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Because it was dimes

It's just as much his fault for accepting it.
Fuck this retard and fuck that even bigger retard Russo.

Promotion for their shitty Ready to Rumble movie, corporate probably came up with the idea

Like you wouldn't accept a free belt for doing fuck all if it was offered to you?

Not that belt.
I respect this goddamn business too much ya zoomer faggot.

Get a load of this mark

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If you were there, you'd understand why it happened. It actually made sense, there was a build up to it.

There was a time when this business was worth protecting. Youll never know that feel, youngfag

Which one?

babby's first smark rage. patrician's know that not only was arquette based then but he's even more based now.

Is he circumcised?

This. Arquette and Vacant are the greatest to ever hold the title in the two biggest promotions.

Because children during the 90s touched themselves at night and this was gods punishment.

Holy shit it's 2015

>not having enough self esteem to feel that having the belt would respect the business
gain confidence

>that title is actually important
Ha ha ho ho he he it is to laugh.

>I respect this goddamn business too much ya zoomer faggot.
The belt lost its relevancy when Big Show won it in 95 after Hogan's death grip on it. Then Savage and Flair kept hot potatoing it until it went back to Big Show. Not to mention the endless dirty and shitty finishes.
>over the course of 1999, it went from Nash, to Hulk, to Flair, to DDP, to Sting, to DDP, to Nash, to Savage (FOR ONE FUCKING DAY), to Hulk, to Sting, to Bret who dropped it once and beat Goldberg to win it back.
That's a title change every month or so, with all sorts of fuck finishes behind most of them.
>from 2000 up to him, Benoit, Sid, Nash, Sid, Jarrett, DDP in the space of 4 months.
6 title reigns in the space of just 4 months.
>from 1991 to 2001, Hulk held the belt 3.25 years of it.
Nearly 1/3rd of the Big Gold's life in wcw was wrapped around hogan. There were 56 reigns, 8 of which are Flair, 6 are Hogan, 6 are Sting, Booker has 4, Nash 4, Jarret 4, Savage 4. That's 32 reigns between the 7 of them. Despite those being 57% of the reigns, those 7 fucks held the belt for a combined 8.2 years, or 82% WCW was on air. Think about that bullshit. When you tuned in, you had an 82% chance of seeing Hogan, Flair, Sting, Booker, Nash, Jarrett, or Savage as champion. Shit, you had a 33% chance of seeing Hogan with belt alone.

By the time it even touched Arquette, it was completely worthless. Fucker only held it for 2 Nitros (no one cared about Thunder) too. Bitching about Arquette is a waste of time, the company was in the shits long before DDP came up with that stupid idea.

This. If anything I blame Arquette for the thing being a joke. He treated it like a joke and is regretful that it ever happened. He should have gone with it 100% but he's too much of a cuck (see Courntey leaving him to fuck alphas)

I still don't see the big deal about Arquette winning the title. The title lost all credibility when Ron Simmons won it anyway.

God forbid someone try something new

Absolutely worked

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You're still talking about it aint ya. Bet you can't even name the WWE champion at the time

>Because children during the 90s touched themselves at night and this was gods punishment.

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I’d say he lucked out with Courtney leaving him. He got to fuck her in her prime and didn’t have to put up with her ending up looking like this.
Meanwhile, he’s probably in the best shape of his life and banging barely legal ringrats and Scream fangirls on the reg

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The marks are in the ring!

>Because children during the 90s touched themselves at night and this was gods punishment.

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Dont blame me, blame the USA network for the Up All Night promos doing this to my prepubescent ass.

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Based and autismpilled

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I can.

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David Arquette is a neo nazi and white supremacist

Because the nWo was played out and the WWF had turned things around and overtaken WCW again. Bookers were desperate for something attention grabbing, even if it was a long-term disaster.

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It was, until they fucked it up with too many swerves and it ended with Arquette working with Jarrett the whole time.


Arquette didn’t even want the belt.

>Because children during the 90s touched themselves at night and this was gods punishment.

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>the 2000s kids did this too so that is why Rey was WWE champ for only a couple hours before Cena took it.

No Fap starts now.

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Based and woman pilled, plus trips.


Tfw I know exactly what's up with this pic. Poor, crazy little pingu.

was he a mark for himself or was he a shoot simp?