I hope she gets SLIMED

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Other urls found in this thread:


>migos performing
>a slut with several sex tapes is there
>kids choice awards


Yeah holy shit the optics of this are horrible

it's a work ya bozos

Damn, her makeup is heinous (I swear I'm not gay).


its been like that for a while. nicki minaj was at it like 3-4 years ago and there was a big meme where she hugged a crying kid and he put his face in her cleavage and then smirked at the camera. i think most zoomers these days lose their innocence by the time theyre like 5 years old, its not really a big deal anymore.

Shes wearing more makeup then Crow Sting on her face.

Has she had a nose job as well? She looks weird as fuck.

>he thinks kids aren't full blown degenerates by the age of 10

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The only slime she'll be getting will be coming from my big black dick

How many times do I have to warn this dumb board to stop posting pictures of my wife?

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> Boreimo
Holy fucking cringe

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I dont think Michael Jackson should be at the KIDS Choice Awards....

I wish I was born a cute girl

kirino is best girl

The power of (((them)))

God I hate America so fucking much

here's the pity bump, reply and (You)

The President of Nickelodeon, (((Brian Levine))), known professionally as Brian Robbins.


What is your guys' fear of "degeneracy" genuinely curious cause i never understood that conservative stance

Had to take a second take to check if that was Paige or Ruby Riot.

No lie, why is this stupid bitch here. Can't wait for her to be released.

I’ve never had sex outside of marriage. That’s my choice. I also don’t drink or smoke or do drugs. Again, my choice.

I should be celebrated for this but society makes me a weird outcast just because I don’t have these vices.

You ugly son? You ghastly senpai?

Degredation of society, lack of social cohesion, celebration of the negative as positive

Shes so ugly, why is this literal who even there? Even faggot Cena is a better choice.

based kid

Beware the man with no vices

Damn what a miserable faggot you are


You do it waiting to be celebrated...you are a piece of shit.

Thats fucked. Even they know how bad it looks, thats why they hide behind a veil

Degeneracy isnt the problem, its normalization of more and more degenerate behavior. There will always be a fringe in society but the average is slowly degrading

Good question actually, i just read it once and it justifies all my vices to me


Why did she ruin herself

Kek kids are fucking based, not a single blackie won an award and kids voted they'd rather help animals instead of anything else. The only reason DJ Khaled won an award is because Justin Bieber was on the song

You're young. Once you hit 25, you'll see more and more of the behavior your parents warned you about, but you thought was independent and free, is indeed toxic. Build a home and fill it with your family - it is the only path to happiness.

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More like
> Y I K E S

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>migos performing
I guess it's only fitting that a group of guys in their mid-40s pretending to be teens perform on a network for pedos

It's not a fear, it's disgust. Degeneracy is weakness. I'm disgusted by the things I used to do and the person I was. It's not too late to change though. Clean your life up.

>Annie are you ok?
>Annie are you ok ?
>Are you ok Annie ?

Is this an implication that she looks like MJ friend?


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> begging to be praised for being boring
Shut up nerd. I do none of those things and don't brag about it.

t. level headed sensible user

>I deserve ass pats for being an aspie shut-in

Based user

Will paige get hugged?

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but the kid was gay


Yeah, WAS gay.

Behold the power of titties!!!!!

Isn't there already a video of her getting slimed by alberto del rio?

(((who's))) idea could this be?

Kek. At least you're honest. I think the phrase just means that the shiner the surface, the more skeletons in the closet. Of course, this may or may not be true.

They're in their mid-20s, gramps

Anyone got the pictures of children posing with Paige and the jizz belt? well you better don't have them, shits messed up.

Sure they are, Moshe.

it's whose you uneducated twat



Different user but apparently they are

Slays the orange carpet ? How? From just standing there?

You all been fucking raised on 97-08 wrasslin, talking about degeneracy Are you really that hypocritical or retarted?

She already got slimed...

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