It saddens me greatly bros. He's looking like he will become a cripple at any second now...

It saddens me greatly bros. He's looking like he will become a cripple at any second now. I have never seen such a high profile wrestler degrade this badly while still wrestling like I have with Kurt Angle. Sting was older and he at least still looked good against Rollins until the injury. Kurt meanwhile looks like he moves like an 80 year old man. And now his last match is going to be against that shitter?

The GOAT, reduced to this.... ;_;

Attached: kurt-angle-1552972231.jpg (1200x675, 75K)

Out of all the wrestlers that wasted time and health in TNA, his run pisses me off the most
He should have taken it easy over there for just a few years, saved his money, rested his body afterwards and dealt with the drug issues

He had tons of great matches and at least gave some slight credibility to TNA though.

Randy the Ram tier

He's fine

He hasn't been good since 2009 or so, but goddamn this is just sad.

If WWE wants to kill Kurt just put him in match with botch machine Seth Rollins

Yeah, a lot of good that did.

He's looked like this for like 10 years, back when WWE let him go to try to force him to rehab and he just went to TNA instead. And the Corbin match is a work, either he gets replaced on the go home show, or they make it a no DQ match so all Kurt's friends can run in and the match will just be Corbin getting gang raped again and Kurt will retire next year against Cena or Undertaker.

>everyone I like is GOAT

Kurt has been a broken down mess since his original run with WWE. They were worried back then that there was a real chance he'd die in WWE. That was back in 2006, 13 fucking years ago.

Kurt kept going though, moonsaulting off cages in TNA like a God damn retard while he popped up to 60 vicodin a day, washed down with booze of course.

The fact that he's alive at all right now is mind boggling to me, never mind the fact that he was cleared to wrestle in WWE. It speaks to how strong he is to survive all that.

He won't love to 60 though, no way. I bet his heart is greatly weakened by all that bullshit, not to mention all the concusions he surely got over the years

Fake wrestling fucking destroyed this guy.

Attached: kurt_angle_in_2000_by_jhwink-da6hln1.jpg (642x722, 84K)

Working that many nights a year will do that worse than shoot fighting every couple of months. Por examplo, Ken Shamrock sustained way more injuries in the wrasslin' game than in his fighting career.

It's clear that Angle was as addicted to preforming at the top level as he was to pills. He was legit intense as fuck in every match, even when he was seriously hurt, even when he had a broken fucking neck. Angle was fucking insane. In fairness, he's also my favourite wrestler of all time.

now post the Kurt running and jumping like a madman gif

When he biffed that snap suplex against Joe last night, I seriously cringed.

>Kurt will retire next year
bro he doesnt look like he'll live that long

>moonsaulting off cages in TNA like a God damn retard
it became a tradition. At least once a year he'd have a cage match against Jarrett or Anderson and everyone would wait to see if he died this year

That and the yearly Lethal Lockdown AJ roof spot really make me hate over choreographed wrestling

exactly the problem

his neck problems started while he was amateur wrestling user