*has dozens of 5 star matches and fills the Tokyo Dome in your path*

*has dozens of 5 star matches and fills the Tokyo Dome in your path*

Attached: manami toyota.png (500x718, 332K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Toyota Corolla

Meltzer rating her matches 5 stars is like Asukafags rating Asuka's matches 5 stars

>being named after a car company
Shamefur dispray

She was a wrestler who actually drew dimes. It's been a few decades since we've seen one so I could understand your confusion.

>*is a mark in your path*

Most legends are. That's how you get ahead and not end up like some of the geeks today.

*gives Meltzer one of the two best memories of his life in your path*

>Fucks Meltzer for stars and is the girl that works with the girls who draw the money

That was Debbie Malenko. Toyota is a dyke anyway

The trick is to be a mark for yourself more than you're a mark for the industry.
Geeks today are marks for the industry. They're just happy to wrestle.
Toyoto Motorolla was a mark for herself first and foremost.

>*will never be as cool as Akira Hokuto in your path*

Attached: hqdefault (3).jpg (480x360, 34K)

The best fucking wrestler of all the fucking time.

>The trick is to be a mark for yourself more than you're a mark for the industry.
>Geeks today are marks for the industry. They're just happy to wrestle.
And the thing is that WWE is really glad to be perpetuating such a concept. Because they make people "glad" to be there. And they have made it into a thing people say. And fans have been made to think that.
And people on here are asking where the all real wrestlers went. All those real wrestlers wouldn't be able to work within confines of WWE or anywhere else.

She has one of the most beautiful backs in the wrestling history.

Who has the most beautiful back today?

Hazuki has the best shape but it depends on if you can ignore her abortion scar.

Attached: DuS739wU8AEYYeR.jpg orig.jpg (1669x2044, 458K)

>was being fucked by Dave Meltzer regularly

>He thinks Japanese people have regular sex

Do explain pregnancy story.

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Reika Saiki. And its not even close.

Attached: Reika+saiki+ive+made+a+post+about+_225e0dbd244b435fad1d01263e0bf17d.jpg (500x706, 83K)

I am very partial to Lacey Evans's back.
She has wide shoulders, while not crossing into looking like a man. And her muscles are cut enough, not too much, but enough.
I'd be able to lay on the bed and just trace her back muscles for hours with my fingers.
Hazuki is good choice as well.
Do we have some good shots of Iwata's back? She has wide shoulders and slender hips.

Not my type.
She has really nice shoulders and arms tho.

Lacey Evans

Sorry to break it to you weeb, but your precious joshis aren't pure little introverts.

Post her pits

Utami and Mayu are

*Still gets Worked by some anglo zoomer bitch

Mayu lives with Rossy. LOL

In Toyota's day there were no marks inside the ring. The women wrestlers were all delinquints and outcast girls (Lesbian and street kids) who were athletic and would go through the process of the AJW tryouts. Those tryouts would often involve thousands of girls as in those days the women drew as much as the men did. Men wrestlers in Japan and the USA were mostly failed or dropped-out ex sports stars. In Japan sumo and judo and in the USA many, many football stars. These dudes "failed into" pro wrestling but the ones who reaized it was lucrative took it to the next level.

Currently wrestlers are mostly marks. Man-children raised on WWE and vidya games who went to shows and "dreamed of becoming a pro wrestler" as they watched Austin, Cena and Trish (?). These two nobodies trying to troll Toyota are marks from beginning to end, literally WWE pajama owning SDvsRAW playing mark pro wrestling customers who paid somebody money to train them.


Where did this Debbie Malenko runoe come from? Only place I've seen it is on here, what board or name first mentioned it?


Do you really think a Nip, in the 1990s, before the Internet, Google Translate and all that shit, knew who Meltzer was at all? That they could communicate enough that she'd want to fuck a geek like that?

Put two and two together.

Pretty much this.

Debbie Malenko wasn't a nip, she was an American who joined the AJW dojo and eventually the roster. Watch that french AJW documentary on Youtube, they cover her quite a bit. No idea about the rumor though, Dave used to attend all their big shows and I guess the idea of the one gaijin fucking the one foreign fan in attendance picked up some steam.

