Watch AEW

>Watch AEW

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>no hoe culture
Fucking SWERFs.

the one grey sleeve makes me suspicious

is it a tattoo?
Why would you tattoo your arm grey?

Mentally ill individuals resort to cutting themselves when they have a bad day, which is most days.

Sure, when does their tv show air?

When is Cody putting the strap on him?

ugh, can you not?

>can you not?

cringe phrase kys

This is who spams leftist bullshit and calls you an incel.

What a disgusting abomination. Kill it.

Gonna have to ask you to hang yourself dude

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thats the point ya ding-dong diddly dummy

That tattoo costs a LOT of money. This is some white guy with rich parents who can't figure out his place in the world, so he pretends he's a girl so he can feel like he belongs to SOMETHING.

Sad tbqhwyf

still kys

This is what the modern white man has been reduced to.

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>white guy
>his place
>he pretends
>he, he, he, he, he
You fucking asshole

I wanna put a mixed baby inside this white mamacita

fuck those mentally ill weirdos

Stunningly based post

It's a blackout tattoo I believe. They're getting popular, it'll probably be the next tribal trend