Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Angle. He was being a fucking douchebag with his aggressive "pay yer dues" bullshit and got embarrassed. Fuck him.

the simp who booked a shoot segment in the middle of fake fighting soap opera

the right answer

Which one of these beefcakes ends up in wwe?

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the referee Jim Korderas for counting to 3 in a shoot wrestling match

Probably none. I don't see anyone with an even decent look there. Maybe the guy in yellow but that's it.

Unironically the Poo is the only one with a decent look. Would pair him in a tag team in NXT and squander his talent for 5 years desu

Should've broken his drug addict arm.

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Chad on the Top right or young Suriano from Jersey

What is this

What kills me is that Angle was fairly a new guy during all of this, so yeah, fuck him and that dumb carny mentality.

Why did Puder break the damn hold? If you're going to expose a guy, expose him all the way. You either run Angle out of the territory, or he's going to politick you out of the territory.

Say puder did break his arm. Would they have no choice but to push him to the moon after?

Angle for being a fake shooter.

What's the point of shoot breaking his arm? You ruin your standing with the company. If you don't like the guy just shoot fight him backstage, not somewhere where literally millions of people can see you possibly humiliate yourself

This. Plus why have a shoot segment at all if the point is to get Angle over?

He got buried by fake tough guy carnies regardless. Should have broke his arm and solidified his legacy.

Puder for going into business for himself.
>shooting on a vet on a PRO WRESTLING show
That dummy deserved all the chops he got.

Pajeet, the Enzo looking one, or the dude in red. He gives of Thagger vives

because they literally worked themselves into a shoot, like brawl for all

>who is Jinder the Unhindered

Didn't you hear the story of how he got in WWF? He said they hanged up/retracted the first time they came to him because he wanted to win every single match.

>gets BTFO at the rumble


So that's why he got this "undefeated strick" in the beginning
Based Kurt

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