*changes the world in your path*

*changes the world in your path*

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Other urls found in this thread:


>there's a timeline where just kenny is in charge of AEW creative and it succeeds
>tfw this isnt that timeline
>tfw this timeline fucking cody rhodes is in charge with two white guys from fuck all california having huge sway

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*trash can moonsaults in your path*

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*is a one-winged angel in your path*

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Selling T-Shirts and giving handshakes while managing the hotdog supplies is changing the world?

*lives rent free in seething e-drones heads in your path*

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*being this delusional

Attached: All-Elite T-shirts .png (596x406, 589K)

*has a tv deal in place that can’t be stopped in your path*

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*is curly haired sephiroth in your path*

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*cums inside Kairi Sane and sends Shane Thorne the tape to mock him*

All Poojeets ETHERED

*is a shoot manlet in your path*

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It's just wrestling. Unless he end independent contractors or makes health care for all wrestlers a thing, he's not changing the world.

*debuts on the WWE network in your path*

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*arm wrestles you in your path*

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>tfw the greatest performance artist in the world will be booked worse by Cody than he would be by Vince and the carnie crew
>tfw Kenny will never have another legitimate 5* match
>tfw the young bucks and Cody will tank what couldve been an interesting product

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*gets 619’d in your path*

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*becomes the next golden lover in your path*

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Holy fucking boomer cringe. Is that real? Final Fantasy is fucking terrible LMAO!

>sits at home masturbating to tapes of his old matches while his hype and buzz shrink more and more by the day
was that his final fantasy?

He's never had a great body. he only bulks up for wrestle kingdom and dominion

FF8 is unironically his favorite game and named himself after omega weapon, but in early DDT days when he won, they’d play the FF7 victory jingle. He’s cooler than any wrestler in the west. Cope e-drones

This, I've went back and played boomer games and they're terrible. Fortnite mogs everyone of them.

It hurts bros. Omega would be half of himself in WWE. But in AEW I don't even think we will be getting omega

Anything boomershit not made by nintendo has aged terribly

>likes shitty, badly written rpgs
>is the coolest wrestler in the west

>playing games made with actual soul
>not cool
>soulless contemporary trite

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Kota please save Kenny from this impending doom. Please Kota, don’t ruin golden lovers in the AEW shit, because the bucks will have to book their wins back, but help.
God why is Kenny friends with such shitters like Cody and the Bucks? Let’s be real Cody was a D lister in the E, and the jacksons are vanilla flippy shitters

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>FF8 is unironically his favorite game
WTF I like Kenny Omega now

This is cool.

What are the best Omega matches from before the Okada series?

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When I watched the Kenny O docu and found that out, I legit watched like 8 hours of matches right after

Kota can't help him now. He has chosen his path.

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What a botch, sheesh.

That trash can moonsault is from WK10, vs KUSHIDA, really good bout. He’s got a lot of fun matches before/after Okada. Omega vs Naito at G1 climax is honestly my all time favorite match

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I was about to post the same thing. Okada/Omega overshadow it, but really the Naito/Omega matches were better in a different way. Especially the semifinal match of the G1. The winner went on to face Goto. Damn I was so hyped about that match and it delivered.

There’s a vid out there somewhere, you can find, it’s Kenny vs Seth vs Bryan back in RoH, it’s worth a watch just because it’s the three of them, imo hard 4/5

Kenny was always the little comedy jobber. When you watch those matches no one would ever think in a millions years that one day Kenny would be the best in the world and Rollins would be biting form him and trying to be him. Bless Kenny.

My man, patrician taste. The Naito/Kenny matches felt so much more fluid, dynamic, and even organic, than the big Okada matches. Don’t get me wrong, Omega/Okada matches are fantastic, but not the same caliber as Naito. Fuck Meltzer though

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Seth masturbates to this video every night while crying

Okada matches are rather overrated imo. WK11 is really good, but I'm not crazy about the rest. Basically his run in the G126 was great, best match he's had with Naito. Wasn't crazy about his Jr. Heavy run; it was okay.

A lot of his DDT stuff is underrated because people haven't seen it. Many good matches there.

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>Seth strikes Kenny with 8 knees (6 are v trig equivalent) in that match
>Kenny cries out 9 years later as Seth brings back a knee strike
Truly the only thing that bothers me about Kenny, besides his friendship with the jacksons

If only E could give us a DB Seth feud.. it was actually good and surprising in ‘08. Both are better wrestlers now

not to body shame but is it me or is he getting a bit, um, "chunkier"?

After he left DDT for NJPW, he only looked “good” for WKs, dominions, and G1 Climaxes.
He always lets himself go for not the prime events, sad story. His old training regiment was actually really intense

He bulked up considerably during his title chase & champ run. Personally I think it looks weird, he's too big for his frame now and it looks unnatural. Tones Cleaner Kenny was the best.

>Kenny cries out 9 years later as Seth brings back a knee strike


i baka when people say "roid belly" in recent pics

it's more like just "fat abs"

again- he's still in great shape tho

Why Kenny! Why betray your best friend, your boyfriend, your golden lover! He is legitimately the only reason you ever even got a chance to wrestle in Japan.

