the absolute madman
Other urls found in this thread:
>you now remember cory graves ending this geeks career
Fuck off bixenfagberg
>direct link to Deadspin
btw the answer is vince is fucking dana warrior
>Why does WWE honor The Ultimate Warrior?
Because he's not a jew fag like the "author" of this article. Also since he used a picture of Warrior using black for his face paint, I'm guessing he's trying to throw in that he's racist for using black face?
>hating on Based Bixenspan
Get back to roddit..
Because he was one of the biggest draws of all-time and nobody cares about politiblogs written by pathetic neckbeards.
Bix can't handle all of Warrior's redpills
>hating an SJ-double JEW
>go back to r*ddit
Why? So I can hate on more of them?
Warrior is fucking based
>one of the biggest draws of all-time
>started the decline in WWF buyrates when he was put on top
>probably the one signing who most contributed to WCW losing the Monday night wars
>retirement match was in Portugal against Orlando Jordan beacuse nobody else would book him
Holy yikesola
Because he just died before social media ruled the world.
He's literally applying the black base first and then adds colour swatches over top.
I know that. I was saying that deadspin chose this pic with only black to try to say it's black face and he's racist.
>Honor the Warrior
>By taking his idea to honor the guys behind the scenes that receive no credit into a PR stunt to "honor" cancer kids who have nothing to do with business
Also,fuck jannies
>no Hitler edit
Missed the boat
>Implying indy shitter Phoenix Rising was ever a main event-level draw.
Stupid cartoon faggots.
Instead of face paint she puts on a mustache?
Maybe the audience is just drawn onto the tarps?
That goblin is reddit incarnate.
I got to get me a Ultimate Warrior shirt
And Warrior hated cancer patients, niggers (last year, a black kid won the "award") and charity in general. Also he refused to say hi to kids with cancer during his time as the guy
You just made all of that up though
Queering quite literally does not make the world work.
Bix is a disgusting SJW kike.