Why does she look like she smells like matza balls and shmeared bagels?
Why does she look like she smells like matza balls and shmeared bagels?
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She smells like shekels and berg
I'd schmear her bagel with my matzo balls, if you know what I mean.
She said she's 1/4 Palestinian so that throws Jew out the window
You realize there are Palestinians Jews
she has hairy arms
too weak-boned to be italian, so she's either turkish or jewish
Are those bagels undercooked?
She looks cute and I'ma ding-dong diddly wed her and bed her
I wanna have some pastrami with Alicia
By Allah if she were 14 years younger she'd have made a great bride.
This is supposed to be an Islam reference, but once again, Palestinian =/= Muslim. Listen to Kevin Nash and replace your TV with a bookshelf.
Sh is already claimed
Oy vey, look at that schnoz on her
I'm a Muslim and I'm just using the expression "By God" you faggot wolfcuck. Stop your islamophobia or I'll replace your asshole with a gaped one like Nash.
she looks like anne frank with gobs of makeup
Bumping for nudes.
Two Jews
No bump
Shut it down, the boyim knowwww.