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Kenny is literally the definition of achievable natty, nothing about him says roids. People are dumb. Plus his core strength in fantastic because he actually gives a shit about being a wrestler, some of those dead lift power bombs and German suplexes he used to do out of nowhere were awesome.

>mfw roid accusations
>always from people who don’t hit the weights
They need to get a clue

His training circuit was literally based on all of those (wrestling) movements, he’s 100% natty for sure. If not, he’s doing something terribly wrong, and he should seek a BB training professional

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Is anyone else really unenthused for this rematch? The first match OK, I mean, Jericho is old and slower now, and is becoming a prop boy, and almost missing lionsaults and shit. He’s even fatter now than their first bout
What a poor booking as Kenny’s first “big” US debut
>I’m ignoring that absolutely atrocious All In match on purpose Kenny had as his “debut”

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and i'll easily admit that i'm part/fully shitposting when I talk about him looking chunky

guys a FUCKING machine....

most people who do the roid belly thing are also most likely the same who do the whole "supplements are bad for you" thing

supplements aren't bad for you btw....they're just mostly shit tho

I really like the way these two cut promos against teach other and the buildup in NJPW was really fun, but yeah I'm not looking forward to it. The match will probably be good since even fat Jericho still has moments of brilliance, but I really don't think it is going to be anything special at all.

Jericho is now lucha brawler and you have to accept him for what he is.
he can do some stuff, but he is in the same vein as LA Park. Fat luchador.

Still don't know what this is trying to say

I still like Jericho, but fuck I wish he'd lose some weight. He looks awful, and moves a lot slower.

>Fat luchador.

"muscle-fat, brother"

That’s the problem though, one promo, at a shitty Vegas “hosting party”
It’ll be a 3* at best, my expectations are so low
It was cool to see Kenny adopt that in their match, a more brawler style than he has been doing for the past couple of years

The Jericho matches were not good. The shock of Jericho in NJPW was good, the angle was good, the buildup was good, the promos were good, Jericho's heel boomer gimmick was good, the Metlzer epin ratings were good, but the matches just weren't.

Kenny should be feuding with Penta in AEW

>screws Khan out of a couple of million dollars

You’ve gotta go. Jeriboomer vs Kenny looked like the GOAT match in comparison to that fucking Kenny Penta tripe at All In.
I seriously hope you don’t actually think that

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*signs an NFL QB contract in your path*

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I really miss this hair do

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Simpson r gay.

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These are the facts. Kenny's Naito stuff is his peak. The Tana stuff will be remembered highly too but it's overshadowed now by his loss and departure

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What a truly shitty departure. The match was good, but still. Kenny claims to be, and for the most part I’ll agree, that he’s a great performance artist, and a great character/creator. Man his exit was anything but great, anything but graceful. It’s truly a changing of the times.
It literally is a child getting mad and storming off to play with friends in a different sandbox. It saddens me

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He was molested by Michael Jackson

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I feel like he was kind of coasting last year in New Japan. Changes in management, injures, and so forth, just started hampering him. Watching him work in AEW will be interesting because the challenges it presents for him. For the first time in a decade, he's going to be wresting primarily in front of an American audience. Their stock of talent is diverse. I'm curious to see what he'll get out of them. And he really has a voice to direct the entire promotion, not just his own programs.

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Kenny strikes me as the type of dude who gets way more out of the chase rather than the achievement. Once he got to the top he lost all interest and was immediately looking for the next thing to fight towards.

I hope he has that kind of freedom, and isn’t booked and ruined by Cody, who is obviously going to put himself over. I just want good mainstream matches in the US finally. Sometime I can go to live and enjoy too

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Ironically enough, he’s said exactly that in interviews before, at least he’s honest


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What can I say, I enjoyed it the most out of all the FF games I played regardless of the dumb story. It's also the only FF game I completed 100%.

Disc 1 was an absolute masterpiece, it jumps shark a bit after. The combat is obviously just autoattack to win, because why use magic, destroys your stats. Drawing and magic compiling was an interesting concept though

there aren't any. okada sucks

well for me that's the most interesting aspect of it all is kenny being a backstage, creative, scouting guy

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Watch the original Kenny v Kota DDT from ‘08 iirc. Literally Kenny’s first match. A falls count anywhere. Hilarious
Also Kenny vs Haruka, and Kenny vs Yoshihiko, both are worth it

Is that asuka?

Can I get a source on this match, brother?


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Thank you so much

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>It literally is a child getting mad and storming off to play with friends in a different sandbox

What? What are you basing this on? This was a dream feud for him, he and Tana wanted to work together for years.

>a Kenny Omega thread with 50+ posters
I didn’t even know 50 people still used this board.
I just copped a sweet Kenny O shirt for $20 that I’m stoked about [Size Large :^)]. Sad he won’t be at the April 6 event at the garden though

Is Kenny a, dare I say, draw?

