Damn time moves so fucking fast bros...
Damn time moves so fucking fast bros
Foley was bigger than two of those
Jericho was a big part of it.
Still going strong.
>Big in the attitude era
>Triple H
you've just been gamed
Foley was clearly head and shoulders more important than Gaytch then
Shut the fuck up Cody get out of my thread
Everything got ruined because they were just too good, too nice. The Rock is the only one who's spoken out against the crappy "wrestlers" they have in the ring now.
Post that shit.
Rock never shits on anyone, i dont believe you.
>The Rock is the only one who's spoken out against the crappy "wrestlers" they have in the ring now.
This never happened
>big four
>paul and not mankind
HOLY CRINGE! I knew wulfcucky was dumb but YIKES!
The look on his face here says more than words could say. Sick of Wyatt. Sick of Bryan. Sick of Cody. Hell, sick of Roman. Sick of all this shit.
No, that face says "Holy shit. Not even I could stop this Jabroni from getting booed. What am I even doing here?"
The better question to ask is what are THEY doing here. They don't want a wrestling/entertainment show, they want the "right guy" to win because they're too stupid to even understand wrestling.
foley is a simp cuck liberal tard, he's about as big as your dick
BASED, attiturd era was shit anyway, it's better if all the people over 45 fuck off
You could argue Undertaker was bigger, but certainly not Triple H.
I'd put Foley and Vince with SCSA and Rock honestly.
>Spoken out
>Made an expression because even he was booed by proxy due to Roman's push
1. Austin
2. Rock
3. Vince
4. Mick Foley
5. Undertaker
ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' fair list, Hunter can revision history as much as he wants but everyone with an half functioning brain can see that its the shits™
Not bad, user.
this is the list with Kane at 6
Not putting triple h as 3 is lunacy
Hi Paul.