What did wwe mean by this?

what did wwe mean by this?

Attached: vuraiybnsco21.jpg (691x768, 86K)

Spoiling their own show. Dave is now reporting that Kofi will win.

Dont worry boys, this shrimpy nigger will never win the title

Kofi is not main event material, just look at him. What a joke

So like Bryan then?

Bryan winning isn't history making

It's just the latest Reddit wrestler who is le under utilized

nothing involving wrestling his history making you retarded mark. they say EVERYTHING is because it's marketable. do you even remember half the matches on last years show you dumb faggot?

good thing, it's not the main event.

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Bryan Kingston would be an awesome wrestling name

You seem upset


At the showcase of the Immortals, every moment makes history.



This is ridiculous, this heel Bryan is the best storyline and is the title reign with the most potential in years, I can't believe they're about to job him to a midcard shitter and prematurely end his reign like this just because the fans are idiots. Kofi Kingston doesn't deserve to be champion nor does he deserve to be in a championship match at WrestleMania nor is he Main Event material

Ok retard lol

Shut the fuck up you pancake batter slurping faggot

Imagine actually being so fucking stupid that you think this is not a dumb thing to say

This looks like a deviantart card lol

And Daniel manlet is?


I'm guessing that OP's point is that Kofi hasn't "officially" been announced for the title match yet. They just ran a teaser for tomorrow's SD tonight where they are setting up Kofi's next move after Vince bamboozled him yet again.