I missed you bros

I missed you bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:


what u post to break rule 1?

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Based. Anyone here have to get themselves a ban sometimes so they can actually do something productive instead of shitposting all day?

>sitting out bans
heel pedomod went over ding-dong diddly clean

glad to see my reports are going through
wb bud

I remember the post you made.

Really bad shit friend. Made me ashamed to be on asp.

Links to 155 chan of course, jk just posted some stupid based or Cringe thread. I deserved it brother. Mmmmm mods, don't wanna mess with them.

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What was it

Some serious shit.

You sound like an underage faggot.

Is Pedomod the Undertaker of Yea Forums?
>always around
>always cringe
>has been here for far too long
>never drew a dime
>hurts the product at times
>delivers pure bans (mmmmm)
>refuses to just fuck off

Doubtful. Wouldnā€™t have been a three day ban.

>emoji filename
You probably just hopped to a new IP that got unbanned and wanted to post about it for attention. No phoneposter actually sits out bans.


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Just a friendly reminder to everyone that I WILL report you if you post non sweaty oily man drama topics.

>he doesn't have a dynamic ip
fucking pleb

I honestly dont know what that is either:/

This was a deleted post that was made 15 minutes before OP's ban. It's most likely this.

I'm 28 and I sat it it out like I do all my bans. I don't wanna mess with a perma ban without having a vpn. I post from my phone and tablet.

What a fucking poofer

That's it
I like dicks and puss big whoop wanna fight about it?

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This board has ruined taker for me

Who is this daddy as fuck

dynamic ip = always changing
static ip = always the same

with a dynamic ip it's impossible to ban someone because a simple router reset gets them a new ip.

of course range bans are one way they can still get you but that's pretty much only used to stop spammers


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Crinfe white boi

Seems gooks moot told the jannies and mods to start enforcing that rule.

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Good. Sick of you faggots posting threads about black cocks all the time.

Ya are huh

this post (the post im replying to right now) was made for BBC

off-topic posts, I guess


mmmmmmmmmmm :D

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Based pedomod burying these tourists and taking them off TV

Based serve-my-time poster protecting the business and sticking to kayfabe.

either last year or the year before i got a three day ban on the friday of wrestlemania weekend for posting an image like this and saying what party food have you got ready.

Attached: WWEparty_Food.jpg (1200x741, 231K)

You are like a baby.

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I thought I was the only one! Whenever I have a lot of tests or papers, I'll be a lot more aggressive in getting myself banned. It's actually kind of hard. /pol/ and /r9k/ typically just warn you. Yea Forums will leave a lot of total garbage threads up, and you will never get banned for what you post inside of a thread. (technically not true. i got banned for saying i joined the /k/ raid) Racist lyric chadding is usually the fastest way to get a 3-day on Yea Forums.

My ban just expired an hour ago. It was the thread asking if Noelle is retarded that got me 3 days. That was the most random banning Iā€™ve ever got. Guess jannie has a crush on her or something.

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You guys do realize you most likely should not be making a thread like this, right?

Thank god someone banned you. You're just posting to bait reactions in every thrad like the little autistic weeaboo that you are. It's good when you're not around. They should have banned you along with yelissetty

Because anybody who takes wrestling this serious is a cum gargling faggot and should end themselves immediately

If you don't like me then why did you read my post?

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it a right of passage to get the ban hammer.,
here one i got from raiding /x/ last summer.

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Threads as good as a place as any. Congrats to the anons over the past 2 3 weeks that got jobs, every single thread like that I was b& for. I might have found a girl thats interested in me. (I recently moved from my home state NY) I just got to not fuck up how I handle the next handful of texts. Its been a little while since I have had sex so wish me luck anons and I wish you all well.

Jannies seething cause anons getting jobs doing better for themselves and they're stuck moderating a Taiwanese Ice-fishing board

I sit out bans

Wait we aint an oriental origami board? Shit wheres /oo/ at?

Imagine being proud of a ban. Talk to me when you've been banned at least a dozen times.

you're literally going to get banned for this post for offtopic you dipshit

i jerked off to that thread, especially who said she needed help to wipe herself

You have made a shit ton of offtopic posts ITT that based pedoCHAD WILL find out about

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>Tranny Janny SEETHING

>making an offtopic post that shows you are a ban evader

lol says the faggot that actually serves his bans

I have never evaded a ban.

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Uh.. you got the wrong guy ya SEETHING slapdick. Holy shit you are worked, lel. Just take ya HRT pills and calm down.

but your offtopic post literally shows you were banned for ban evasion and now pedomod knows about it

seething tranny dipshit projecting his ass off lmao

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>no u
lel, ya FUMING