Mania Week

>1 ticket for the Penis Party, please

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Other urls found in this thread:

I bought 2 tickets

So much Indy shit.

List of non-WWE shows that are acceptable to go to that week:
That's it

Watch Stardom.

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Honestly kinda torn between watching the Penis Party and GCW.

>The state of these bingo hall shitters living off WWE's feces like parasites

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Based Joey Janela saving me from a Johnny Gargano main event.

I'm only going to DDT and Stardom. Gonna ask Maki Itoh on a deito, and we're gonna live happily ever after. Backup plan is Mayu.

i wonder if vince is aware of all the carnies he feeds during WM week

>2 tickets to Kaiju Big Battel please

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wonder if Bret Hart is pissed that he's going to the HOF ceremony instead of the G1 supershow

>Penis Party will compete with NXT
are they legit retarded?

all those indie companies look like roaches

What in God's name is the penis party?


>Penis Party going head to head with spring break
Are they idiots?

Based Miyu coming to America with DDT so I can marry her

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reported both you sickos to the fbi


No. Spring Break was in very limited venue. They knew that people who were not able to buy tickets for spring break will be coming to buy tickets to Penis Party.
And they sold out Spring break immedietly. And made pretty nice gate on it.

Joey Ryan thing

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Yes but I'm sure that most people would then either go Takeover or stay in and watch Part 1

Without PAC... cause he decided he didn't wanted to do that, so he got a "visa issue". Same one Kenny had when he didn't wanted to work ROH shows.

I don't about the rest of you but I'm just Going To Madison Square Garden and 'Mania.
Anyone here going to any of these?

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Too much stuff going on I'm only going to like 4 shows and mania

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If PK doesn't puke or shit on Scarlett's tits I'm doing a chargeback

I'm attending Kaiju Big Battel, Stardom, and the G1 SuperCard.

I'm debating adding DDT and Shimmer to the list. I definitely want to see Kris Wolf before she hangs her boots up.

which 4?
Kaiju seems like you would have to be drunk or high to enjoy desu

Nobody ever runs a show Monday afternoon...may as well fleece these tourist marks one last time before Raw


Kaiju is fucking amazing sober or not

what will be the match of the weekend?

I wonder if Val is going to wrestle in basketball shorts and a t-shirt like he did when I saw him like three or so years ago. It was a weird card with Samoa Joe, Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett, Tessa Blanchard, Kimber Lee, Matt Striker, and more.

>The indies have enough talent to compete against the E
>they have to get wrestlemania's sloppy seconds
Ugh do the other ever going to do a show outside of smark cities or outside of WWE's shadow?

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I'd add the DDT show, they're always good fun and there are a couple making their NA debut this year I think.

Kaiju big battel
Wanted to go to Bloodsport but don't think I'll be able to make it from Jersey City to Brooklyn in time for the ddt show

This is a good list.

Im 90% sure it sold out

>A bunch of marks in one place
>Not running as many shows as you possibly can to get their money

>joey ryan isnt based

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I'll watch NJPW
the GCW stuff
and rev pro if Ospreay get's a good new partner
Dream and Riddle

good news

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what the shit is balls out?

also, not really looking forward to anything special outside of impact weekly, mlw and spring break
what a boring year so far

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For me.
Any smaller shows I should see on Saturday/Sunday?

Holy fucking basedola, I need to watch this. Will it be on NJPWWorld?

Saturday there's a DDT vs Kaiju big battel show that will be fun if you're into that sort of thing

Are you telling me PAC and Tana are around the same price?
Fuck me..

Spring Break was kino last year. Cops came to the ring and kicked people out for doing piledrivers if i remember correctly

probably not but tana was already in town and revpro always books njpw guys for there shows

I'm torrenting everything

its sold out tho

A Matter of Pride will produce the most amount of pungent smells, don't miss that event.

Rectal prolapses mixed with nuggets of feces on male genitals and dildos for everyone. An anal and synthetic rubber New York, New York spectacle rivaling the September 11, 2001 explosions and implosions happenings.

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.Nick Gage is still alive

If I get back into The City Early enough I might be able to see one before the G1 Supercard

>.Nick Gage is still alive
he's the fucking ace of GCW for what ever that's worth

Come on, it's an all biological-by-birth male inclusive event hosted by HHH, David "Charlotte" Fliehr, and "Becky Lynch".

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based and gang affiliated

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Didn't he try and shut down /wooo/ for watching CZW DVDs in TaimaTV?

>AEW is saying that when they start going they will not rely on mania weekend
>AEW is saying they want all the wrestling companies to work together
>the one weekend where all wrestling companies pretty much work together kinda they dont play ball

I'll watch at least
>G1 Supercard

They look like brother and sister.

someone tell me this really happened

>all of these bingo hall promotions trying to leech off Vince

This is how you can tell that WWE is the premiere federation. If it wasn't, these other promotions wouldn't have booked anything near Mania. They would have picked a different time to run these events. Instead, they ran them close to Wrestlemania.

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I'll only watch the ones with gamethreads with enough anons to shitpost with

Is Kaiju Big Battle a bunch of people in Kaiju costumes wrestling? If so I'm on board.

That guy gets his eyebrows done, not a Chad

Getting cucked by Johnny S󠀀oy󠀀gano is the opposite of based

A match to look out for is Dragon Lee vs Cavernario at WCSS

Cavernario will go nuts for what's basically his US debut

bandido vs ospreay is on that show too should be lucha kino

Imma check out
>matter of pride
>spring break or penis party
Dont know most of these no dime promotions so tell me which will suck and which i should check out

Where's CMLL?

G1 Supercard
NXT New York

> may watch depending on if Impact Wrestling's gonna do the same thing they did last year
Impact (11p why dammit)

> maybe

> only if the streams don't fucking die on me or I just say fuck it because I know it's gonna be shit

> heh

>a whole week of wrestling
But I thought wrestling is dead?




Will HE show up in any of these shows that aren't WWE?

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Buying tickets to the penis party but not going to spring break instead.

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Spring Break sold out pretty quick

What about that Stardom show?

Kemonito is too expensive for indie shit companies

>the main event of the entire week is smackdown

Then fuck these antidraw shitters. I'm gonna watch NXT Takeover, WM, the Monday CMLL show, and then Based Smack.

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