What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Mismanagement. It is supposedly not completely dead but there would be one more, very short season at best.
I think they waiting so long between seasons to shoot killed it. It's hard to give a shit when you know the story wont be concluded until a year later.
>7 year contracts
>all the mexican talent leaving for better paying gigs in the states
>that retarded shit where they killed off Dario and and made him play his dad with a shitty wig and a blue contact lense
>Ivelisse and her pet fags, Sammy and Sonny
>the new temple looking like ass
>huge gaps between seasons
>Vampiro phoning it in on English commentary
>Swagger as champ
>Swagger as champ
Nigga LU was ahead of their time, look at him now.
brah you gay
Building a whole season around jack swagger killed them
Fake Lucha Libre
The forced break in the middle of season 3.
Rofl at that awful pussy tattoo
Did she answer the call?
She had it lasered off because she was sick of people yelling fire crotch at her during matches
Turning it into spacemonsterkillerzombiemagic shit within like ten episodes.
>b-but i like spacemonsterkillerzombiemagic i just love to have fun
Ok, it's still objectively what killed the company.
The Mil Muerte stuff wasn't bad, it was just like a Mexican themed Undertaker and it was interesting.
The TV station. Being on El Rey was never gonna create enough revenue/views to continue the show.
mostly an unfortunate and small channel
yeah they really fell off last season, mostly due to budget cuts, what a shame, barrett was kino tho
that stuff is the only thing that made it stand out to begin with, no one would have gave a shit otherwise
The had a bunch of volatile unprofessional talent that nobody else wanted because of the drama. It worked fine for a pre-taped local show. When they tried to tour and get people to stick to schedules it went exactly like how you'd think.
>Sexy Star
>Del Taco
>Jack Evans
>PJ Black
The new studio killed it. I was hyped for it but when I saw the lights, colors and sponsorship, I gave up. 2 episodes in and I didn't give a shit about it.
jack evans was kino af in lu
seasons 1 and 2 were the best wrestling related thing in the last decade at least
making a super expensive wrestling show and refusing to tour or sell merch was an odd decision
I think the big gap in the middle of season 3 killed a lot of the buzz. But I thought S4 was good too.
Never heard anyone say Taya is unprofessional before?
Ive still never seen a single episode of this
Genuinely missing out, the first 2 seasons are pure kino.