Such a sad story
Such a sad story
At least post the original.
What's wrong with this big boobs babe?
So we now know Nash's rapist was a serial rapist. Who else do you think fell victim to him? Wolfkek perhaps? Black on black crime has always been a terrible epidemic in this country.
WolfCHAD is from the UK ya simp
what's wrong with her?
a tragic day that will truly go down in sodomy
Don't black people call each other cousin all the time?
Le nerve gas XDDDD
She got cerebral assassinated.
this made me really sad.
Me too, but then I thought... I can save her. I picture her laying in bed while I'm just slaying that pussy. She has body shaking orgasms.
Holy based
kek what a bitch
Underrated post
Vaccinations not even once kids
>anti-vac retard
>watches wrestling
t.autist that was vaxxed as a kid
Enjoy the polio, brainlet.
Its what happens when you play the game without knowing how to play it
Nigga I am proc choice. You can decide to take a gamble on your health by trusting the tv and the internet who just now for the past month been yelling at you and everyone else to go get needles of diseases shoved in their arms. Doesnt seem suspicious does it? I bet you didnt even care about vaccinations or people getting them until about a month ago when the tv and every days google health news is anti vac stories.
>you were put on this earth to experience shit and adapt to it.
>Nah let me go put a needle in me.
For the record the last injection I got was a tetanus shot and whatever initial shots my parents got me as a child growing up. I am perfectly healthy but my two sisters who keep up to date on the vaccinations are always sick and I am never.