Most kino theme of NOAH

>most kino theme of NOAH
>somehow people think he's worse than basedboy Taue

Attached: 9-3-2015_10-21-10_PM.0.0.jpg (1310x873, 47K)

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based akiyama still competing while Taue will never convince anyone he used to be a "world class" wrestler looking like this

Attached: Taue.jpg (487x1197, 149K)

Fuck off simp

Attached: tumblr_oogxjtxr6x1w5oyoxo2_400.gif (300x228, 1009K)

lol worked

Attached: 15535773392416487.gif (444x250, 285K)

Akiyama revisionists are cringe. He was NEVER the guy.

Only reason people like this clown is because they want to point to a big promotional leader outside of NJ and latch onto him. While conveniently forgetting all the bad booking.

They so desperately want to make him as part of the 4 pillars it's cringe. And also to sound obnoxiously contrarian of course because 4 pillars are a product of Meltzer's hype while Akiyama has always been that bastard child from the outside looking in, while pretentiously yelling into thin air to let others know Meltzer does not think for them.

Meh, I don't really care about any of that.VI always thought Akiyama had a good look and hearing commentaters yell EXPLOIDAH was fun.

But puro twitter told me Akiyama is such a great booker, boring,charisma void shitters like Jake Lee and Aoyagi and Nomura have been elevated through his booking are totally front runners to winning the CC this year and not having to rely on outsiders :)

>bumps his neck to sawdust
>literally never draws a dime so his mentor has to bump his neck to death
>can't even bump his neck into Dave's gay and fake HOF


>>most kino theme of NOAH
That's Kobashi
>>somehow people think he's worse than Taue
Lemme give you a history lesson, newfag. There's a reason Akiyama was considered the unofficial fifth pillar, while many thought that he was on their level in terms if in ring ability, Akiyama was not a draw like them. Taue might have the worst look out of them, but he was a top tier performer even in the 00s. And dont let Yea Forums memes live in your head rent free "hurr who was Janet xD". Theres a reason there were four pillars and it's because all four were draws.

Dont worry bud im sure he will insert himself and Akebono again after one of their vanilla shitters breaks their collarbone or something.

>Think that's a kino theme
Even Cena knows that Kobashi is the most based

Attached: 3379a87720a354c1e736ac9a023502f7.jpg (600x800, 60K)

Based Cena cosplaying as Kobashis dead friend and rival Misawa

God forbid a Japanese promotion push young talent.

>missing the point this bad

Attendance double compared to what it was a couple of years ago. Keep seething, but results are results.

>relying and putting over outside talent stronger than even their home feds do because their roster is full of dimeless shitters

They've been relying on their own guys but they've brought in guys from other feds. Are you mad that they're actually working with other feds or are you seething that they dont job out the outsiders like petty assholes? Either way, it's a yikes from me.


YIKES. Keep seeping the Akiyama koolaid, Who Japanetty.


Im annoyed that they abandoned a decent Zeus title run after one defense and immediately put him on the backburner. Im not a huge Zeus fan but it made no sense to run back the Miyahara match so soon and take the belt off him. Especially considering this is currently Miyaharas FOURTH title reign since 2016.

No point arguing with All Whopan shills. They're just convinced Akihackma is the greatest thing/booker ever because

>not Gedo
>not Nu Japan
>le contrarian's choice

>>not Gedo
>>not Nu Japan
>>le contrarian's choice
This. That's all there is to it.

I don't know how but somehow Taue, more often than Akiyama, has been the reason for so many great matches in NOAH.

Zeus fucking sucks.