How are these cucks treating the “no collusion” news? Have they killed themselves yet?

How are these cucks treating the “no collusion” news? Have they killed themselves yet?

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Someone post the facebook rant

only idiots are jumping to the conclusion that this is all over.

>instead of accepting reality, the leftist double downs on its delusions


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I-IT’S.... NOT... OVAH!

im not that guy, but out curiosity, what do you guys think of the Don Jr email
"Russias on going support for your fathers campaign"?

I don't really have a dog in this fight but they are conducting more than 80 investigations into Trump. New York's southern district apparently found a lot of shit and could be indicting all three of his children – Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric – as well as his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

>could be indicting his kike children

>screech about Russia every day for 2 years
>narrative gets destroyed by the man you appointed as saviour
>immediately move the goalposts


If I were a betting man I would be thousands on the reality that he worked with Russia to get elected.
Shit look at this.
But in our system, we require the burden of proof, if Mueller doesn't have any than too bad.

but having said that, Trump is mixed up with 10s of potential crimes and everyone around him is going to jail. I wouldn't be taking victory laps for president corrupt dumb dumb is all im saying


>i’d bet thousands that gwumpfy is going to jail
>they may have found nothing, b-but please look at this


don't be a pussy man, im asking a question.
did I just say id bet thousands hed be caught? no I just conceded if the evidence cant be found then he cant be tried for it.

im just saying, I wouldn't be taking victory laps.
also would like an answer to anons question here

>members of a foreign country prefer one candidate over the other
>this somehow means that the government of this country conspired with the candidate to help him win

Are you seriously that stupid? Do you not realize what a retarded reach that is?

They got worked

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>scream about russia every day for 2+ years
>double down when your boy finds nothing substancial

Kek you people have gone from “Mueller is a genius investigator” to “Mueller is a retard who can’t read information released to the public” in less than a day. Those emails clearly don’t mean anything if no further steps were taken

well, one of sounds retarded

-Russia spent millions to help trump win
-Trump campaign officials lied about meeting with Russians multiple times, including Trump tower meeting
-This email shows Don JR knew about Russias support for Trumps campaign

HMMMMM difficult to draw conclusions from here huh

>I'm asking questions
The problem is you're asking that don't matter, but you think they do.

no amount of Cornette autism will change the fact that not a single American has been charged with colluding with Russia after all the indictments

Dude. You lost. Just accept it. Not a single American was indicted for anything related to collusion. Mueller completely cleared the campaign. You can keep grasping your retarded conspiracy theories but they won’t get you anywhere

>Those emails clearly don’t mean anything if no further steps were taken
The ultimate problem for anti-Trumpers is, even if it DID go further, collusion is literally not a crime. It was an investigation into a NON-CRIME. Their literally was never going to be indictments, because there was literally NO CRIME.

This was the most frustrating part of dealing with the TDS'ers for the last 2.5 years.

>not a single American has been charged with colluding with Russia after all the indictments
That's because "COLLUSION" IS LITERALLY NOT A CRIME THAT YOU CAN BE CHARGED WITH. It's not even a legal term. It's just some broad term Dems started using out of butthurt and straw-grasping.

You lost again, cope

>Russia spent millions to help trump win
This is not a crime. If it is, then the entirety of AIPAC and CAIR should be in prison right now.

>Trump campaign officials lied about meeting with Russians multiple times, including Trump tower meeting
No they didn't. They were not aware that they were meeting with Obama's Russian spies. The FISA docs confirm that Obama Admin gave those Russian spies VISAs for the sole purpose of setting up a meeting with Trump (talk about collusion).

>This email shows Don JR knew about Russias support for Trumps campaign
This is not illegal. Refer to my earlier point.

There is no point arguing with them. The MSM indoctrinated them on the Russia story. It’s part of who they are now. They literally can’t give it up, no matter what the facts are. I hate using this term, but they are literally NPCs.

With that level of obvious overwhelming evidence, who would be retarded enough to suggest that It was a "witch hunt" though

surely you owe Mueller an apology?

>obamas Russian spies
lmao we are truly living in alternate dimensions folks, talking politics is useless

>bowing out after you failed to convince anyone with your tripe

You’re implying Mueller is an idiot because he didn’t do anything with the Don Jr. emails, which OBVIOUSLY prove collusion. Shouldn’t you be apologizing?

Unfortunately, they got worked, then proceeded to work themselves into what they thought was a shoot, but in reality was just them getting worked into a shoot into a work, brother - HH.

I only watch Tim Pool so I don't care

I didn't imply any of that.
It seems like the proof is on the surface with that email alone, personally
but Mueller is the expert of things that can be lawfully prosecuted.

all im saying is that anone who ever called it a witch hunt is drop dead retarded with that obvious evidence, and that due to other outstanding investigations, I wouldn't be doing victory laps, but trump supporters typically aren't the most intelligent of people

>screech about Russian collusion every day for 2 years
>call anyone who disagrees with you retarded or a Russian bot
>gets proved wrong and embarrassed and has the audacity to call anyone else unintelligent


>they found nothing but, but... the email guys!
Guess who you’re starting to sound like right now?

>You lost
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

Anyone who called Mueller some kind of savior is a candidate to get gassed for being so dumb. He's a prosecutor that's not going to charge anyone with anything unless he can prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

Lack of indictment doesn't mean it didn't happen, and there's plenty of circumstantial evidence that it did as other anons pointed out, but that they don't have enough to feel comfortable taking it to trial.

Foreign meddling in an election, regardless of outcome, is the scary part here. If you honestly believe this report, in any way, is a good thing for America you've completely missed the point and should join the "Mueller's a savior" idiots in the gas chamber.

>backpeddaling this hard


I have nothing to backpedal. That is my first post.

Also, you clearly don't have an argument.

>get absolutely BTFO after 2 years of having a temper tantrum because you lost in 2016
>th-there’s still circumstantial evidence! Drumpf is a Russian puppet!


>coming to Yea Forums to debate gay ass american politics
Have sex

all they found was that Trump was probably too stupid to have colluded on purpose

That's not why I came here.

I'd rather post spinebusters but people can't keep a gif thread going.

And as this user proves, having any sort of actual dialogue is pointless these days. Fuck em

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How can a simple move have such technique?!

Attached: Arn_Anderson_spinebuster.gif (284x215, 3.56M)

All the little things add up.

Rolling the shoulder like Arn seems to be a lost art.

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>those cucks
>say the faggot that voted for the "le meme wall and mexico will paid for it" meme

If you are american you already lost

Hey leave the Jew King and his passionate supporters alone

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>40 FBI agents
>50 million spent
>2800 subpoenas
>500 witnesses
>500 search warrants
>Zero collusion
>2 scoops
>2 genders
>2 terms
>Zero dimes for Foletty and Cucknetty

No one cares.

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politics are gay

Arn did the little things so well. When and how to sell at the right moments

Foley is probably jacking it in to Noelle’s panties draw

I remember watching this match. Arn and Regal really meshed the British and Southern styles.

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>Russia spent millions to help trump win
They spent a couple thousand dollars on ads and bots. They were also in support of other candidates, like Bernie Sanders. Also, a study indicated that none of this influenced a single vote.
>Trump campaign officials lied about meeting with Russians multiple times, including Trump tower meeting
The only "lie" was when they got the date wrong by a few months.

>Foreign meddling in an election, regardless of outcome, is the scary part here.
Foreign influence is literally par for the course, retard. The Clintons took millions of dollars in donations from the Saudis, for example. And foreign meddling is something our country has been guilty of for decades as well. This idea that because Russia being involved in our election somehow means that Trump is a puppet of the Kremlin is a fucking stretch.