Post yfw you realize that WWE become so shit in the last 2 years that we are now remembering pic related with a fond...

Post yfw you realize that WWE become so shit in the last 2 years that we are now remembering pic related with a fond nostalgia

Attached: Mania.0.jpg (1200x800, 222K)

>last 2 years
Try 15 zoomer.

have sex

Unironically a decent Mania
The peak of Yea Forums desu

That show was dogshit. The only good parts were Greenlight, Bork/Goldberg, AJ/Shane, Aries/Neville. Rest of it was shit

2016 feels like the Attitude Era compared to what we have now.

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>have sex
Sure, what's your mom doing later?

BBDWTOS vs Undercarder was based

Oldberg was kino. Fuck off

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>the best matches of the night involved the Owner's Son, a TNA dweeb, Lesnerd, and a one trick pony from WCW

No wonder why Greenlight is looked back on fondly

Rasslemania 30 was the series finale. Everything since has been spinoffs

33 > 31 > 34 > 32


Trips of truth confirm.

I hate underaged so much, go away faggots


Hardly. It was still overproduced horseshit.

Don't forget the snoozerweights who are no longer in the WWE

zoomers already have nostalgia for 2014-2017


31 you dumb zoomer, Daniel Bryan was faggy numale garbage

I enjoyed this show a lot at the time. Brock vs Goldberg and HHH vs Rollins were kino, and Undertaker's moment at the end was powerful even though the match wasnt good. The rest of the show was decent.

HHH vs Rollins was trash mate

Goldberg vs. Brock was one of the best 'big show' 5 minute matches of all time. Just got in, did their shit, crowd went crazy, got out.

Not at all bro, stop listening to the internet fans masquerading as experts. Epic entrances, great face/heel dynamic, huge pop when the face overcame the heel. That's what wrestling's about.

And selling the knee, well.... the entire thing is fake. Unrealistic selling happens in even the top internet matches

20 minutes of OW MUH KNEE while HHH gassed 4 minutes in and is sweating like a junkie isn't kino.

x-7 and 21 were the only good wrestlemanias change my mind

nostalgia thread?

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The last time they even had a moment outside the ring area was Goldberg's 2k17 video.

Another wm30 babby

that show sucked too