These bitches have claws
These bitches have claws
Corny is so based when he starts vibratin' kek
these midgets took mandrama too literally.
>b-back to being a big meanie?
What did Cucknetty mean by this
Based Corny calling out this compulsive liar alc*holic boomer
Bischoff/Schiavone only drew 300? Bruce Prichard sold out the Gramercy Theater (500) on multiple nights. All these guys are extra salty that based Bruce is back in the WWE and are turning on each other.
Based Cornette shooting from the ding-dong diddly hip on Eric Bitchoff
When men have beef like this they usually closet homosexuals
>n-no, I meant to draw a small crowd...
Bruce and STW is over like Rover
How ya doin', sleazy e?
but he did? he had to meet and greet everyone unlike conrad and his fat fuck crew who just take a shitty pic and hassle you along
that's because if conrad kissed everyon'e ass like cornette does, he'd be there all night
>goes from slinging meat out of the back of his moms minivan to slinging dickpills on a shared card in an expo center
I guess Eric made it?
corny must be super high test if he doesn't need dick pills for this monstrosity
>you only had 100?
>well i had NEARLY 300!
so....200 something?
Cornette is a fucked up dude who is into hard S&M with women who look like his mother. His dick is probably harder than you can imagine.
imagine the smell
Corny's a progressive man, he watches New Jack fuck his wife while he quietly sobs/jerks off in the darkened corner of the room. It's the only way a big-brained enlightened man such as himself can get off.
Is that why he projects that Republicans are all literally pussies and cucks?
No he hates niggers and shoot called New Jack and Mustafa niggers to their face when they didn't want to job.
Probably. Also just the way he talks is either overwhelming praise or absolute negativity.
usually the most virulent racists are closet bbc observers
Well if the tickets to see Cornette were 3x more. He would draw more dimes.
so, THIS is the power of nanomachines, woah...
>Also just the way he talks is either overwhelming praise or absolute negativity
I'm a brainlet, how is this connected to him probably projecting his insecurities about his supposed sexual fetishes?
Nah I'm pretty sure Corny is legit "why would i want those in my house" racist with an apathy towards them, not like ku klax klan shit.
Regardless of how you feel about Corny, why do so many people try to get into shit talking matches with him? People know how many years he spent cutting promos for a living right?
Anyone who lives in that much fear is cucking themselves.
Same goes for those libtards looking for something to be pissy about.
Corny is a Dixiecrat through and through. He doesn't much care for colored people, but still sticks to his daddy's party for some reason. Pretty based, imo.
damn carny grudges die hard
BASED Uncle Eric working Cornhole into a seething shoot.
Both Cornette and Bischoff are retards.
>both fighting over Vinny Mac's table scraps
Corny is not a sexual. his romantic life is a work and he doesnt jacket
>different sides same coin *nods knowingly*
Both of these old has-been simps are extremely pathetic. Its actually very cringe. These self-marks are the ones who say the marks are in the ring today. Reading this twitter fight its obvious THEY ALWAYS WERE.