holy fucking yikes
heavy duty steel chair business booming
>even the women are fat
Nice meetup Yea Forums
Imagine the smell.
Absolute unit, probably has better braps than the entire roster
>everyone is white
Based tbqh
>grown man walking around with replica wwf title belt
>all the men are balding or bald
>the absolute state of Cornettey
that's probably the most exercise he's gotten in weeks.
Cringe whitettys
the fucking state of you crackers
>all the biggest draws in wrestling history were bald or balding
The absolute state of cumskins
Good use!
Woah why is the guy in the front's leg so long
You do realize the majority of men experience hair loss right?
Niggers are fatter and balder than your hate session.
Absolute ding-dong diddly crinfe
Is this real life or is this just fantasy
Keep telling yourself that baldy.
also ugly and out of shape. Idk if thats something to be proud of
Jim Cornette is an old white rabid racist and doesn't allow niggers anywhere near him or his "events"
Why are wrestling fans so fat and ugly?
>Jim Cornette is an old white rabid racist and doesn't allow niggers anywhere near him or his "events"
Based. Keeping niggers out should always be the priority at events
I would beat the shit out of you if you were in front of me, while you are on the ground bleeding I would take this printout wad it up and shove it in your cunt mouth.
Is Jim Cornette based? I say Hell Yeah, brother! - HH
No not really, he is the worst kind of virtue signalling leftist faggot around.
It is not about me, it is about you simply being wrong and not wanting to accept it.
Why is almost everyone balding in the pic?
you do realize he has defended Obama on multiple occasions right ?
What's with the bald fat fucks?
Russochads win again
Meanwhile, at JASON the ORIGINAL RED RANGER's panel...
I see Harley Quinn.
This is the real shocker. I thought he would at least have the room filled. JDF does
Can't you just let things go? I know your scalp can.
Imagine the smell
Very problematic! Where is the diversity!
these are the Lads who clap like seals when Corney talks about politics
>there are women on Yea Forums
based green/white ranger was the michaels
Why is her hand so tiny bros?
about to puke
Not a single looking normal human being in that room
Cornette's Blue Ribbon fattest tub of shit award winner.
>le flick off the camera pic
Cringed so hard I vibrated
Yea Forums hates that shit too.
it's fucking white trash
Do you have any proof “source” that back ups your claim? By proof i mean a video, or adudio where cornette clearly states that he hates blacks. Im a 52 year old white dude and love african americans. If this is true then screw cornette
new jack said in a shoot that corny was a little racist and called some black guy a nigger because he got mad.
Yep, looks just about how I expected.
>it's fucking white trash
because under all that blubber is a very petite woman screaming to get out
This is funny but disrespectful, i did laugh a little bit and showed it to my wife, she did not find this funny and got a mad because im browsing on Yea Forums. Im the 52 year old white dude. Im a home stay dad so i dont want to piss her off or else shell cut the internet. Ill be back tomorrow when she leaves for work. By the way i love african american women with the big behinds with cellulite
you're literally retarded
this board is such trash
just delete Yea Forums already
only white "men"
Nice of Jim to invite his wife to the show.
He legit charges 10k an appearance according to a con event manager around my area. Is he even worth it anymore?
>criticizing classless crackers means I'm a pooskin
please, cletus. I voted for Trump
Why are atheists such man children?
At least it feels good knowing that if I was there I'd be be a giga chad compared to these non-clue getters
most "atheists" become believers once they have sex and have children.
Unironically prove that the Bible is more than just a book. I'm aware of how edgy that sounds to you.
Dash Wilder cultivating mass
Lord Jesus please let this user let his dick get wet
Stop it Jim, he's already dead.
Jesus never got his dick wet. He was the original no sex having, no shower taking, no weights hitting, no clue getting, no height gaining, mealy mouth piece of shit tipping his fedora talking about "don't throw stones at roasties, because you one time said fuck when you stubbed your big toe".
lol imagine being a leftist cuck but also a redneck and obese
Get right nigger. HH
>Im a 52 year old white dude
>on Yea Forums
Cornette is the worst of both sides put together. If you could actually take the exact opposite of him (the handsome sophistication and low bodyfat of a leftist and the politics of militant nationalist), you would have a perfect Chad.
God is a fucking jabroni jew creation made for the weak to control the scared.
BASED CORNY. His shitty podcast sucks but holy fuck is he entertaining to watch him btfo of people
Crining on Cornette here. Bischoff was just about to explain to him that his post was an example of what is known in the wrestling business as a "promo", with the intent of causing an emotional response, which illustrates how the media (even social media) is causing you to feel instead of think.
Sooner or later you realize that Cornette is actually probably the most rational person involved in wrestling, and whether you agree with him or not he can make a thorough sensical explanation for all of his views and booking. Pretty much everyone he ever had an issue with clearly had it coming and often started the shit with Cornette as opposed to the other way around.
Cornette pretty much buried the hatchet with Bitchoff and yet out of nowhere the little fella just started talking bad about him.
Corny Jim might not be all there in the nogging, but he will always be entertaining
The absolute state of nillas
I am a black male. I tried to attend the event. I was stopped by security (hells angels types) at the front door. they telled me I look suspect and asked me to left. I telled it that I already paid and they telled me "look kid Jim Cornette don't want your type around here" I was devastated. The other attendees all seed what was going down and instead of defending me they all fixing to laugh at me. I will never go to another wrestling event in my life. this is a racist sport.
That security sounds like it they were truly badass.
You need Jesus Christ
>the absolute state of nigger racial insults
Fucking based
BASED Vinny Ru