WWE live event in Buffalo:

WWE live event in Buffalo:
>Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte Flair by submission after about 6 minutes
>The match ended abruptly and awkwardly after Charlotte missed a moonsault and landed on her knees
>There was a bit of an awkward pause and Becky quickly realized something was wrong and put Charlotte in the disarmher to end the match early
>Charlotte almost immediately tapped out
>She was able to walk to the back on her own, but was very slow and had a considerable limp
>Charlotte looked rather distraught leaving the ring


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Hey it finally happened!

Issa work to make marks think she's being removed from the triple threat


>Making Wrestlemania main eventers wrestle house shows a week before the big event
How fucking retarded

>Implying womeme's will main event

She has literally contributed nothing to the feud and everyone wanted Becky vs Ronda as a singles match to begin with. This is karma for this stupid fucking company

>>The match ended abruptly and awkwardly after Charlotte missed a moonsault and landed on her knees

Charlotte calls that hitting a moonsault


Yeah, all the marks in Buffalo. 'Works' don't count if they're not on TV. Since the 80s, if it ain't on TV, it didn't happen.

Becky and Ronda are shitting up the feud and the actual ring work will be garbage

Not him, but Diesel won the title in a house show and that was well into the 90's
>inb4 wolfcuc

>She has literally contributed nothing to the feud and everyone wanted Becky vs Ronda as a singles match to begin with. This is karma for this stupid fucking company
This is going to be brilliant on WWEs part.
- Charlotte gets written out because of "injury"
- Ronda squashes Becky like a simp at Wrestlemania to retain.
-Charlotte angrily dominates Ronda next night on RAW to win the title and save the reputations of all the women in the back who count of her.
- Bexfags seethe, openly weep, and dilate.

There is a god. Hopefully she never does that awful moonsault again

Charles, it's ok. You'll go back to SD and finish Asuka for good after the superstar shake up. Just tap out at mania and be patient


It's a work to give Charlotte time off. Andrade already knocked her up so she's gonna be out for the next year.

Why the fuck does she keep going for the moonsault? This was bound to happen eventually.

Future GOAT incoming.

Attached: charlotte los ingobernables.jpg (1934x2048, 522K)

Going for top rope spots that dont work is literally in her blood.

no source on this btw

It's amazing how people still think that moonsault was anything other than dogshit when Io Shirai works in the same fucking company.

Io hasn't been able to hit a proper moonsault since coming to WWE.

That Moonsault to the outside in Takeover was beautiful. Eat shit.

One of the best looking moonsaults I've ever seen, not even gonna lie

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double dubs confirm

Attached: 1545850917130.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

all those photos but none of the botch?

