Holy fucking mainstream star
Holy fucking mainstream star
>3 days old and nobody post nothing.
Zero mainstream mentions.
>Bandwagon team
>imagine thinking doing some prearranged pr with a sports team is mainstream
I guess that makes Alexa Bliss mainstream too then
will it kill this bitch to smile
It was mainstream when Goldberg was playing rounds with Mark Mcquire, not some roastie taking a pic at a game
Bex a cute! A CUTE!!
I want to kiss Becky on the mouth and on her pits, too
She's smiling in the first picture you shoot autist
I was a warriors fan, but not anymore. At least the based A's are still based.
The line of her mouth is making a frown, retard
At least bliss had the strap
Yeah it makes her look way cooler to wear a fake fighting belt at a real sports event
who and who? get with the times
This 100%
I hope this means lexi will have 27 title reigns too
I also wish she’d shove that bat so far up my ass she starts calling me big kev
Warriors will job to the Rockets this year. Harden is more over than Rock in 2000. Screencap this.
Based Bex looking as qt as ever and continues to rake in the dimes while incels continue cry
Who’s ready for April 7th
Who’s ready for ding-dong diddly
Based BexChad
Holy fucking cringe
>Get called an autist
>Go on to further prove your an autist
>Yeh, oim the man, the man with the plan, plan fookin' B!
so what's the 11 mean?
how many abortions she’s had
get your own personality loser
that's hot