Based noggers or cringe lads?
OSW Review
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OOC > V1 > Jay Hunter
They're based, Mr OOC is clearly the best man however. Him talking shit to Shawn Michael's face and basically shitting on the marine movie to the director is fucking hilarious. It killed me
Everyone says they are marks for themselves but I think they are great
OOC is fine. I fucking hate the face Jay makes in every god damn picture.
>all these OOC marks
No love for based Jay? Anyone?
Jay is great. He seems like a nice lad
Cringe as fuck.
Mildly entertaining but they became marks for themselves because if you create something that has more than 10 fans in Ireland, you're basically national heroes.
Jay is a butch lesbian wannabe
Whoever the guy that doesn't even watch shows to smoke cigs needs to die of cancer already.
The guy who does their animation isn't very good. I could find a better guy for half the price on Fiverr
>SJW trash
Fuck off numale
Jay isn't the funniest so he doesn't get the most love
But he's the glue that holds this whole thing together
How do they get away with literally stealing all of that content from not just WWE but the music from games and everything else?
They would have been shut down within a week or two if it was based in the states.
As far as I can remember they had WWE purge their videos from youtube. They then wrote to WWE's lawyers and their videos are again allowed on youtube after it has been checked or something.
I hate how they force in all their jokes now instead of letting it happen organically. The HAVE to make a simpsons joke every episode. They HAVE to do the terrible singing of theme songs every episode. They HAVE to do a What Bar joke every fucking match. Then they do an awards show where they talk about how funny they are. It’s fucking aggravating because they do have some great shit occasionally.
They now have a running """""joke""""" where they count how many times a wrestler touches their pants while they cackle to themselves like hyenas. These retards are the biggest self marks on the planet and they need to fuck off forever.
>These retards are the biggest self marks on the planet
Idk man. Yea Forums is filled with them. And the people on Yea Forums don't even have a show. They are just self marks in general.
Call me when Yea Forums creates an award show for our own memes, animations of us laughing at our own memes and an FAQ to explain our important memes to the world
I'll say they're cringe lads with the occasional ability to be based. They just need to tone down the self-marking, ditch the shitty cartoons of themselves, and stop working with Maffew because he adds nothing when he's on.
God I hate this boring uncharismatic piece of shit when he appears on episode
this shit used to be based, but its shit now
all their moden wwe reviews suck
their music shit sucks
their gaming shit sucks
anything with that faggot voiced dick from botchamania is an instant dislike too and draws no dimes
they make like 5 or less actual old school wrestling reviews a year nowadays, shit sucks
He was unreal in the newest episode. He showed up with pre-written jokes and he botched all of them because he's a sperg with no personality that is a literal zero when he's not behind a keyboard.
Their old stuff is pretty based, they seemed to hit a sweet spot where they had the formula down and it worked, but it's all down hill from there
>So Hulk Bogan comes to the ring...
>tee hee
>Did you say Hulk... BOGAN?
>ear splitting laughter
>crying from laughter
>So Hulk Bogan comes to the ring...
>ear splitting laughter
>"Hulk Bogan" is said in every video from then until the end of time
>segment wins award in Golden Self Mark Ceremony
I like him when he is around people wich he has chemistry with.
Is it just asp or is every board on Yea Forums just about things people don't like.
What do you like user?
Tell me what you want?
they started off cringe with early low-quality production episodes that are near unlistenable
peaked with Based late Hulkamania era stuff and then the Halloween Havoc episode
slow decline into mediocrity ever since
HOWEVER their reviews of Fatal Deviation, Sunny Side Up and Luger Express are based, so maybe they are on the rise again
>Fatal Deviation
almost all of their non-wrestling stuff is cringe, but this episode was undeniably based
I hate those queer ass cartoons of themselves they keep putting in their videos
should have stopped at the end of the hulkamania era. Let a good thing runs it's course.
Nobody gives a fuck who you like you boring faggot. Go beg for attention elsewhere you eternally lonely spastic
Fatal Deviation is legit their GOAT. As cringe as some of their wrestling episodes have been lately, nothing beats taking the piss out of 90s Ireland.
Maffew botching his pre-written material was extra cringe because it doesn't have the camaraderie there when the OSW guys fuck up and take the piss out of each other. They all just sat there and let Maff finish dropping his spaghetti over four retakes because he's not their friend and they don't know how to deal with him. Literally audio cancer.
OOC is /ourguy/, the other 2 are basedboys
This but unironically
Luckily the depth of their old good eps is pretty good, and I still listen to them when I'm bummed out. But it's extremely clear that OOC doesn't want to be there anymore. And the fact that V1 quit his job to do a podcast that has 5 episodes a year, and HE can't even fake excitement is even sadder. Jay still seems enthusiastic but it's just not the same.
And the cartoons of themselves laughing at their own jokes, even when OOC sounds like he's one Xanax shy of putting a gun in his mouth, are unbearable.
They are over the hill now but still pretty entertaining. None of their main story arc reviews have been bad, just not as good as they used to be. New Gen just isn’t very interesting. They need to just do NWO then call it quits
The best is when it's clear OOC didn't even watch the whole PPV or fast forwarded parts of it
The biggest thing wrong with the cartoons is the second one starts you think "Oh, here comes the part they thought was funny" Somebody had to go through the episode they literally just recorded, pinpoint the bit, ask that weeb to animate it and tell him how to do it. Compare that to basically any other podcast where Youtube cartoons are animated AFTER the fact because someone actually liked the bit and had a visual idea. It's the exact opposite of organic humour and pretty painful to look at aesthetically as well.
they're great and have kept me entertained for two full hours the past decade or so, whereas no wrestling show has managed this in forever
all this overanalyzing of the epsisodes and who the dudes are personally is reddit tier
shit's been going for 6 years.
that running joke started 2 years ago and has been done for 3 people.
there's like 2 episodes a month on patreon. You guys are %100 piece of shit complaining about a literally free show.
And? It's fucking retarded.
>The free ones aren't good anymore, so pay to get more of them
No thanks.
Also, that's what YouTube ad revenue is for. And if you can't get that, maybe you should keep your day job instead of making a career out of stealing copyrighted shit. I don't give a shit about piracy, but you're dumb as hell if you depend on it to pay your bills.
It is stupid how their animations include drawing them laughing.
Fuck 'em. It's all fuckin' fake. I'm a LapsedChad.
Wish they would do a story line worth a shit like the Sting vs. nWo feud while they're still active
He was actually kinda decent on the last episode
I fucking hate Maffew but I was pleasantly surprised and not annoyed with him at all this time
dat projection
it's Yea Forums man, everyone here is a bitter porn addict
this tbhhh
They're shit now but I love New gen so I'll be watching for the next few at least
Best wrestling show on youtube.
Must of watched the whole catalog 3 time now
you keep seething. V1 is making more playing video games than being a doctor.
He's a nurse
V1 is complete fucking reddit cringe. Jay rides the line. OOC is fucking based as hell and I wonder why he even hangs out with these two.
I think you all in love with OOC because he's unironically most autistic
Pretty much
I like V1 cause I'm a fucking normie and he seems the coolest
They're pretty based but the Lex Express arc bas been a notable drop in quality. Hopefully the next one is good