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Kenny fucked both those women right

Asuka’s son is low key Kenny’s child, just a little FYI


Yes Kenny is a world class draw. Pretend to be meme shitters or smarks or marks or whatever you want, think about who gets the threads made on Yea Forums. It's Kenny and the Elite, it sure as shit isn't Seth Rollins.

*names himself after Omega Weapon in your path*

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*walks out to ring to the rockman 2 theme song in your path*

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Kenny is the only reason I'm giving his t-shirt company a chance.

Yea, I mean outside of Yea Forums, he’s still a draw. He’s managed to somehow market himself from a back yard sandbox grappler trying to impress Kota, to a world class talent with a massive following, starting with just YouTube clips and some funny twitter bits. He really knows how to use his platform successfully and correctly
>he also draws more posters than raw/SDL game threads

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the e-drones on this board are so deluded that they don’t realize how popular he has become in the last few years.
Even my dad, who hasn’t watched a second of wrestling since mid 80s-early 90s knows who he is, because he’s been featured on numerous sports outlets giving interviews and shit for years, like SI, ESPN, etc
Just by himself, he’ll be getting people to tune in to AEW. The only question is, for how long?

>the jacksons are vanilla flippy shitters
when you realize they arent even athletic yet omega acts like theyre equals

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>omega acts like they’re equals
it’s absurd, and I refuse to believe he actually thinks that, or even regards them as an upper tier pair of wrestlers.
I watched strong style evolved yesterday again, golden lovers vs bucks, and the bucks are just so outclassed and boring.
I unironically prefer watching the awkward forced pairing of Ricochet and Black.

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Kenny is friends with Cody because he used to main Cody in SF. That's all I can think of.

ive said this before and even here these elitefags eat anything the bucks do up
they fucking suck and the bucks vs GL was average at best AT BEST

>average at best AT BEST
That’s what I usually say, but still with hesitance. It’s quite annoying knowing they’re winning at DoN because they’re arguably the biggest self marks in history.
Watch, they’ll book themselves hold the “tag titles” for a longer run than Sammartino’s solo record
>tfw I think of the Bucks, I always know AEW will tank
Glad they got boo’d out of Mexico a week ago tho lol

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They're such fucking marks they thought they could just show up in Mexico and anyone would give a shit, completely ignoring how lucha works and how Mexican fans respond to talent. If they had even bothered to do a single second of research they could have predicted it, but I guess they're better than that.

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Wrong translation. Read the New Japan interview.

Yep, exactly that.
It’s a shame Kenny is so tight with them and Cody, three low tier wrestlers, putting on lowbrow performances, entry level CAW moves, and they drag him down. Unless it’s the classic case of the hot girl with fat/ugly friends bit, which I could see Kenny doing too

Has anyone watched his match on the network?
It's fucking WEIRD man, it's young as hell Kenny, but he's doing moves and in ring stuff that he still does today.

I just tried to find it on the network app, and it is not showing up. What’s the name of the event so I can try searching it through that?
I type Kenny omega and it just resets my search

Haha on man Cru Jones is such a shitter

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This. Couldn't give less of a shit about anyone else on the roster, I'm just interested in what Kenny is going to do and what he will come with in a position he hasn't been in before.

We’ll witness Kenny-lite performing in E-lite with worse booking, sadly
Maybe AEW will be able to sign someone worth a shit that he won’t have to just drag through matches. This is currently not the case though, based on their 34 person roster

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is that tyler black?

Yea, Tyler Black vs Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson triple threat in ROH 2008

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Absolutely based.

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I miss this type of Seth

He’ll never be that good of a character in the E again, shame about that ACL

>all those spanks
Just finished watching this match, it’s great. They were all good in ring, the match managed to be decently technically sound, all while being a hilarious comedy bit.
E’s “intergender tag division,” or whatever they’ll end up calling it, will never be remotely close to how good this bout is

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>E’s inter-gender bullshit
Kenny O and Asuka vs Andrade and Charlotte, sounds like a draw my man

>Reading comprehension

Overall its pretty good game. I like the idea of being a literal god from the get go

Funny how Squall starts with 255 hit, and that you can get most of the casts final weapons before disc 1 ends, just by playing triple triad.
Hope it gets a remake, more needing and deserving of one than 7 imo

*games with another dweeb in your path*

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Ok point where you can find adamantoise without leaving the first continent.

Friendly reminder
FF9 is the best one made and blows ff7etty amd ff8imp out the water

*fucks a trap in your path*

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Hey! That's Benny Ortega!

Refuse to believe they fucked. Not because she's a trap, but because Kenny can attract the finest of traps way above of her level.

>You'll never be Kenny Omega, fucking Gllty and Kayopolice at the same time
How can he be such a chad?

Common interest and bith being in japan together helped

Just out of curiosity, does Kenny regularly beat him? Is he good at vidya in general? I just want to know if his greatness permeates through every part of his life like Gretzky.

Why is Kenny all sweaty?

He’s really autisticly good at video games, he and Kota