Anyone going to Mania this year?
Anyone watching Mania this year?
What is Hugh Jackman doing appearing in arenas
What if that sign fell on the crowd one year
hope the tarps have the same color scheme
Only in Simon would spit in my mouth
At TD Garden no less
>30 minutes before event start
>tfw the shitty Celtics have killed the entirety of Boston
How’s the view of the ring from there?
God forbid someone get a concession or two
I wanted to because Kofi but I can't justify watching 7+ hours of shit for one match
Based Celtics
>empty seats in the northeast metro arenas
I think it's pretty good, the field of view on my phone makes the ring look a lot smaller than it appears to me
Fucking BASED.
I might watch just to shit post at the same time.
Last mania I watched in full was 33.
That day was kino.
Can you spit on J. Stew and Sarge if you see them? Or just ambush them at that shitty chinese restaurant.
>tfw when his new gimmick is Tarper
Sure thing m8
Isn't the area behind the wrestlemania sign obstructed view?
*shows up and jumps the barrier*
Looks like someone didn't pay attention during his school years
That's a nice seat bro. Hope you have fun at the show. Some faggot sat a few rows in front of me and blocked my view with his arms half the time anything good happened so I think a diagonal spot might've been better to avoid that, idk.
I live in Brooklyn and was thinking of attending but even the nosebleeds are like $400 so fuck them lol. Shows gonna obviously suck anyway.
Still more than Who Japan
>But my hardcam side
EC3 over Breeze and Heavy Machinery over Ascension on Main Event
Upper deck sucks ass for wrestling events. You have to be on the floor for the best experience.
hows elias gonna mock Boston sports?
Most of the empty seats I posted are now full
Yell Pepe.
>EC3 over Breeze
muh 50/50 booking
Holy shit, Main Event is still a thing?