ITT: fake tough guys

Starting with the obvious

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>Claims he'd be willing to take a beating in UFC for a paycheck like a true carnie.
>Never been in a real fight and doesn't realize his frail old body can't take a hit

Guess the beating he got at Brawl for All wasn't enough.

>Hazed 6000 superstars, never drew a dime

When will the uk strong style meme end guys? Haven’t had a legit tough Englishmen since based Lord Steven Regal. Guys like Walter and “le bruiserweight” would get their asses handed to them irl

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I'd like to see you even attempting to strike Walter irl.

This fagoo literally doesn't even know how to throw a punch

people dont take le bruiserweight seriously though

being tall and fat doesn't make you tough
chopping someone as hard as you can in a fake sport doesn't make you tough
i'd love to stretch that pussy

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love when Maeda shot on this pussy

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talking shit on an anonymous singaporean naked men drawing board doesn't either

Holly competed in toughman contests and was the only guy to not get knocked out by Bart Gunn despite the size difference. He also admitted Steve Blackman and Shamrock were tougher. He's not a fake tough guy like Haku.

try fighting haku i would love to see the outcome

I'd slap the shit out of Haku and make him comb my chest hair

nah you wouldn't

>Getting worked by exaggerated stories with no legitimate proof regurgitated by fucking carnies

Tell me, do you believe in Santa as well?

Haku has feral samoain blood they are savages

Walter is Austrian, not brittish
NXT does

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ok fight him then prove me wrong

Well I mean Santa does photo ops so...maybe he does exist.