Browse other board

>browse other board
>"oh, so this is why I only look at Yea Forums"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally me

>not working the shit out of simps on other boards by simply posting the same way you do on Yea Forums

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Nah. Yea Forums is better banter

Agreed. I posted my new Bombyo album on Yea Forums and those tasteless hacks didn't even respond.

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Yea Forums is like late 00s Yea Forums in terms of banter and shitpost content. Shit's legitimately the most fun I've had in years on this god forsaken site and while it isn't peak Yea Forums at the moment (CM Phil's first UFC fight was probably the peak), it's still the only board I can stomach.

I literally do this all the time

Did you post it for us here?

Trolling newfags on Yea Forums by calling them bulbasaurs and spamming scat in trap threads is my hobby.

Because surpringly we have good combo of waifus, complete shitposts and creativity.
And from time to time legitimate discussions with differing viewpoints.
And also there are some "OCs" spawned from shitposting. Just two examples are Tegan Knots and Supreme Lesbian Sonya.

Nah, it's too off-topic for it's own thread. I might put it in the gamethread tonight.

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Nash threads were funny at first and Gertner posting is my absolute favorite thing ever. And Mizposter is the most based poster on this site.

Yea Forums is last wild west board left

We don't take kindly to strangers around these parts, pardner

I love this board but as long as /jp/ exist Yea Forums will always be my number 2.

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>browse other board
>"Oh so there is where all those mass shooters are coming from"

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Some retards think I viral my music on Yea Forums because some people talk about it there occasionally, but the truth is I don't look at any board other than Yea Forums

I have unironically started liking Sonya after the Yea Forums beta orbiter memes about her

Yea Forums unironically makes me laugh a lot. It hurts when I have to hide it.

>tfw same except when raiding a board.

>bulbasaur and ding-dong diddly posting anywhere else on this site

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>decide to check out Yea Forums
>thread about Youtuber who reviews superhero and Star Wars movies
>the Youtuber once tweeted that they voted for Hillary
>a third of posts are about how Muller report exonerates Trump, arguing against no one
>a third of posts are about how trannies are mentally ill, arguing against no one
>a third of posts are one user mass spamming images of people taking shits

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I got Bulbasaur over on /LGBT/

>browse and post on Yea Forums constantly
>watched about 4 hours of wrestling in 10 years
I can't be the only one.

I like to tell everyone to have sex and please lose weight

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It's really easy to work simps into a shoot.

I Yea Forumspost on /tg/ and only get met by confusion. For example:

Give me the microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you mutts runnin' your mouths.
Every single day you come out here, you make the same damn posts. "B/X" this, "LotFP" that.
Well guess what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take my mouse
I'm gonna click on the post a reply button
I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I said I'm gunna start typing in the reply box!
I'm gunna tell you to buy print copies of BFRPG
And Morgansfort
And Caves of Chaos
And Saga of The Giants
I'm gonna solve that captcha
The one with the fire hydrants
The one with the stoplights
The one with the crosswalks
The one with the cars
The one with the busses
The one with the STOREFRONTS
I'm gonna click submit
I said I'm gonna click submit!
I'm gunna shill in the thread!
Send all your shades of white paint to the trash
I said I'll send them to the trash!

And I only got one reply asking what song that was

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we should start a wrestling music / entrance music or what ever threads over on Yea Forums and go over on their board in a squatch math kind of way . just start 10 threads of nothing but wrestlers theme songs or WWE sound tracks.
> Pic Related : Really good bands on here & I still listen to this once in awhile .

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Ha keep it up,i browse /tg/ as well. Il be lookin for ya simp ass posts.

>be me
>go on /pol/
>see a thread titled the absolute state of the young cucks
>click on it while furiously searching for pictures of Nick Jackson's hairline
>it's just them bitching about some fat Turkish guy bitching about Trump
>my day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable

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>be on Yea Forums
>work boku no hero simps into a shoot
>janny seethes and bans me for pic related
What a geek lmao

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>let idolfags live rent free in your head and can't evict them out
>best anything

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A lot of my sis and bros over at /ALITA/ are starting to use the term RENT FREE and make an effort to ding-dong diddly understand some of the wrestling lingo to fight the mouse shills

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God forbid you try something new

ITT autists brag about being rejected from other boards.


