How the fuck did this guy fail? Wrestling truly is dead

>Roided the fuck out
>Injured other wrestlers
>Massive ego
>Changed his legal name to Ryback
>Protects the business
>Can't actually wrestle

Why the fuck aren't you a fan of Ryback?

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Attached: FaggotJoeyRyan.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Not a fan of his catchphrase. All the bad things about him could probably be blamed on creative, though.

the big guy should've been a world champ but instead they had him losing to manlets on pre-shows

Attached: Ryback.png (1056x602, 1004K)

>Unironically believes in The Secret

I solved the mystery

His face is disturbing ape-like

Is that what this guy is doing now?

That dude probably has shoot Silverback test on an IV drip at home. Looking like your a few steps behind the rest of us on the line in the sand is a good thing in wrestling.

poor man oldberg

Seething strawman simpola

I mean it did work for him

Not roided, never actually injured anyone. No, Punk, the human lying machine isn't a reliable source, doesn't have much of an ego.

He's probably one of the most poorly booked wrestlers and his "feed me more" catchphrase got him over which he created himself. But unfortunately like Danial Bryan, getting yourself over means you're punished

>not roided
cmon man

Idunnohe was pretty fucking over too and then vince just kicked him to.the curb lol. Imagine losing to a 60 year old Mark Henry at WrestleMania

Cuckback is an absolute joke. I can see why he called himself a vanilla gorilla back in Tough Enough

>Why the fuck aren't you a fan of Ryback?
But I am. He's fucking based, and cuckman phil was such a simp that he politic'd to stop Rybased's well deserved push.

Ryback could've been bigger than cena, in wrestling only, not outside.
He shouldve gotten the push roman got.

Five foot 11

His finisher was fucking trash and his catchphrase was dumb.

Bully Ryback was pretty based though, and his phase of not giving a fuck during RybAxel and the very end had some funny moments.

Big guys are what dra.....

>How the fuck did this guy fail?
the colt cabana podcast. cuck man phil buried him and the smarks ate it up and turned on him. you could say that podcast was the beginning of the end, not just for ryback, but for american wrestling in general.

LMFAO what the fucking fuck the meathook clothesline followed by the Shellshock is GOAT

Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels weren't really bringing in the dimes, user . . .


That's a good thing, monsters and freaks are lacking today.

He's way better than that faggot Braun.

The Secret?
Like that shitty book?



the WWE universe was reaching peak onions when he debuted and started chanting "Goldberg" before he had a chance.
per Dave Meltzer

hi ryan. how are you?

Neither was Big Daddy Bitch

he failed because he has ZERO charisma.

Okay, Ryback calm down.

I miss Rychad CM Puke more than Cuckback.

>peak onions
You mean s󠀀oy, you s󠀀oyboy?

itt children who were 10 when ryback was on tv

he was complete fucking trash

So many internet words there, user, its like jiberrish.

More like Rybloat

I like that Ryback is a confirmed asp poster.

>gets dubs
>bypasses the filter
Teach me your magic, wizard.

Not enough thigh slap flips for ya?

>>gets dubs
>>bypasses the filter
>Teach me your magic, wizard.

You f󠀀inna let that word filter just stand there and treat you like a jobber son?


Shitty Goldberg wannabe

During the build up to his first title match with Punk, he was getting huge reactions from the crowds, The Big Guy could've been a much bigger star if WWE weren't locked into their plans for Punk to lose the title to Rock, who would then lose to Cena. Even after that, they kept killing his momentum by losing matches he shouldn't have lost.


Based user going over clean on the jabroni filter