People forget it so easy. Even The Rock wanted an NFL career and if you believe his book only went to pro wrestling out of desperation after a career-ending injury. He "Failed into it." I'm sure now Stan Hansen wouldn't change his life for anything since it worked out, but if you had a time machine and went back and asked a 24 year-old Hansen if he'd rather be playing pro-football for the Dallas Cowboys AT THE TIME, he wouldn't have blinked. People calling Manami Toyota a "mark" are the dumbest motherfuckers you're going to find.

Wasnt asking about your type. Just answered the who has best back question.

Did they get paid to train for wrestling is that a thing? If i cant hack my boxing career i was thinking of wrestling.

Try MMA. Nobody pays you for nothing.

Unless you are really, really good, wrestling pays more than MMA.

Jesus motherfucking Christ, have sex will ya?

They named her Toyota cuz she a fuckin car wreck. Blew up on impact.

Is Manami gay? Has it been confirmed at any point?

Someone post her lewds please


So did Yoshiko and a bunch of others. And?

I fucked your mom. Ever notice only virgins and pedos reply “have sex?”

It’s wrll known Tossy fucks Mayu and they’ve been a couple for years.

Like most of the joshi rumors posted here by /wooo/tists it's pure fiction with nothing to support it.

It’s common knowledge. When every girl moved out of Rossy’s Mayu stayed behind because she’s his waifu. Literally every girl who ever worked there knows this it’s not a rumor. She’s an autistic shut-in neet completely susceptible to a daddy figure. Get a clue.

>No proof

>gets a pro wrestling history lesson
> responds like a virgin

I’ll have sex as long as it’s not with that shoe-faced jobber bitch that random gaijin flippy boy mark working for NJPW is cheating on in private and white knighting in public.

Ask any girl who has worked STARDOM buddy. Can’t you do that? What do you want a sex tape posted here marky? Grow up.

*is a fucking self mark like Gaytch*

>Still no proof

Funny how all the top people turn out to be self marks, it's almost as if wrestling is a shitty business and you have to look out for yourself first and foremost.

Even Cunter isn't as big a mark as this bitch is. You would never see him tweeting about a wrestler outside of WWE doing his finisher.

*has raw passionate sex with Dave Meltzer every time he is in Japan but he fuckbuddyzones her*

why does she make weird noises when she wrestles

the things I would do to her brapper

I wonder, how long would guys like Piper, Savage, Warrior & Ventura (As a color guy) would last in today's WWE?

Hrm, not really well, I think they'd be kicked out same as Enzo.

>stop doing my mom's moves

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Tsukka never commented about this at all. She’s too busy with the most compelling story in pro wrestling right now to get involved with two no-name gaijin.

Toyota is a lesbian. Where did this story that Meltzer fucked her come from?

What kind of proof are you looking for? You want photos? A written statement? Dozens of gaijin girls have gone through STARDOM. They know it all and they talk. Stop being obtuse faggot.

yes she did

Redpill me on this woman, never heard of her before this thread but its real intriguing. Whats her best match?

Overrated spot monkey that Meltzer had a crush on

I don't watch Ice Ribbon what is her storyline?

she fucked a panda and its wife got mad

Overrated spot monkey that Meltzer shoot had sex with and is a mark for fake fighting moves.

Look up pretty much any vs Aja Kong match from the mid 90s. Better than any girl today

what's her endgame

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To fuck the panda and not be scared of his wife?

where can I watch this?

I want to go back to the 90's and fuck prime Toyota so bad.


Attached: toyota.jpg (960x720, 94K)

i just want to go back to the 90's period, but then i'd have to live through the 2010's again

my DICK I didn't know she had a nude photobook

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Rossy fucks Starlight Kid on the reg, he doesn't need disgusting gremlin Mayu.

Wrong thread?

unironically Tsukushi

>abortion scar

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The Brand is The Draw philosophy is such shit.


Ya seething

Fucking gods I love shibari.

It is, but it makes WWE more money than ever, because they were able to cut off the individual from the money making scheme. So for WWE it is a good thing.
From fan perspective it is a bad thing.

It is story build by newspapers, photographers taking pictures at "bad" time and so on.
Only just recently Tin-Tin (wife panda) met Tsukka and smacked her so hard that she KOed her.

Post proof.


Manchild does not mean childish adult. Stop getting your education from here without consulting a dictionary.

post her webms

Wew how btfo is your argument to be so nit-picky? Might as well just been a faggot about MUH SPACING. Notice you even admitted you understood what I meant?