Make this a thread, let's do it

Go away reddick/wooo/every other cancerous board on here.



holy based

i only main Yea Forums and Yea Forums, i don't even watch wrestling except for some ppv matches or rewatching old matches. I also don't even watch anime except for dbz and a few other shows but these two boards are the best on this shithole

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This. The "culture" on this board is so different from the rest of the site. It's probably because of the banter. You can tell how many tourists are on Yea Forums based on how many replies race-baiting and other shit gets.


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our waifus are superior that's a big help

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/fit/ is ok.

Any boomer still posting here is either in a shit place in their life.
Married with kids and this reminds them of the old days
Or trying to get some nostalgia feels..

Zoomers are fucking gay. They are gay on all boards. Atleast /pol/ is radicalizing them so you faggots can be useful one day.
It's not your fault, but the unlimited access to hardcore pornography since a young age when you should of been protected has caused you all alot of mental issues.
that mixed with over prescribing (((doctors))) and the liberal (((media))) which has gone off the fucking deep end.
You never really had a chance.

You all forget how old this fucking web site is it's 15 years old.
People who were 15 then are now fucking 30.

Shit skins ruin everything,

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Got buried again

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>*sip* yep I remember when we had to buy porn

glad I don't browse that shit board anymore



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>boomer still posting here
>shit place in their life
fairly accurate.
/vr/ is good, clean fun, but they are the smarks of retro gaming.

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I’ve been spreading the news of Nash’s rape in ‘92 across boards far and wide (like Nash’s asshole) lads.

Who would have thought the fucking wrestling board would be last bastion of good content on this site.

>Yea Forums
>good content

Ya seeth lil guy? Ya boil?

I've seen you here and there. That and Nash's "rules of cool".

Holy seethe

>It's another pathetic Yea Forums subhumans thinking that they're better than any other board
Also, i noticed that Yea Forums started to get shittier the moment Yea Forums turns into a literal wrestling board

Ya boil, lil guy?

>go on /pol/


it works on r9k

Is the darkie a face now?

Nah, love this place, but that doesn't change the fact that we are pretty much a subhumans trying to cope with our inability to let go or doing something new in our life

Yea Forums is unironically comfier than Yea Forums. Granted that they could be an elitist jackass sometimes but it is mostly comfy when they actually discuss favourite guitarist or any musician


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Which one of you fucking retards posts ding-dong diddly bulbasaur on every board and why?

Saying that Yea Forums is better than most of modern Yea Forums is like saying eating feces is better than being knotted by 5 bulldogs. It is pretty much a low-tier garbage compared to what Yea Forums used to be


You forget the suffix "chad"

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Carter knock that shit off

''Yea Forums is the best board on the site'' says the third world newfag who has no other interests to fit in with other boards and is only fed bottom of the barrel content in form of pro wrestling

Yea Forums and Yea Forums are full autism. Fuck those two boards. Only chill in Yea Forums now.

>you must be watching wrestling to shitpost about it

>tfw my music thread is still on Yea Forums
>yfw this face now reminds you of one of the young cucks.

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This so much, people other than the diehard Yea Forums defenders finds other boards more enjoyable and fun, which is a sad testament on how much of a shithole this place is when it's still looks pretty bad compared to a plenty of shitty modern Yea Forums boards

>Implying that Yea Forums isn't an asylum for autist in denial

I'll bite whats better than here

>Yea Forums
>Unironically Yea Forums
Granted that it's still dumb, shittier version of what they are before but it's still better than this shithole nonetheless

>Searching for Nick Jackson's hairline
So is he

>Weeb board
>actual sports board
>informative car board
>people talking about ok computer,
congratulations and other random albums.
Nah I am good. Auto is good for the guy who wants to fix his cars so I will give it respect in that regards.


You should never go to /pol/ expecting fun, you should only go there to see that there worse people than you in the world, people that like to blame others for their miserable lives.

