What is the sexiest move in wrestling

And why is it the stinkface?

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Brap thread?

If you’d like it to be, I’m a brapchad after all

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i think it's a brap thread

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Shoot question. Do they ever fart while doing a stinkface? I’d imagine that being a classic rib

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Dudes like rikishi probably do. I know Candice Michelle biting torrie Wilson’s ass was a rib but I don’t know of any chicks that brapped as a rib. Might need to do some detective work on that

Mating press pin
Muscle Buster
Headscissors submission

Superman punch

Mermaid lock


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Is that Sasha with her mouth wide open while spreading Bayley's cheeks apart?

Emma at a house show in japan. She took the stinkface whenever they tagged with Asuka


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Mae Young stuffed sardines in her crotch when she hit Bischoff with the bronco buster

Kat gave Terri the best one. Full contact with minimal coverage.

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