Immigrants to Yea Forums what made you post here?

Immigrants to Yea Forums what made you post here?

I used to post on Yea Forums a lot then I ate a really long ban so I decided to go here. I quit watching wrestling when i was a boy but a house show ticket was only $10 so I bought one and liked hearing the sound of guys slamming onto the mat IRl

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it's fun. people dont take themselves seriously here like in other autistic boards which I won't name

I was mostly a Yea Forums and Yea Forums guy and always ignored /wwe/ before the move since i had already stopped watching wrestling. Im only here because i typed an a before the sp into my address bar by mistake one time and found the place funny so I kept coming back

I'm a bretchad

Got banned from /pol/ so needed another hobby

/pol/ is so lame. they can't take a joke

Let it be known I only get banned on here if i talk shit about blonde white (((women))). A board like Yea Forums isnt even Yea Forums as far as I'm concerned.

started watching youtube videos out of nostalgia and now i'll watch ppvs for laughs, it's nice that most people here don't work themselves into a shoot

This, but now I watch NJPW lel

People here don't take this shit seriously and make fun of it at every chance.

Also, if there's an autist who actually takes this shit seriously and gets worked because the industry/their company/their waifu was insulted, you can be sure the rest of the board will back you up in burying that faggot for being so retarded.

Similar sentiments to other anons, this board doesn't take itself seriously and it's shielded decently from culture war bullshit, even then the responses are still funny. I refound wwe in 2016 and every other wrestling community is terrible

While i think wrestling and silly and it's fun to make fun of it since it can be autistic at times.i fucking love NJPW and watch most shows. the pay offs are some great fucking Dopamine.

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>post something innocuous about the kike puppet in chief
fucking boomers

There is some irony in that fellow right wingers from the_donald immigrating to /pol/ is what finally killed the board

/pol/ was always a shitshow

I cant remember what brought me here in fact i think i accidentally click on the the banner to here, i had been into wrestling before getting here so it seemed bretty good to make the switch to here from Yea Forums

To make me feel better about myself, gain self esteem and a reminder that i am not the worst whenever i'm in a dark time. In other words, thank you you bunch of fuckin pathetic subhumans, thank you very much

You are welcome.
Now go and kys

mods are nazis just like the posters

Because I started watching wrestling. Duh.

Lads how do i keep sipping energy drinks withought getting chest pain and cagfeine sick


Recently came upon botchamania now I worked myself into lurking here

I'm unfortunately a wrestling fan

There's was a day where I just clicked through all the boards because I hadn't been to probably 80% of them. Watch wrestling on and off but saw all the goofy shit the got posted here and decided to stay.

had posted about it on Yea Forums for a while then came over here to find it only got better in this shit posting holy land