Like this board ?

Worked by based/pol/

It looks like you worked yourself into a shot /pol/tard, tell me about the Jews and Niggers destroying your white dream.

Fuck off jew

t. dry heaving the red pills back up

That bold talk from a duded up sissy like you. *spits*

Based. This is how I keep up on wrestling

>tfw start getting bored of other boards
>decide to take a look at Yea Forums despite not caring about wrestling for over a decade
>start to enjoy the shitposts, memes, and culture
>start looking at Yea Forums more and more
>mfw this is basically my home board now and I actually care a little more about wrestling
Still not going to watch it week to week though, it's still shit these days

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Literally me

Same. Yea Forums was my home board


>/vr/ is good, clean fun, but they are the smarks of retro gaming
/vr/ has plenty of good people there and they legit helped me out with my original Xbox

dubbed but bluepilled

>a third of posts are one user mass spamming images of people taking shits

lmao dweeb

So woNdEr what madE you No show Yea Forums....

>So woNdEr what madE you No show Yea Forums....
So woNdEr what madE you Drop Yea Forums....

>Yea Forums
Unironically the worst board on this shithole besides /pol/ and Yea Forums. At least /o/ is okay.

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Kek my thread is still alive the absolute state of Yea Forums

>Yea Forums

Imagine this site if posting on one of these got you a 2 week IP ban. We could go back to the glory days over night.

>Thinking Yea Forums and /m/ are better than Yea Forums
Oh honey, Oh sweetie

Yep. The only board that really feels like the old days.

I’ve been using this pasta on /hoc/ and it’s based

Based as fuck senpai

Ha user . That was my idea to raid Yea Forums & I left for work . glad to see that Yea Forums thread had 77 replys..
want to do it again sometime set up a day & we will do it properly & post 20 threads about wrestling music ..
( A real raid )

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>speaks of "fitting in" as a good thing
>calls others newfags


>complains about shitholes
>posts shit image


Just saw this masterful post on Yea Forums

by this you mean that /pol/ exposes the ugly truth behind diversity and the shadow gov that runs the world

Yea Forums World Order when?

I do this all the time. They don't have the 'its all a work' mentality everyone on here who isnt a newfag has so it absolutely destroys them

I've notice "have sex" being posted everywhere lately.


Yea Forums started doing it but I think it evolved naturally from calling people incels when they shit on womeme movies instead of being ripped from here

I'm going to start ding-dong diddly shitposting on /vp/ lads, wish me luck

>the post

>the replies asking to be put in a screenshot
ultra mega reddit cringe

>that board that used to have a lot of traffic 5 years ago but has since become a ghost town ruled by the same 3 poster types

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do other boards use the word shitter or is it just us?

Yea Forums is the only board that I enter
The rest is full of unfunny memes and circlejerking

wasn't that happened most of the time in this site too ?

those are quite bad, but at least it is better than a mental asylum for autists in denial

This place doesn't even feels like the old days though, it is much worse and would only make you miss the old days even more

Yes, then just like WWE, the numale agenda left nothing untouched. The nu4chan userbase couldn't be less alike.

Shitter is a numale slang term, not from Yea Forums. A shortening of bullshitter or something. That completely messes up the meaning, so it's numale.

>Yea Forumsies should only post on other boards to work the marks.

Unlike Yea Forums



More or less, although she's feuding with both Kairi and Io at the moment and is still just as obnoxious.

>post on 420chan once
>get fifteen communists replying to me within an hour
Too easy
Love my hwhite Yea Forums

I still consider Yea Forums my home board but I barely go on it anymore compared to Yea Forums. Too much off-topic porn. There are red boards if I want that, I just want to talk about video games.

>It's Yea Forums being hypocrite episode

You don't have to lie about your online activity faggot.

Everyone knows 420chan is too dead to get 15 comments in an hour.

huh could ya ding-dong diddly elucidate lil guy i dont quite get wat ya mean

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>Yea Forums

These are the most based boards

Ding-Dong Diddlynecro

>state of this shitposting hugbox
this board is fucking atrocious, stop kidding yourselves.