Don’t watch Raw tonight

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But Hana, i've seen your twitter likes. You watch wwe and worst of all you watch the women's matches.

Proceed to watch and idolize Alexa Bliss

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Maybe I will, maybe I won’t

i probably will if i don't fall asleep

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Yeah this guy actually believes hana shares the same opinions with her when in reality hana actually loves wwe.

Based Hana poster

Considering your recurring tweets about WWE, you probably know more about current raw than me. so thanks for the advice, Hana.

I'm watching the who japan cup finals.

I'm sorry, but in light of the recent news I need you to get a new joshi before I can take these posts seriously again.

Don't watch Raw tonight.

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shut up moon face

Based Shelton

Thanks for reminding me raw is on tonight

Hana, you betrayed me. You kept telling me to not watch Raw and you watch it yourself. I don't believe in anything anymore.

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Okay I won't. Please put the bat down now.

God Momo is so ugly

>Hana is a blissfag


Ya seethe hanaposters?

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When you watch Monday Night Raw, technically you and Hana are doing the same thing. You might even call it a d-date!

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Wait she just liked shit? Omega and the the bucks liked wwe shit all the time then told them to fuck off and started their own promotion

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So she just liked shit?

So what you expect her to form her own promotion to fulfill your hipsters fantasy? Fuck off.


The fuck are you talking about?

She wants her veggies raw, fucked raw, and doesn't want you watching raw.

Be patient, he has 13.9 thousand likes to search through so he can stand up for WWE by making the shocking revelation that wrestlers sometimes like tweets by wrestlers.

>coping this hard

Accept it hana fag, she loves WWE

Even if she did, so?

>people actually thought Sanada would win and be in the msg title match instead of Okada


OP is a WWE fan, he's just shitposting.

Shut your dirty whore mouth, Yea Forums is real to me

Only if I get to go RAW in Hana.

I’ll break your fucking face you slut. I’ll creep up on you in the gym and cave your fucking skull in with a 50lb plate. Then I’m going to whip out my dick and fuck any wounds left on that insect head of yours. I’m a OwlChad but i’ll be damned if some jabbering gook is going to tell me and my bro’s what we can and can’t watch. Take a walk

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ding-dong diddly prove it

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Last year you hijacked the Evolution gamethreads and made a bunch of them with Hana images, you probably watched the whole thing

>you probably watched
ding-dong diddly prove it

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reminder Hanafaggot is also a Bexcel

>looking at twitter likes
And we wonder why everyone thinks this board is autistic

Me on the right

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ya because someone is autistic enough to seethe at someone for using twitter

you are Yea Forums autism in a nutshell

Her face when I unleash the monster

The FBI have been notified