what a bitch
>he's just looking behind him at the ropes as he stumbles backwards twice, to make sure he grabs the correctly to perform the next part of his dance
NXT was a mistake
Jesus Christ
Bet you guys marked out for Michaels over selling everything too
Jesus christ, why the fuck would they actually do stupid shit like that on TV
Wacky lariat the worse move. Then he makes even more worse.
Holy rent-free batman. HBK has more wrestling talent than these two jabroni marks.
Nope. Michaels was a manlet hack who only stayed on top because he sucked VKM off.
Both of those marks wouldn't even be wrestlers if it weren't for HBK.
Jesus christ, gas them both
That's a good thing you stupid faggot. Neither of them are talented, either.
that looks SO bad, Jesus...
This is just as bad tbqhwy big lad
Only thing that was better was Dean at least sold with the ropes directly behind him, O’Reilly stumbled back like 3 feet to rebound off the ropes and it ends up looking choreographed, fake and gay.
Atleast Ambrose stumbles in the ropes rather than look directly at them
Found the Wet "Shitman" Fart mark. HBK is one of the GOATs
Is KOR the biggest meme going on currently? I constantly hear how he’s way too good for tag teams but this shit screams eternal jobber
And before any faggot here gives me the
>Durr he has charisma
He literally copied Hollywood hogan playing air guitar with a title, I won’t efen respond to your bait
If they had done that spot once it would have been hokey but okay. You get the "cocky heel thinks he pulled something slick, gets smacked in the face again for it" vibe from it. Doing it twice is just retarded. The spot HBK did was always someone trying to throw him over the top or a clothesline, he never did it as a sell right in front of the guy who hit him with the move.
I still say it was based when he did it at SS2014
bet you've never felt the pulse of a vagina on your cock
HBK would sell for the big guys in his era. What are these fuckers even doing here?
>the state of insecure zoomers
I'm not particularly fond of Bret Hart. Stop seething, by the way, it's Sunday.
Michaels overselling only went full retard when he was trying to make you look bad on purposse. It was his way of telling that you sucked gorilla dick hard. Here these two individuals think they're wrestling gods BECAUSE they do this shit.
Does anybody claim KOR has charisma? The guy constantly has the "deer in the headlights" look on his face.
I can’t believe how many got worked by this, the biggest marks are always out of the ring, brother
ROH fags talk the biggest shit about Kyle saying how he was just booked improperly as an MMA badass rather a scumbag type. When in reality he just sucks ass at anything given to him. His best talent is maybe selling
This is bad, even ice ribbon is better than this mess
I think he'd excel if he went full retard with a Festus/Eugene gimmick. He has the look already.
kyle is based , johnny simpgano is shit.
manlet wrestling was a mistake
>NXT Is the best wrestling in the world
>Watching wwememing wrestling
Jokes on you, I've been enjoying choppa and anime style on NJPW and will never go back.
>this is considered """wrestling""" by leddit standards
Based choppachad
he looks........slow
Hey Brett, I see your thread is doing fine. How's your CTE or cancer?
..was this a comedy spot?