He isn't portrayed as an important part of the promotion, what are you smoking?

He is. He was there in the ring with Tanahashi, Okada and Ibushi. He is a credible challenger for their native fanbase. He can challenge anyone, anytime and will be cheered and believed as a gyu who can beat anyone anytime.
And to get to Okada you have to either bear Ishii or Goto.

Glad NPW keeps the business where it belong, in Japan. The US is so cucked no wonder they just throw shit shows when they are in that country.

People who say this really lack perspective. He's always involved in a title picture and he generally has a marquee match at Tokyo Dome, whether it be a singles or tag match. He is one of their most overpushed talents in the promotion. Just because he hasn't won the big one doesn't mean he isn't pushed a lot.

Not as blow the fuck out as Kevin Nash’s anus in the summer of 92

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Ishii and Ibushi losing a lot in big matches hasn't stopped me from appreciating their work in the ring. It's really silly when people get caught up on match results, it's the work in the ring that is most important IMO.

>He is a credible challenger