Make Carmella pretty again

Oh Lord whatever happen to her

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“She” was always ugly

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>falling for the surgery meme

her body is what always worked me into a shoot famalamadingdong

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Still would more than any other woman on the roster not named Sasha

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gross uggo trying too hard to be hot

too far gone

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With my glasses off she always looked like Zelda from Pet Cemetery to me.

Always knew it was a matter of time.

Ironically with my glasses off when looking at old women I can see the mirage of what they looked like when young.

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Ive always said she looks like a ding-dong diddly muppet

is true she's jobbing to billie kay at house shows now?
weird, babyfaces basically never job at house shows unless it's a title match and they are the challenger
must have heat on her

She turned orange like Taz.

yikes, not even the good IIconic girl.

still looks pretty hot to me desu

Good thing they have a cuter, younger guido girl

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they both fucken suck, you mark faggot

This bitch is gonna be fat when she hits her late 20s if she is lucky

she's physically attractive but you can tell she has a bad attitude
not wife material
of course graves dumbass will probably put a ring on it

delete the word gonna and you're correct

I'm curious who's idea was it to give her a title and bury Asuka for half a year.

Asuka had to lose eventually, and Carmella got some decent heat. She isn't the best wrestler but had good looks and some promos were decent.

Of course everything's gone to shit since then.

You’re not wrong. Transmella is a halfie and she’s not even really from NJ

Because they want make Caramel as star and legit heel plus they want put bad image for first women's MITB winner by make her have short reign but WWE forgot she barely draw attention as heel and need James Chinsworth to make her relevant.

*Don't want put bad image



Remember that big-lipped female muppet that was in that band with Animal?

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>This bitch is be fat when she hits her late 20s if she is lucky
t. illiterate

She looks like she has some kind if hereditary Illness