>Is the Cena of Jap wrestling
>Submits to midcarders
Is the Cena of Jap wrestling
True, he did job to Shinsuke
It's almost if Tana put everyone over. and makes the people he likes look like stars
submissions and strikes aren't a meme in WWE, the land where you can punch a guy for an hour and pull at their joints all day and it does no damage. however if you pick up a guy and drop him on his back on a trampoline it's more devastating then all of those put together.
are a *
New Japan doesn’t really do the never give up bullshit. Even Okada has tapped out
Yeah, to Nakamura how long god knows. He hasn't tapped since.
Yes they do, retard. Why do you think Sanda has to use the moonsault for everyone else? Don't confuse the fact that Tanahashi isn't a mark for himself with a general policy.
You are retarded if you think that Tana doesn't have an ego. He was seething at Kenny the whole time he was on top. Not just in kayfabe.
That's because Tana knew Kenny would leave.
Maybe because Tana knew Kenny would leave and was angry at the fact he only worked %30 of shows. Not putting in the effort to be a top guy.
Tana worked injured most of his career while Kenny would rather make shitty youtube vid's and play video games
he sounds like a salty bitch tbqh.
Kenny barely worked because he was fucked up himself for most of 2018. He doesn't want to be crippled by the age of 50 so he didn't work through it which is just a dumb thing to do. If Tana is able to do it and still walk then more power to him.
HOW? Kenny didn't want to put in the work to do his job. Tana would of put him over if he had stayed. Would you rather a world champion who worked all the time or %30 of the time? Not to mention Kenny drew poor numbers as champ. You faggots seem to forget Tana put Kenny over in his first Heavyweight match. Kenny even said on WOR that Him and Tana are good friends outside the ring but when it comes to wrestling they hate everything about each other
he worked a fuck ton of Indie shows in Canada.and spent the rest of time at cons. If you need time to off to rest that's fine. But don't get mad at people calling you out for it. Also he only got hurt in the later part of the year, Yet when him and okada had their match. that was Okada's 60th match that year for NJPW while it was Kenny's 18th
I'd be salty too if I busted my ass to get someone to top and then they squandered it. I love Kenny, he is unironically one of my favorite wrestlers ever, but I honestly have no idea why he goofed his champ run the way he did. Maybe he's one of those guys who get more from the chase rather than the kill.
Jobbing to midcarders sounds exactly like Cena right now 2bh.
Stop projecting your petty complaints onto fake fighters white faggot.
ya boiling little dude?
Wrestling is FAKE you dumb puro twitter faggots. All that shit you’re complaining about was BOOKED that way on purpose. I don’t know why you have to come up with all this conspiracy bullshit. If you’re gonna blame anyone blame Gedo, you know, the one actually in CHARGE of the stories.
i should be blame Gedo for Kenny putting on bad matches. Drawing like shit and working %30 of shows? how is that any of his fault?
Elite drone cope
Stay mad, lil nigga
>bad matches
your opinion
>drawing like shit
Did record gate at Cow Palace, best number in Hiroshima, 90%+ filled Sumo Hall with a card announced a week in advance aaaaand largest Dome attendance in over a decade.
>30% of shows
He’s not in control of his contract retard. If you go back and look at the second half of 2017 he was already skipping tours, but of course it isn’t a problem because it was him that beat Okada and not precious tetsoya.
Cena’s gimmick & catchphrase was “Never Give Up” so of course he’s never going to tap-out ever. Especially to some stagnant and perms-midcarder. Once he started wearing that shtick on a shirt he went from tapping to Kurt’s Anklelock and Benoit’s Crippler Crossface to making people tap to his STF(U)
>OR John Cena is the Hiroshi Tanahashi of America
wait I'll reel that back, good fucking joke.