I wanna get into this 'pro wrestling'

i wanna get into this 'pro wrestling'
where/how do i start?
(pic unrelated, grabbed it from the catalog)

Attached: US President.png (1183x590, 1.1M)

oh and i didn't mean 'i want to join a pro wrestling league'


Leave this place and never come back, it's for your own good. You've been warned.


watch 2000 WCW

Just watch the first season

watch some new japan

Buy the WWE Network and watch Raw episode 1 otherwise you won't understand where the story is going

What kind of wrestling are you looking for? Do you want fast & hard-hitting presented like an actual sport (NJPW) or do you want more storyline driven corporate drivel from WWE? Or deathmatches perhaps?

Attached: tumblr_owaleceNlg1tx8dnyo1_500.gif (500x288, 1.67M)

i want that real flashy stuff you get from the WWE

Find a couple guys who you think look cool and watch their matches. If you want my recommendations, watch RVD and Sabu vs Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki at ECW Heat Wave 1998, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho vs Triple H and Steve Austin RAW 05/21/2001, Steve Austin vs Bret Hart Mania 13, and Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat WCW Beach Blast 1992. Those are my 4 favorite matches. Grab the WWE Network free trial and check it out. Stay away from modern stuff and watch some old WWF and WCW stuff to get a feel for how cool wrestling was in its prime.


Production order

ding-dong diddly

WWE RAW is basically designed so people can start watching it at any given night, if you have hulu, you can start watching the latest episodes right now and it isn't hard to start following

Who is the guy on the left? He seems familiar

Attached: the president.png (126x142, 25K)

can I get a rundown?



Except this time it's literal

vice president of russia

Every promotion has free matches on youtube

Attached: bliss looking back.png (1366x768, 1.38M)

Why? The op put that pic up. I’m allowed to talk about it

Shoulda picked another time to come back, son.

talk about it
but im not gonna give you a rundown