Stop posting in asp in October because of the stale memes like Eddie/Nash war

>stop posting in asp in October because of the stale memes like Eddie/Nash war
>Check asp
>You faggots still are spamming this meme and haven't came up with anything new

Please think of something new. It isn't funny anymore

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We have come up with at least 100 other memes or shitposts since then. Nash posting is this years chinnoki or eternal faggot fridays/jimmy oceans wrestling school

I'm all for Nash shitposting but just make a different joke already besides the same gay 92 shit. Anyone who has gay sex and black dicks in their dome 24/7 is the textbook definition of a faggot

>complaining about board culture
go back you cum swapping flaming cocksucking faggot

Attached: 1552960042991.png (225x249, 112K)

>So then I said hey big sexy bend over, and the rest is well history.

Attached: 2oldbl02.jpg (799x599, 213K)

Seething and projecting

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I would fucking end you ya little bitch

Old black guys dick occupying your dome 24/7

Ya sizzlin? Bitch please, you wouldn't do shit.

Hypocritical Facebook frogshitter begging people to stop posting shitty stale spam blind to the irony he pretends to be a master of says pic related

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>Eddie/Nash war
>Implying anyone gives a shit about Eddie posting

You gay sex posters really getting desperate here. Everytime the frog meme is posted it's referencing a different subject and not the same homoerotic shit you spam

>Please think of something new. It isn't funny anymore
Says the fucking frogposter. Kill yourself

new memes usually fail to get over because of all the autists here that refuse to move on to something new

kinda like the workers in wwe

like pottery

New memes don’t get over because only 2 people in this board know how to force a meme and I’m one of them.

You seem like an user I can have a drink with.
You seem like an user who is still in highschool.

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Yea Forums as a whole ignores eddieposting. Wolfcuck just talks to himself in eddieposts

It's the opposite, you got it in reverse

>telling me the bystander in your bickering that my assessment is wrong.
Fuck off.

Kek, you're the same fag who posted the other post earlier, keep seething little bitch

>check catalog for my dose of faggot friday generals
>it's gone

You are wrong child
Been awhile sure every now and then it pops up but it used tp be an everday thread.

Nope, you're the same fag

Fuck off, frog faggot.
